TAPPS D2 favorites

Kramer said:
As far as kids sitting out a year, I THINK that only refers to student/athletes not related to the coach that has moved..
At the risk of sounding like a lawyer at the bar (and we're talking scotch-and-soda bar), I believe the TAPPS rule (again, I haven't checked chapter and verse lately) is that the coach's kid(s), which would include situations of legal guardianship are eligible to play for the coach if the coach moves.

But everything else is speculation. And you guys KNOW I don't allow stuff like that on this board (by the way, I'm going to be gone next week and I TRUST you'll all behave ...)

Lemme tell you a story, really happened, and nearly tested the rule. Girls buckets coach leaves TAPPS member school A for TAPPS member school B. No problem, happens all the time. Except that coach's SISTER played for her at school A and transferred to school B; by the way, the kid was a real competitor on the court and for this level of play, was pretty darn good. My friend was leaving school B as AD at the time, and he advised school B's administration that she couldn't play for her sister, the new head coach, under this rule. But they hired her and took the sister as a transfer.

Fortunately for the girl and the school, TAPPS member school A closed during that summer and she was now eligible since the other exception is the closing of the original school.

Which reminds me, you could always tell how "important" the game against that Coach's team was by the height of the high heels the lady coach wore to the game. If she was wearing the stillettos coming into the gym, you knew you had a fight on your hands. If she wore flats, well, your team probably wasn't very good ...
Lets put a stop to all the rumors and get back to the subject at hand. I also believe Tyler Street should be ranked no less than 2nd or 3rd in the preseason rankings. I believe they are not losing any players from last years team. Is this true?
District 2 is going to be tough next year...Freddy is always the team to be measured by and should be the odds on favorite, but after that the District 2 champ should make some noise...

#2 should be Tyler Street... loses none of their key players for the next season, and they have a great coach.
#3 should be Christway...really only loses the Linn kid as a major contributor, and made it to the champ game last season.

Brenham and Arlington Fellowship could make some noise too.
With Christway losing their coach next year, that could potentially be devestating to their program. It all depends on who they get to coach them next year, and if any kids leave the school when their coach leaves. Its an unfortunate situation for sure.
Christway losing Coach O'Connor is going to be very tough on that team. I made the previous post before checking the other messages on the board. I can only hope and pray for both Coach and the school that the best comes from the situation, but needless to say he was the soul of that team.

With that information, Tyler Street should really be the favorite in district 2 next year. They are in their second year in the system, fast, and athletic...they'll be the team to beat for sure.
I don't know what Freddy lost.
I do know that Tyler Street will be VERY GOOD.

Talk around the Div. II woods has it that Coach Ware is headed to Alvin Living Stones with his nephew.
If this is true, Alvin Living Stones will be a very tough out....
This just in,
Coach Ware has taken the Alvin Living Stones position.
This may be very interesting come August.

I think Alvin will be in contention. The key is if Ward will stay in the private ranks or go UIL
Wonder Dog":2vqtri07 said:
This just in,
Coach Ware has taken the Alvin Living Stones position.
This may be very interesting come August.

I think Alvin will be in contention. The key is if Ward will stay in the private ranks or go UIL

For you sports fans that missed the note on another topic, Coach Ware informs us that his nephew plans to attend Synder HS back up north and play crowded field football.

We wish both Coach Ware and his nephew God's care and providence in their new pursuits (except, of course, it would be expected that in a game against our team and Coach Ware's that God would, as expected, root for us ...)

... now excuse me as I step aside and try to miss the unexpected bolt of lightening ...
Got a PM from ALSFAN,
I've been informed that ALS will start their Spring Football on May 11-21.
He will let me know if Ward is in attendance or not.

I guess that will answer alot of questions/speculation/rumors
New here- first post! Been lurking for few years and finally decided to join in on the friendly banter.

In my opinion, y'all better keep your eye on Brenham. They are tough, physical, and are returning most of their semi-final team from last year. They are very well coached and play together as a TEAM. They will also have a chip on their shoulder to make amends for their one loss last season. Unfortunately, because of the brackets, Brenham and Freddy will probably meet in the semis again this year knocking out one of the best teams in the State. I like Brenham or Freddy in the State game.

Duncanville or Tyler Street, that is the big question this year. Can Duncanville survive losing their coach? They have fantastic athletes and speed. Tyler Street also has athletes (fewer?) and speed. Which one will rise to the top this season? I like one of these two in the State game.

