TAPPS D2 favorites

Cowboy trust me i understand your frustration.... luckily nonw of these games actually count for anything but stats... district is where it matters and if you film the game, and have a legit argument against the refs at that point i'm sure you can take it to TAPPS to be put under further review

just so you know though i don't think anybody thinks parkview is a bad team at all... its just granger's rankings are computer based... good luck to you guys
cowboy91":36l17k8a said:
Games without certified referees and a home grown biased clock person should not count as a win or loss. When the refereeing crew shows up in shorts and black and white shirt from Academy with no patches should not count against kids that have worked all semester only to have a group of men that say they have been doing this for 30 years and still don't know how to call a football game. If you have been doing something for 30 years why don't you belong to a legit association. And then a clock person that doesn't start the clock when the referee starts it. No reason for a high school game to end at 11:30 because a dad of one of the players is running the clock. Then when I stop and get gas the white hat pulls me over to the side and apologizes and says man y'all should have won that game. Don't tell me now it's a little to late for that. Oh well another screw job by the zebra's against Parkview.

Okay, if that's the real story, let me fill you ... and any new coaches ... in on the story.

Clock folks ... it takes time to learn how to run a clock in football. I've done it and I still screw up. Maybe you hire a ref from the chapter to run clock if it's that big of a mess.

Officials are to be assigned by mutual agreement of both schools. If you're playing at Dirty Rotten Christian Academy, you have the right to know what officials they use for their game. If you don't like them, then get another chapter. Most of the chapters use some sort of officials scheduling software and you can find out who is calling your game in advance. Remember, private school sixman is kind at the bottom of the officials seniority ladder, so don't expect the chapter to send their four best guys for your game when Big City High and Crosstown High are playing for the 5A championship that night.

Once you show up and agree to start the game with Larry, Moe, Curly, and Butch on the field, well, as the preacher says at the wedding once no one objects, "forever hold your peace." And even if the white hat was crazy enough to admit and "apologize," he shoulda kept his yap shut, too.

From what I saw, the score was 60-56. It wasn't a TAPPS school you played ... TAPPS requires that you use approved officials chapters and organizations, so it was imperative for your coaches to confirm who will be officiating at your nondistrict game. My good friends at TAPPS will be happy to comiserate over this, but unless you used a TAPPS approved officiating chapter, they're going to say, too bad, so sad -- in a somewhat more diplomatic manner than I just did.

Lemme ask you. Did your team miss a block, a tackle, blow a play that cost you a touchdown or gave the other side a score? If they didn't, congrats. If they did, well, you coulda won despite the guys wearing academy shirts. Bad refs may make it harder, but you can still win despite their efforts.
Gotta tell you a story I once was told by Edd Burleson at the TAPPS office.

Monday morning comes, and the phone rings. Parent is really upset about the rotten officiating against his school's boys team in a TAPPS basketball playoff game, which, of course, his team lost. Rants and raves, rants and raves.

Edd asks if he was satisfied with the officiating crew at the girls playoff game, also involving his school in the previous game, which his school won. Pop, of course, replies, they did a good job at that game.

Edd tells Pop that the same crew did both games.

I'm not telling you that the guys in the striped (or Academy) shirts are perfect; we really need more men and women to step forward and become officials ... but it is what it is. On the whole, the organized chapters (TASO and some of the better independent groups, such as AOA [VB/BB in San Antonio] and Coach Kidwell's group in DFW) do a very good job.

As a coach and athletic administrator, it is your job to confirm that qualified groups call your games, home or away. When you don't, stuff happens.
OK ok I agree, with most of what you said, but after sitting in the stands for over 20 years and watching my kids and other kids play I am now just a fan and have always been a Pacer fan. I have watched them win and lose. I was appauled at what I watched on Friday night in Mineral Wells Texas. The refs had no clue what they were doing. They did not know half of the basic football rules and made several wrong calls. Yes our team did miss a block or two but that does not make up for all the mistakes and the bias of the officials. The ref on the home side and we could see him well because the field had one side of bleechers was constantly overriding the other 3 officials when the coach would tell him too. The coach would yell something and then there comes the flag. After that the fef and coach would laugh with each other and kid around. PCA was well in charge of the game until several calls on bogus plays gave the other team the advantage.

I understand when you show up and start the game you agree to use the officials but after you drive two and a half hours what are you going to do when they have said that they use certified officials do you pack up and go home. So all the fans and the kids who are ready to play just go home. Sorry but it does not work like that. What we as fans expect is that we will get to a game and there will be officials be it good or bad that at least act professional and know the rules. These officials did neither, from not knowing basic rules to going into a five minute tyrade on one of our coaches, to the official on the home side running across the field and overturning calls made on the opposite side and screaming at our coaches from across the field. I have no clue where they were from but those four guys should never referee a game again.

