Food for thought. Coincidence? My opinion is no. WV went 10-0 last season in 2010. Handled it with no trash talking all season. Kids were so excited to move on to bi-district. Very upseting loss in week 11 to a Rankin team that they had beat earlier in year. Handled it with true sportsmanship and no trash talking. Lets move along to 2011. 1-0,2-0,3-0,4-0,5-0,6-0,7-0,8-0,9-0, and 10-0 to finish 2nd season in a row undefeated. No trash talking or out of line posts all year. Folks, I ask you to please understand, I am not formating it this way to brag. That would be plain ignorant at this point. I am trying to make a point that this smack talk did not begin until last week leading up to the WV vs Fort Davis game. Why on earth would kids, parents, fans, that have shown discipline for 2 complete season's start the crap that began last week? Seriously? It makes no sense. I have not bought it from the beginning. As a matter of fact, the regular WV posters on here are adults, WV parents and fans. I know most of them. They have supported their kids and team, communicating with weekly opponents in a respectful way. One could go back to the WV-Fort Davis thread (when it suddenly began) and look at posters, sign up dates, times between postings, and who MAY be inciting conflict, and those who may be pushing it. They may very well be one in same. It is obvious the below members sign up dates and times are concerning, but even more, go back and look at last weeks FT Davis-WV thread, take a look at this weeks Ira-WV thread. Who does paulbunyan/WV Player/WVAxman root for? Take particular notice how one dishes and one feeds. Again, coincidence? There seems to be one other member that gets in the dance as well, but it may be innocent so I will leave that be. If these kids are being sabotaged after all their hard work, humble attitudes, and great sportsmenship, well, it just don't get much worse than that. What I speak is true, if you don't know these kids you have no ground to kick dirt on them. I'm thinking stud in black may have been over the top so no post, WVPlayer is definitely more to the point and perceived target. paulbunyan have anything to do with an ax? AXMAN....thats for sure.
19807....Stud in black........Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:32 pm.....0 post.........11-man
19808....WV Player............Tue Nov 08, 2011 6:41 pm....19 post........11-man
19809....paulbunyan..........Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:26 am....18 post........11-man
19813....WVAxMan............Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:35 pm.....5 post.........11-man
Coincidence? Not in my opinion.