I see Alvin Living Stones improving this year but not miraculous improvement. What team wouldn't if Ward is as good as they say? One hit wonders, or one player teams, don't get far come playoff time.


I believe you are 100% correct with Freddy and Brenham. I know what Duncanville Christway and Dallas Tyler Street can do.

I remember back in 2006 I informed everyone about a horrible team called Dickinson Pine Drive who was 3-27 in (2002-2005) and Since then has been 25-10.

I'm not saying living stones will win a state title, but I do see them making the TAPPS playoffs.
Seeing how Duncanville survives the loss of their coach will be interesting. We all know they have tremendous athletes, but athletes alone don't guarantee a successful team. This is why I'm leaning towards Tyler Street as District 2 Champions. Consistency is HUGE at this level. I believe that's why the traditional powehouses (Freddy, Greenville, Rockwall) continue to win. They have consistency in coaching, consistency in ideals, consistency in preparation for each game.

My top 5 would be:

1. Freddy/Brenham
3. Tyler Street
4. Duncanville
5. Arlington Fellowship

Others to keep on the radar: SA Towneast, Brownwood Victory, WF Notre Dame, Bellville Faith, Seguin Lifegate, Alvin Living Stones.
I let yal in a little something if K WARD goes to living stones they have as good as chances as anyone to win the title. If you saw him play this season, you aint seen nothing yet. He is bigger, stronger, and faster. Also having Coach Ware as your coach aint that bad either. He was in my opinion the best player in TAPPS SIXMAN FOOTBALL. Now with one year under his belt. Freddy just might get knocked off this upcoming season. If you have not seen this kid play any sport your missing out.
We'll see where Town East fits in with the top teams this year, we will be playing 3 of last years final four teams, along with scrimmaging the other one. Town East is not losing any starters from last years team, but considering we went 4-5 and lost in the first round of the playoffs, that might not necessarily be a good thing. :lol: We will have a solid team this year if we don't lose anybody over the summer, some of you know how that is. we had a great spring practice, I am looking forward to seeing what next season brings.
My two darkhorse picks would be Lifegate and Arl. Fellowship. Both of these teams have tremendous speed and great coaches. Have a great summer guys. Hope to see ya at the clinics.
I still maintain that a TEAM beats a one-horse wonder. If the main threat is shut down, or at least limited, there must be others to pick up the slack. Look what Freddy did to Duncanville in the State game. Look what Temple did to Pine Drive last year.

IF Ward attends Living Stones there must be a supporting cast around him in order for them to be a successful and advance far into the playoffs. I believe Coach Ware was in the process of building that supporting cast at Pine Drive prior to his leaving. Seeing what he will do at ALS will be intriguing. Does ALS have current athletes to compliment Ward? Will ALS get a few move-ins? Will Ward go to Snyder?

Put October 16 on your calendars as ALS will face-off against Brenham. This will be a true test if the TEAM of Brenham can shut down Ward/ALS.
Well if Ward is a great player then he is certainly learning to be a leader (even though he's a sophomore) so what it will come down to is if he can makes the other players around him better.
Seguin- I would say that Granger has it about right.
1- Brenham
2- Tyler Street
3- Christway
4- Freddy
5- Lifegate
6-Town East (any of these Dist. 5 teams could win the district, it will be a good district race.)
7- Christ the King
8- Arl. Fellowship
9- Brownwood Victory Life
10- Balch Springs
I still believe Parkview is a team that could sneak up on somebody, they are looking good.
I agree 100%

especially on the close games in district 5 play And waco parkview has not been blown out.... i think in their next couple of games they figure out how to finish and become a huge contender... and as for those top other teams, i honestly feel like whoever brings their A game wins that night in any of those match-ups..
Games without certified referees and a home grown biased clock person should not count as a win or loss. When the refereeing crew shows up in shorts and black and white shirt from Academy with no patches should not count against kids that have worked all semester only to have a group of men that say they have been doing this for 30 years and still don't know how to call a football game. If you have been doing something for 30 years why don't you belong to a legit association. And then a clock person that doesn't start the clock when the referee starts it. No reason for a high school game to end at 11:30 because a dad of one of the players is running the clock. Then when I stop and get gas the white hat pulls me over to the side and apologizes and says man y'all should have won that game. Don't tell me now it's a little to late for that. Oh well another screw job by the zebra's against Parkview.