B.C. and Ira Predictions

I predict a great game that will be won by one team or the other by less than 8 points. You don't have to be a fan of either team to be geeked up about this game. Just a fan of six man football.
This is just going to be a great sixman ball game. Big rivalry game with two teams 30 miles apart. The team that makes the least amount of mistakes wins, both teams have a lot of talented players. Good luck to both teams
I want BC to lose. It doesn't matter to me if it's this week, or next week. In a perfect world, they would win tomorrow and then get 45'd by Valley in the semi's.
quentin70":26p7lkcs said:
looks like some Valley fans got the same outlook some of the W.V. fans had last week. goodluck with Meadow!!!!

Water Valley wasn't playing last week. Not sure what you mean by your statement.

Me wanting to see BC lose has nothing to do with Valley other than it would be nice, on a personal level, if Valley were the ones to beat BC and to do it by 45-ing them.
i'll take a little of that action. u'r funny. W.V. did play last week, ugh i think they played Ira!!! anyway u just keep on dreaming of 45ing B.C. cause if ur team listens to u then they'll be like watervalley and not playing next week. got meadow first, but i think u forgot bout them!!!!
quentin70":8uz6f9lg said:
i'll take a little of that action. u'r funny. W.V. did play last week, ugh i think they played Ira!!! anyway u just keep on dreaming of 45ing B.C. cause if ur team listens to u then they'll be like watervalley and not playing next week. got meadow first, but i think u forgot bout them!!!!

My bad. It's been a long week.

Other than that, I don't have a freaking clue what you are saying. I'm like WV because I want BC to lose? Or Valley is like WC because I said I would love to see Valley 45 BC?

How hard is it for you to comprehend that wanting BC to lose has absolutely nothing to do with the Valley Patriots?

Some kids should never get on the internet unsupervised.
jc_30":wpevd79j said:
you should become a teacher rainjack. You are always trying to correct everyone, get paid for it!

It would just be nice if everyone who felt like taking a swipe at me could do so without sounding illiterate.
i'm not a kid. just thought u was getting a little cocky with th 45 remark. the same way water valley was with winning state, so they thought. no biggie, i know u rule the roost here on this board. Congats to the patriots. i hope B.C. see's u next week. goodluck to the bulldogs too.
quentin70":24p2sj8p said:
i'm not a kid. just thought u was getting a little cocky with th 45 remark. the same way water valley was with winning state, so they thought. no biggie, i know u rule the roost here on this board. Congats to the patriots. i hope B.C. see's u next week. goodluck to the bulldogs too.

I don't rule anything. The Man makes sure I stay down.
Nonetheless, I still would not want to have any bets on tomorrow's game. And in the scheme of things, I really don't care who wins between Ira and BC.
Wind is blowing so hard out of the north it woke me up. So I got up and checked the weather - we are expecting gusts of up to 67 mph today.

Got me to thinking what the weather would be like at game time in Colorado City. They are expect high winds with gusts up to 68 mph.

Wind will have an effect on this game - if the weatherman is correct (and from the sounds my house is making he is).

At 50+ mph, wind has an effect on everything.