Rankings are rigged

you are right these men have nothing to do but irritate you with ratings. And they love t-rock… why don’t you read how the grangers toy and petes system works before you pull something out of your --- (mouth)
Coachtim, I could start off with some pithy comment on how 5A football is so similar to 6man, but we all know there are a few minor differences. . . But I think I will address where and why he two schools are at currently.
Overall ranking All Teams UIL to independents the system has Azle Christian at 49th and Lucas Christian at 47th.
I had to start somewhere when determining a power rating for all teams, and I had limited knowledge of most of the non-uil teams. My major source of info was Dave Campbell’s football mag. So I start with a power ranking and compared to each team they face. The out come infers that the ranking must be to high , just right, or to low and I make an adjustment for the next week. It should get better if the teams are better than I gave them credit for.
Lucas started 26.53 -> 45.49 -> 52.49 ->75.17
Week 0 Lucas wasn’t the fav but won + 18.96
Week 1 Luca was fav and exceeded the margin predicted + 7
Week 2 Lucas wasn’t the fav but won + 22.68

The amount of change is determined by how different the delta between forecast and actual margin of victory. A team can actually lose and go up in power. Say team a has a 20 rating and they play team b with a 120, the margin should be around 100 points but if the game ends with team b winning by 1 point the adjustment is
1. Team is is much better than a 20 they go up
2. Team b isn’t as good as a 120 they go down

As the weeks go by, the power rate for a team should move towards a rate that is consistent with the opponents and the forecast margin should approximate the actual margin. Only question I have is why I started Lucas at 26.53 that is an arbitrary choice I made based on something from July. If I had started them at a 70 then they would most likely be ranked up around 100 and in the top 10.

What I plan to do after this weeks games is to take the new power rankings and go back and plug them into the starting powers and run the games forward, this should adjust the rankings to be pretty close to accurate.

Hope this helps explain what the system is supposed to be doing.
panther_raw":24sulnwt said:
Don't yal agree
I agree! I think (insert your team name here) should be ranked over Throck. In fact, Throck should be dead last.
Granger is a member of the illuminatti and they love Throck & hate your team. It's an international conspiracy to destroy your sanity. (BTW it wasn't aliens that did the "probe" on you. It was Granger's friends)
Now, on a serious note, the rankings mean nothing. I complain about them every week, but I do it for fun. Toughen up, put your big-boy pants on & quit worrying about rankings. If you need something to do to pass the time, read "in general". It's in sixman football talk. It'll help you understand things better or drive you insane. Either way HAVE FUN!
That's what sixman is all about!!!!
i cant wait for all the scores to come in so we can have these two systems to spit out byt the information fed will spit out a new ranking list
There's football games and MMA on TV and you guys are on here griping about someone griping about the rankings?

It's pretty sad when someone from the panhandle has to tell someone(s) to get a life.
I can't do the goobonics, but I'll do my best impersonation.

Dear Kitty Cat with the Raw A$$,

Did the refs cheat you too? Are you still sitting in the corner sucking your thumb? Instead of crying about your rankings, cry to mommy loud enough that she'll change your diaper and powder your a$$. That should make you feel better.

Hugs and kisses,
The old, fat baldheaded fart.

And Throck and Richland Springs are both better than yours.
@ Old, Fat, Bald and Grumpy, why do you find the need to always be so rude with your posts? People post on this website for fun and amusement for the most part, but you act like your the only one that has an opinion that matters. Its obvious you are from West Texas because those are the only teams you EVER give any credit too. Panther_Raw, don't let something this a** (as he likes to write in his posts), says get you down, there are alot of people that share your opinion of Throckmorton. Good luck to your panthers, you have a couple of pretty salty teams in your district, probably one of the tougher districts in the state. Im hoping to make the Abbott-Aquilla showdown later this season, probably the 2 teams who will advance this year to the playoffs out of Dist.14. Whoever advances, I hope they beat Throckmorton (if they make it that far), nothing against Throck, just get tired of the same ole BS from OFBGA!!!!
Wow 6manfan3,
you know so much
for being here such a short time.

Not sure,
but you just might fit in.

(my team still rules)