Predictions for first round div 1


Six-man fan
Miami by 20 over Nazereth
Valley by 16 over Spring lake Earth
Knox City 45 over Kress
Happy by 30 over Follett
Whiteface by 12 over Van horn
Bordon County by 45 over Ira
Westbrook by 45 over Rankin
Odonnel by 20 over Buena Vista
Gordon by 45 over Saint Jo
Milford by 10 over Penelope
Abbott by 45 over Avalon
Union hill by 20 over Bryson
Irion Co by 16 over May
Leverett by 30 over Leakey
Medina by 45 over Chester
Jonesboro by 45 over Robert Lee

These are my predictions after close consultations with the Wesp although we didn’t agree on all if them he did offer me some insight on the east teams. Thanks Wesp your are a sixman genius.
Miami over Naz by 45
Follett over Happy by 2
SE over Valley by 16
Whiteface over VH by 45
BC over Ira by 45
Westbrook over Rankin by 30
BV over O'Donnell by 45
Gordon over Saint Jo by 45
Penelope over Milford by 6
Abbott over Avalon by 45
Union Hill over Bryson by 30
IC over May by 14
Leakey over Leverett Chapel by 12
Medina over Chester by 45
Jonesboro over Robert Lee by 28
Are we doing the pick'em this year?

If so, Round 1,

Division I:
Miami over the Swifts by 38
Springlake over the Patriots by 12
KC over the Roos by 45
Follett over the not so Happy Cowboys by 8
Whiteface over Van Horn by 32
Yotes from Gail over the Dawgs of Ira by 18
Wildcats of Westbrook over the devilish boys in Rankin by 36
Longhorns from Buena over the Screamin Eagles of O'Donnell by 22
Gordon over SJ by 45
Penelope upsets Milford by 4
Abbott beats Avalon by 40
Union Hill takes down the Cowboys of Bryson by 24
May takes down the Hornets from Mertzon by 16
Leakey upsets the Lion of LC by 6
Cats from Medina beat Chester by 26
Jonesboro saws the horns off the Steers of RL by 45

Division II:
Amherst fights off the Owls by 18
Balmorehea over Loop by 22
Klondike over the Vaqueros by 45
Whitharral beats Groom by 45
Crowell tops Jayton in a dogfight by 4
Strawn wins the battle of the Greyhounds over Throck by 8
Newcastle sends the Cowboys from Woodson packin by 45
Benjamin tops Motley by 45
Kopperl upsets Oakwood by 8
Oglesby runs past the Hornets of Walnut by 45
Dragons of Iredell slay the Trojans of Calvert by 32
Bynum eats a couple Apples at the Spring of the Eagles by 42
Loraine is back over Paint Rock by 45
Zephyr shocks the Indians of Cherokee by 14
Richland tops Sidney by 24
Cats from Rising Star beat the horns of Bronte by 30
Are we doing the pick'em this year?

Yes, that's still the plan. I'd hoped to have it ready to go by this morning but I needed to code in some things to undo some changes that had been made to the database. The original plan was to have a pick 'em for the entire season but I couldn't get it figured out how to distinguish between divisions in time.

Anyways, yes, the pick 'em will open up today. Working on it as we speak!
Yes, that's still the plan. I'd hoped to have it ready to go by this morning but I needed to code in some things to undo some changes that had been made to the database. The original plan was to have a pick 'em for the entire season but I couldn't get it figured out how to distinguish between divisions in time.

Anyways, yes, the pick 'em will open up today. Working on it as we speak!
Hey Mike sorry bout that I wasn’t sure if you were going to do anything since I was a new member. So I just started it on my own . I apologize for jumping the gun. It’s the wesp fault.
Hey Mike sorry bout that I wasn’t sure if you were going to do anything since I was a new member. So I just started it on my own . I apologize for jumping the gun. It’s the wesp fault.

No, you're good. These discussions are more fun (and entertaining) than the pick 'em anyways. The pick 'em just makes it easier to see the data without the :poop:.