Good morning all!
Now I may not know diddly about the non-UIL schools, mostly just because I don’t get a lot of calls from those coaches, but I am not a big fan of excuses when you lose! Come on now ChrissyG give Pasadena First Baptist some props! We can’t just blame an entire loss on one thing or another! ETHS junior college is a good team, but Westlake will give them some fits this week. I’ve been watching the film and I think they’ll be able to expose some weaknesses that you fellas have.
Oldestfanof6man, I never meant to seem like I know more than the Westbrook staff. I just wanted to put it out there that I was more than happy to help them if they needed it. I saw they gave up a lot of passing yards to Hermleigh, so I figured I’d come in and get that pass coverage nailed down for them! As a Westbrook fan, you should be thankful!
Bottompuppy, I like some of your predictions, but I got to say the Arizona Diamondbacks just called and asked me for some hitting advice… just kiddin’! Rangers in 4!
The big game against Jonasboro is coming up for my boys from May, and all I got to say is you boys better be ready for the double reverse pass first play. Even if you know it’s coming, you won’t stop it!
Have a great day boys!