6 man History

High Plains Drifter":6q33hxlr said:
Two things, Gunter must have been tougher than a two dollar steak with that lineup. 5-1-2 Wow. Second, now I know what is wrong with Savanna, Kyle Mosley must have run over him a number of times. Just saying.

I think they must have played a few unauthorized 8 man games that year.....
Add to 3A former 6 man

Emory Rains - probably in the 1940's. I have only one game for them in 1948 and no more until 1954 when they were 11 man.
1953 Forsan Buffaloes




SavannahSixManFan":25ed8xch said:
Dang, I'm a lot purdier on page 41... Rochelle 1972 aka # 45, pics 1/2 of 3. Age 15 40 years ago, mah bones ache athinking about we used to do two-a-days in the Texas heat...

You know, that seems to be true. Just today, I got sent a picture of a old high school classmate (he graduated in 1973, I in 1974). Seems he's had a very successful career as a high school basketball coach in the Milwaukee area and his son, who now plays in the NBA, donated $100K to the school for a new basketball court in his parents' honor. Funny how the guy looks a lot older than when I knew him 40 years ago.

How's that song go ... "Everyone's different, I haven't changed..."
A little tidbit from the Big Spring Herald on Borden County's first ever football victory.

Big Spring Herald 9/20/53

Gail Coyotes Score First
Win In School's History
GAIL, Sept 19—Borden County's High School's six-man football
team scored the first victory in the school's history when the Coyotes
routed the Loop Longhorns, 46-0, here Friday night.

The game marked the coaching debut of Paul Mosley at Gail.
E. L. Franklin passed to Shorty Farmer for 40 yards and the first
touchdown, then ran 35 yards for a third Gall tally. Farmer got back
in the scoring column with a five yard jaunt.

Franklin later passed to Donald Reddell for 35 yards and a score
and a pass from Farmer to Borden Reeder, good for 75 yards, accounted
for the last Coyote TD. Franklin made two extra points, Farmer one and Reddell the other.
The Coyotes scored 13 points in the first quarter, 13 in the second
and 14 in the third.

Loop made, only one serious threat and that following an intercepted
pass against the Gail subs. Coach Mosley used all 13 of his players.
Glenn Kingston, Marvin Franklin and Lonnie Doyle stood out
on defense for Gail.
Another little tidbit from the BS Herald on Courtney dropping football in the 1951 season.

Eagles Withdraw From District 8
KNOTT, Sept. 22. —
The Knott-Courtney six-man football game,
scheduled to be played here Friday
night, did not take place because
Courtney withdrew from competition.

Courtney officials said only seven
boys were out for the team.
Several of the lads who had been
counted on moved to Stanton.

Knott's next District Seven game
will be Friday in Loop.
OOPS! Got caught......From the BS Herald

Eagles Forfeit District Games

Ackerly's Eagles, favorites in
District Seven six-man football,
have forfeited games to Flower
Grove and Dawson because they
used an ineligible player in those

The youth whose eligibility was
questioned was Joe Don Zant.

Records showed he had been in
high, school five years. Zant was a
standout back for the Eagles, having
paced Ackerly to both their
wins in district competition.

The executive committee of District
Seven met Thursday night and
called the Texas Interscholastic
League in Austin before making a
final decision on the matter.
An article from the BS Herald again in 1970 on Flower Grove re-starting football again in 6 man after dropping the sport in 1967.

Dragons Signal Return To Wars With Victory

The Flower Grove Dragons made
their return to the football wars,
after an absence of three years,
an auspicious one at Southland
Friday evening.

They drubbed Southland
convicingly, 33-7, and had two
other early scoring chances
rubbed out by a fumble and
a penalty.

The charges of Harold Ross,
despite inexperience, piled up
20 points before Southland got
on the board. It was strickly
a Flower Grove contest after
the intermission with a TD in
the third and two in the fourth.
Kelso opened the scoring in
the initial quarter on a 10-yard
pass from David Pribyla.

Jimmy Ross rammed in the
next score from the three in
the second quarter but
Southland bounced back with
Jerry Winterrowd circling right
end, reversing and dancing
through a broken field for his
team's lone score. Tim Beavers
added the point.

Garza got the third-quarter
score with a five yard run
around right end, and Jimmy
Ross took in the extra point
(in six-man ball, a pass or run
counts one, and a kick two
points). Ross also slipped
around right end from the four
for the next TD, and added the
point. Garcia rambled 60 yards
up the middle for the last
counter and Ross eased off left
end for the extra point.

Flower Grove entertains tough
Bula here Friday evening.
And now, a moment of silence for these old 6 man schools that are no longer in business.

The 6 man Ghost League

Ackerly Eagles
Alanreed Longhorns
Avery Bulldogs
Barksdale Billy Goats
Barstow Bears
Blessing Cardinals
Bradshaw Coyotes
Bula Bulldogs
Camp Wood Wildcats
Carbon Wolverines
Carlton Tigers
Centennial Bulldogs
China Lions
Comyn Bearcats
Courtney Eagles
Dale Mustangs
Desdemona Porkers
Devers Tigers
Dickens Owls
Divide Trojans
Dodson Mustangs
Dowdy Broncs
Dowell Buldogs
Draw Longhorns
Emhouse Pirates
Eola Eagles
Fairy Tigers
Flat Yellow Jackets
Flomot Longhorns
Flower Grove Dragons
Fluvanna Buffaloes
Goree Wildcats
Harwood Hornets
Hobbs Panthers
Honey Island
Indian Rock
Kelton Indians
Knott Hill Billies
Kosse Greyhounds
Kyle Panthers
Lawn Longhorns
London Loboes
Lueders Pirates
Markham Mustangs
Marquez Yellow Jackets
Masonic Home Mighty Mites
Mattson Hornets
McAdoo Eagles
McCaulley Eagles
Medicine Mound
Megargel Mustangs
Melvin Bulldogs
Millersview Longhorns
Mobeetie Hornets
Morse Hornets
Mozelle Mustangs
Norton Eagles
Novice Hornets - the most recent victim of declining enrollments
O'Brien Bulldogs
Odell Cowboys
Oklahoma Lane Cowboys
Oklaunion Cardinals
Old Glory Pirates
Olden Hornets
Orchard Badgers
Ovalo Eagles
Pawnee Indians
Peacock Peafowls
Pearl Dragons
Pettit Eagles
Pickton Hornets
Pottsville Bobcats
Powell Panthers
Pringle Cougars
Putnam Panthers
Pyote Panthers
Pyron Eagles
Richland Indians
Roaring Springs Yellow Jackets
Rochester Steers
Sagerton Eagles
Spade Longhorns
Sparenburg Yellow Jackets
Streetman Hornets
Sutherland Springs Frogs
Sylvester Cardinals
Talpa Owls
Talpa-Centennial Rams
Three Way Eagles
Toyah Buffaloes
Turnersville Buffaloes
Tuscola Tigers
Uhland Kangaroos
Union - at least three different schools named Union played 6 man
Vera Pilots
Wallis Steers
Weinert Bulldogs
Wellman Wildcats
Westminster Trojans
Hope may not be totally lost for some of these old high schools. in the last 3-4 years both Darrouzett and Mount Calm re-constituted their high schools.