

Six-man fan
Well, I wuz thinkin' bout jest how hard them Coyotes wuz aworkin' to get ready fer the season. Yew knowd, the season opener gainst Bradychelle iz jest days away. It made me think bout the work I done been doin' the last few weeks--sellin' watermelons. Folks love, love, love them some watermelon. I done been down in Llano sellin' melons and I have found many interestin' folks, but none as interestin' as 27 Germans and 1 Greek ridin' motorsickles through Llano last Sunday. They wuz all leathered up and lookin' fer coffee and donuts (or maybe it wuz strudel, idknowd), but anywayz I done got to talkin' to some of them and some of them German gals wuz reel friendly and wuz awantin' to autograph my boat oar, so I done let 'em. And then I got to talkin' with thiz one feller and done asked him whut he done to make a lil scratch and he said, "I am the executive VP for Marketing, Audi Europe." And then he done asked me whut I done did fer a livin' and I tole him, "I done sell watermelons."