Water Valley vs. Ira

My thoughts on the WV vs Ira --- I'm neutral, wasn't going for either team, just expecting to see some good sixman ball

Perhaps I'm old school sixman and believe that you should always play your best six (It's the playoffs). These kids can go all 4 quarters nonstop from beginning to end. i.e Ira playing their best six on both side of the ball all game long.

What i saw in Blackwell Friday night is something I've never seen before in sixman ball. WV exchanging 3-4 player per play of Offense. Was WV depth really that good to be able to exchange that many player in per play? I didn't think so...... Was the WV coach expecting Ira to get tired? I believe he was....I think had WV played it's BEST six they would have won the game. They had more talent all around than Ira did. Ira had their beast #12 and 3 solid players. I think someone in an earlier post mention the stiff arm job #12 did on one of WV kids that made him look like a man among boys. WV on the other had a 6 solid players that could have won the game for WV had they play the full game. With that said, WV did a pretty good job containing #12 (Probably would have done even better if WV played it's BEST six)

Just my opinion???? In the end Ira, playing their best six players all night on both sides of the ball took control of the game and finish fresher than WV ......
You are right about WV, they had a very very solid team, but I dont think that over 250 yards rushing and over 100 yards passing is really containing him in my book
I agree 250 yards rushing and over 100 yards passing is a heck of a game, but i think it could have been worse. #12 is a beast!!!

What's your opinion on all the substituting of players WV did all night??

Looking forward to the game in Colorado City this Sat!!!!
I mentioned on a different topic thread that I'd hoped Morris (#12) would get tired playing both ways but he sure didn't look that way at the end. I'm with ryry on containing him, if that's what WV did then I'd hate to see what he does to a team that can't contain him. Yikes!

I'd like to think that WV could have beaten Ira if they'd played their top six kids the whole time but the reality is that Water Valley has played that way all year and I'm not about to second guess Coach Owens on his strategy. Besides, I doubt that it made much difference in the end. Fact is, they couldn't stop #12 and made some errors they couldn't recover from.
Always good to see responses that make sense (WV Backer). Times change and perhaps the WV Coach has started a new trend with his style of play, after all WV had a lot of success this year .....WV had a heck of a season this year and should hold their heads up high. I hear WV is only losing 3 seniors so next season looks pretty optimistic. I hear #12 will be back for Ira next year as well and losing only 1 senior.

There is still a lot of good football left this season!!!! But i must admit, next year is already shaping up to be just as exciting!!!!
WV Backer":dep7zpxa said:
I'd like to think that WV could have beaten Ira if they'd played their top six kids the whole time but the reality is that Water Valley has played that way all year and I'm not about to second guess Coach Owens on his strategy. Besides, I doubt that it made much difference in the end. Fact is, they couldn't stop #12 and made some errors they couldn't recover from.

West Texas Sixmaner":dep7zpxa said:
"I'd like to think that WV could have beaten Ira if they'd played their top six kids the whole time..."

Oh brother...

Let's just put the quote into the proper perspective and context if you don't mind, West Texas Sixmaner. Don't misquote me, boy. It's an unsavory practice usually reserved for media types. Of course, if you'd like to discuss the matter further just shoot me a PM. Maybe we can meet, have a cup of coffee and kick it around a little bit.