Coaching Carousel

I will have to admit to being surprised that Rigdon was named AD. I "heard" this last winter that he was not happy with the emphasis placed on off season football over basketball. I have no doubt that will change now that he is AD. The real question is: Will this effect their overall football program down the road?
If a basketball coach is athletic director you can count on football going south . He is in it for basketball and will make sure basketball is number 1 . That’s anywhere that has there basketball coach as AD. I understand he is head football coach but I think that’s just a fill in spot . At least it’s not like some school that have the basketball coach as athletic director and is a assistant to the head football or not even coach football at all . That’s where programs fall apart
One _pac2018":1qw21foz said:
If a basketball coach is athletic director you can count on football going south . He is in it for basketball and will make sure basketball is number 1 . That’s anywhere that has there basketball coach as AD. I understand he is head football coach but I think that’s just a fill in spot . At least it’s not like some school that have the basketball coach as athletic director and is a assistant to the head football or not even coach football at all . That’s where programs fall apart

Highly disagree with this statement. The prime example would be White Deer. Their athletic director is the girls basketball coach and their football program has done nothing but succeed in recent years.
Okay let me rephrase that at most schools it is like that. I guess white deer and a couple of others are blessed. In my eyes head football coach should always be athletic director . My opinion
How does a college baseball coach in Florida wind up being a coach in little Richland Springs? Does he have family ties to the area or just stick a pin in the map and head West? Did he bring some difference makers with him? Maybe Rigdon will schedule more competitive teams than his predecessors! Playing and beating Austin Royals, San Marcos Hill Country, Methodist Children's certainly pads the win-loss record but doesn't prove anything. I haven't seen any of those the "Best is yet to Come" proclamations lately either. Just asking?
Have you looked at White Deer's Volleyball workouts? No, because they don't have any. What about Softball? Oops, don't have that either. So, I can assure you that the AD/GBB coach does not really care about how the Football Coach sets up his boys off season workouts. Reason being... He doesn't get fired based on the Football or Boy's Basketball record. AD/Boy's Basketball Coach: Much different story.

You are not comparing Apples vs. Apples.
Blue Bird":2wsc6xek said:
I will have to admit to being surprised that Rigdon was named AD. I "heard" this last winter that he was not happy with the emphasis placed on off season football over basketball. I have no doubt that will change now that he is AD. The real question is: Will this effect their overall football program down the road?
The only way this RS football program will stay alive is if he brings in a certain assistant coach to help. That’s his only hope. First off, not many coaches want to coach along side him due to his behavior, outbursts and complete lack of professionalism. I have personally talked to 9 different six man coaches in the past 16 hours who have been around Rigdon or have had encounters with him or seen the videos on social media, and not one can fathom what is possibly going thru RS ISD’s mind by allowing that man to take over their program. I’m sorry, but RS got this one completely wrong. It’s a shame. Yes he has kids that are supposedly extraordinary athletes and they probably bring a lot to the table sports wise. But, RS didn’t have to sell their souls to get them to stay.
Dmlancast is Sunni Tipton. The wife of ex-Richland Springs Head Coach Thomas Tipton. She is a bitter person whom was fired this past January from the school for reasons I do not know. I have lived in Richland since the pair moved over from Goldthwaite. She has been causing drama since her first day. Thomas has had his career majorly altered because of the actions of his own wife. It seems she needs to shut up and leave this town alone because as a citizen I believe SHE is the main and only reason her husband is no longer AD. So shut up Sunni and leave the town alone. Be a good little sixman fan and keep your slander to yourself.
I think Richland made a mistake not even trying to get Jerry back. At the same time we have a proven college coach taking the helm. How many six man schools can say that? Richland finally drained the swamp of mediocrity they've accumulated the past two years, I can't wait to see what happens friday nights.
Richland Faithful":uyf2nuv8 said:
Dmlancast is Sunni Tipton. The wife of ex-Richland Springs Head Coach Thomas Tipton. She is a bitter person whom was fired this past January from the school for reasons I do not know. I have lived in Richland since the pair moved over from Goldthwaite. She has been causing drama since her first day. Thomas has had his career majorly altered because of the actions of his own wife. It seems she needs to shut up and leave this town alone because as a citizen I believe SHE is the main and only reason her husband is no longer AD. So shut up Sunni and leave the town alone. Be a good little sixman fan and keep your slander to yourself.

This is hilarious!!!! I do know Sunni Tipton personally but I can promise you I am not her. Wrong gender there little buddy! But you need to watch real close who you accuse and attempt to throw under the bus Because you’re on here doing the exact thing that you’re claiming “she” is doing. Class act here folks!
I can assure you this isn't "Rigdon". The email Sunni is referring to "jrigdon619" is the personal email of Coach Wesley Rigdon his son who works at the school. I requested information on Dave Campbells be sent to him so that they can update the head coaching change. What a sick woman you are. Down right delusional to keep attacking people like some cornered animal. You are very sad. What do you look to gain?
Yea and OJ won in court also. 12 Plus people filed complaints against him. I’m positive I wouldn’t put my kids under his supervision. But hey maybe 12+ people all lied, maybe he’s a great guy. Let’s put him in a position of mentor ship for kids at the most impressionable time of their life. What’s the worst that could happen?
Yep make sure you win those football games, throw that being a good educator on the back burner. “I don’t have any life skills and couldn’t complete a semester of college but we won state!” -former Coyote

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