

Six-man fan
Well, I don't knowd whut the rest of yew think, but I done think thiz iz agoin' to be a close game. Them Bobcats looks plenty tuff to me. That #18 iz all-world. He iz like a one-man team.

Whut bout yew Newcastle fellers out thare, whut do yew done think?
Goob, nice job of trying to make Newcastle think they have a chance. RS will win this game easily and the next one also.
Goob I spect u'z right. Newcastle plays a much more solid and than Jonesboro and has twice the speed. They will be missing their star on defense, but that team will be no walk in the park. Ima take Richland by 10.
Well, I don't knowd whut the rest of yew think, but I done think thiz iz agoin' to be a close game. Them Bobcats looks plenty tuff to me. That #18 iz all-world. He iz like a one-man team.

Whut bout yew Newcastle fellers out thare, whut do yew done think?
Ol goob u speek the truth I think them boys are pretty salty myself.
It matters not to me who you root for, I've rooted for underdogs myself in the past. But having seen both teams play, I don't see the bobcats holding their own with the coyotes......... Have you ever seen what a pack of coyotes can do to an animal? If you haven't, then get ready...........I still think the dye has soaked in to deep.
I don't knowd, I done think yew fellers iz undersellin' that #18. He iz the reel deal. Shoot, he mite even be able to take 'em all on by hissef. He iz that good. He done looks like a POY canderdate to me.
I sure wish they would have changed this game to Saturday around lunch or whatever time its least likely to be raining! What effect do you think the weather may have on this game? I know both teams have to play in it so it supposedly doesn't favor either team. If in fact it is rainiing turnovers could be numerous. RS has been really good about controlling turnovers, I hope it continues!

Someone probably already mentioned it.....but I am favor of going to Jerry's World and closing the roof!