6 man History

The 1941 Santa Fe Indians 6 man team. This is now a 5A school

1957 Kyle Panthers. Their last non-district game with Harper was their last 6 man game ever. This district which consisted of Kyle, Pflugerville, Prairie Lea, Nordheim, Hutto, and Smiley played the UIL's experimental 8 man season for district play, but played 6 man for the bi-district and regional playoff games.




SavannahSixManFan":3rvrtcxq said:
Another thing about the reunions Bearkat, small schools kin have them at somebody’s house don’t have to git a giant hotel or coliseum like they do in the big towns

No kidding!!

Hell the last 3 GC class of 1974 reunions have been impromptu affairs after funerals for our parental units. Most of our kids are grown now, so a small building can accomodate all of us.