Happy vs Richland springs

I honestly don't think either team cares because this game would never happen.
But for play time, it would be good to see


Happy won't get past Borden County in Division 1
If they played in the regular season happy would win, but if they played in the playoffs Richland would win because Happy is known for choking and not showing up in the playoffs.
OffensiveJuggernot":39vc1j85 said:
If they played in the regular season happy would win, but if they played in the playoffs Richland would win because Happy is known for choking and not showing up in the playoffs.

HAPPY choking in playoffs ?????

If you're saying, losing to Valley under Bret Tyler or losing to Borden County, or losing to Crowell in the playoffs in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th round is considered choking THEN YOU ARE A COMPLETE MO-RON.

Choking is Happy losing in the 1st round ... Which I don't recall happening recently

Offensive Juggernot

Do you know how many teams/coaches have lost to Borden County, Valley, Crowell in the Playoffs.
Losing to these PROGRAMS isn't considered CHOKING.

Happy can chalk there playoff loses to these teams.

Just curious,
What Offensive Juggernot did you come from and please don't say Benjamin or Miami
If both teams continue to win, Crowell and Valley both will have played Happy and Richland Springs. Not saying it's going to happen but it is in the range of legitimate possibilities. One of them might be able to tell you who they thought the better team was by the end of the season.
Wonder Dog":1w2zwnm7 said:
Offensive Juggernot

Do you know how many teams/coaches have lost to Borden County, Valley, Crowell in the Playoffs.
Losing to these PROGRAMS isn't considered CHOKING.

Happy can chalk there playoff loses to these teams.

Just curious,
What Offensive Juggernot did you come from and please don't say Benjamin or Miami
With the talent the Happy has had over the last few years, I find it hard to see how they don't have atleast one championship recently. They have great regular season, but they just can't win big games.
Offensive Juggernot stated:
With the talent the Happy has had over the last few years, I find it hard to see how they don't have atleast one championship recently. They have great regular season, but they just can't win big games.

Happy has had the misfortune of being in the region with Valley, Borden County, Crowell. If I recall, ALOT of teams, other than HAPPY found the coming of BASKETBALL.

I agree Happy has had ALOT of talent, but so has VALLEY, BORDEN COUNTY, CROWELL.

But when you said Happy has choked, well a choke job would be Happy losing to Paducah, Anton, Spur in the 1st round in years past and HAPPY has THROTTLED those teams in Bi-District.
Patriot Paul, Won't happen in the next two years. Valley, Crowell, and RS are all in D II this year. Happy is D I. There is a possiblility that Crowell and Valley will both get their shot at RS in the playoffs. We will see.
To Blue Bird,

It will happen this year if Valley and Crowell continue to win. Valley and Crowell have already played Happy this year. Should they continue to win Crowell will play RS in the semis and Valley in the finals. That is a big if, but is legitimately possible.