
You took the time to join this site just to say that?

Yeah, he doesn't play six-man anymore but he was one of the best to do it so for him to go play 11-man, especially in his senior year of high school, is pretty noteworthy. In case you didn't notice, everyone who talks about high school football in Texas is talking about him, including Dave Campbell's Texas Football, which is probably the largest media outlet for Texas High School football. Spoiler alert, they also continually mention the fact that he's a former six-man football player.

I won't comment on the rest of your post because nothing else you said was either appropriate, or necessary, on this site.
Hey Mike spoiler alert he no longer plays six man football.
Nothing I said was inappropriate, I love this website. Is this a 6 man website or GR website?

A single thread on a player who is only recently removed from six-man football hardly makes this entire site about him.

Hey Mike spoiler alert he no longer plays six man football.

Neither do the players who have already graduated but, guess what, we're still gonna talk about them on this site too. If you don't like it, leave...

Seriously, though, please don't come on this site with the sole intention of starting crap. We get plenty of that. Either join the conversation as it was intended in this thread, find another thread to reply in, or just go back to browsing in the shadows.
Hey Mike spoiler alert he no longer plays six man football.

I guess you can’t read either ?
A single thread on a player who is only recently removed from six-man football hardly makes this entire site about him.

Neither do the players who have already graduated but, guess what, we're still gonna talk about them on this site too. If you don't like it, leave...

Seriously, though, please don't come on this site with the sole intention of starting crap. We get plenty of that. Either join the conversation as it was intended in this thread, find another thread to reply in, or just go back to browsing in the shadows.
Hey bert2769, why don’t you and Ernie go rub-a-dub-dub back down to the sesame street tub!

Leave my friend big Mike alone!

Grayson Rigdon, though not quite a Heys boy, is an absolute six man football legend! Don’t be so sassy just because nobody is talking about a has been like yourself! That’s coming from somebody that would’ve put up record breaking numbers if coach had just put me in the game!

It’s okay if you don’t have extensive six man knowledge like myself, but don’t just hop on these threads just to be sour!

Have a good day! Love you!
Great article and rooting for the kid! One of the best I have seen!

But article has a factual error in the quote from the QB...Rigdon has not broken any single game, season or career record in 6man...might have gotten a few state game records I will have to check...but "every record" ya that completely false...not any fault of GRs bc it is hard to amass stats when you only get 8 touches in a 20 min game you win by 50 for 80% or more of your career...you can be so good you cant compile stats
Watch out with that talk! Some Rigdon will come out of the wood work and give you a good cussin'.