Whoever sent those officials should give the money back to the school that paid them and pay all the visiting teams expenses for having to endure what they put us and the kids through. You can sit on this board and judge but you were not there I was and it was worse than I have described.
tepryde":1arsuuc8 said:
dont play them again, and let the coach or administration know why.

Wise advice, Brother Robert.

As an AD, I had a list in my head of a growing handful of schools that I refused to schedule for various reasons. And some of those reasons were good ones. Cancelling games and not showing up was among the deadliest of sins that got you on that list. Stealing my kids was another ...
TAPPS as told us that once the games begins, you agree to the officials. This is why it is important if are in doubt of the type of officials you will get, then you need to ask prior to the game or if you show up and are really object to the officials, I guess you could refuse to start the game, with that comes ramifications also.

But once the game begins, regardless of sport, TAPPS considers the officials to be agreed upon by both teams, regardless of what happens.

Now, you can complain and TAPPS will deal with the school that hired uncertified officials but only with regards to future games.
cowboy91":2f4pztd1 said:
Games without certified referees and a home grown biased clock person should not count as a win or loss.

The great thing about our district is that we have to use TASO cert refs. Like seguinlifegate said, all that really matters is district, and you guys have turned some heads. You definitely have everyone's attention.
FalconCoach":1697k7wc said:
cowboy91":1697k7wc said:
Games without certified referees and a home grown biased clock person should not count as a win or loss.

The great thing about our district is that we have to use TASO cert refs. Like seguinlifegate said, all that really matters is district, and you guys have turned some heads. You definitely have everyone's attention.

Okay, we're going off topic, but that's okay.

Folks, in the next couple months, you will be organizing new TAPPS districts.

It is imperative that you set the district groundrules at your organizing meeting to avoid problems later. I always had our districts have WRITTEN rules, signed off by the AD, principal and pastor of each school (that way, when Coach Skedaddle took off, no one could say, "we didn't know that").

Rule 1 is that in any conflict between district and TAPPS rules, TAPPS rules apply.

Rule 2 is the district tie breaker formula. Have three or four steps before you go to a coin flip.

Rule 3 was our district "don't rat on your friends" rule; it said that you could not give a scouting report or film on any district team to a playoff opponent.

Rule 4 was to designate the acceptable officiating chapters for district games. **

Rule 5 was to designate the official football for district games (same as TAPPS designated game balls; we figured if you were going to have to play with it in the state finals, you may as well get used to it now).

There was also a cancellation rule; I think it went something like that all schools had to confirm their participation for that season no later than 30 days prior to the first day of practice; after that, you were subject to a cancellation fee per district game; as well as some other rules. I think I have a copy of this historic document somewhere on the computer for anyone who is foolish enough to request it...

** I know of a UIL 5A district (basketball) a few years back that decided they did not want to use their local TASO chapter (not sure of the reason) for varsity district games. They ended up "importing" officials for those games from Houston and Waco chapters; a ref might get as much as $200-300 a game inclduing travel vs. about $100 for a local varsity ref.
OK don't get me wrong, we missed tackles, we dropped balls, we missed open holes, we blew coverages, I mean we made mistakes we shouldn't have. We lost the game Friday night. I am not making excuses at all for our ball team. No reason they should have even been in that game. One of our top defenders was out with the flu and was only used when he felt like going in and our top guy went out with a knee injury in the first quarter and was used sparingly in the second half. But the troops rallied and hung in there and lost on the last play of the game. But I just needed to vent as a referee tells me as I am pumping gas, and my wife heard him and I think she was just as hot about it as I was, tell me my guys should have won the game and he was sorry. Like I said we are way past that now and have a great inner-city game this week with Live Oak. Probably down one player with the knee injury, not going to force anything with a non-district game and a bye week the following week. A good two weeks rest will make him ready for Duncanville and a district opener. But I didn't want things to get misunderstood, not complaining because we lost, although it sounded a lot like it, just needed to vent about the referee's.
bigred507":5787wzy9 said:
who the favorites know after week 4?????????????????
1. Freddy????????
2. ?????

Huh? is right. I'm not going to count Freddy out just yet; I won't believe that dynasty ain't gonna be dead until I attend the funeral and help toss dirt into the grave, because there still may be some life there, and now those guys are getting upset with themselves and may want to take it out on a couple folks, especially us poor souls in district. ...

But you have to look at Brenham Christian and Dallas Tyler Street as well as Christway. And there is always room for some new players ...
haha i love bigred's enthusiasm.... some people love their team... freddy very well could win it again... i just hope you don't have to go to a therapist if they don't.... start opening you're mind to alternative outcomes at state... there are so many good teams this year that ANY four can be in the final four
wow wow wow. are you tellin me someone else could win state besides freddy?? haha. i think they could after they get done with the hells hall of non district teams there playin. buuut im picking Brenham to win it all.
Brenham is an excellent choice. But, there are alot of teams who feel they have just as good a shot as Brenham. I would say as many as 5-6 teams could make it to the finals. The bracket will determine alot. Lets see how it plays out.