Just a comment on the "Fort". A certain person ragged on them for over age kids and all, but Coach Medina is a good friend and I will say that yes they had good kids, but he worked the snot out of them. During one of the final games some of the kids were jacking around on the sideline and he made them run during the game. He did not take any crap off them.
Another advantage they had was they were in a district that would not share film, they usually had a bye the first round and they flew their principal and others to scout their opponents and no one could get film on them.
They also had one of the most sophisticated offenses of anyone. Their Sb and receivers made their reads after the ball was snapped and adjusted according to what the defense was doing.
How about some
mascot trivia?
Most used
never used
rarely used
Should this be a whole new thread?
What do I really know.
I'm supposed to be new
to this forum.
Most used- Either Wildcat, Bobcat or Bulldogs.
Never Used- Sloths
Rarely Used- Unicorns (New Bransfuls)
Favorite- San Antonio Central Catholic Buttons. For real.
One of my favorites .... Amarillo HIgh School Golden Sandstorm ..... now more commonly known as and more widely used by them on most printed materials .... The Sandies
Another one that is different is the Lamesa High School Golden Tornados .... Which has been shortened in most cases to just ... TORS
Then there are the Floydada High School Whirlwinds .... Which has been shortened in usage over the last few years to just Winds.
Pretty sure it is. They had a few kids chosen for all star games (I remember girls) a while back. Then read where they closed and Emmitt Smith was catching hades because his company was going to develop area where Masonic home was.
There was a thread on mascots about 1-2 years ago. Don't forget the Winters Blizzards. If you go out of state you get the Mars PA. Fighting Planets. In College you have the UC Santa Cruz Bananna Slugs. Back to Texas HS, somebody on the board was a fan of the San Antonio Mules (not the Muleshoe Mules).
There was a thread on mascots about 1-2 years ago. Don't forget the Winters Blizzards. If you go out of state you get the Mars PA. Fighting Planets. In College you have the UC Santa Cruz Bananna Slugs. Back to Texas HS, somebody on the board was a fan of the San Antonio Mules (not the Muleshoe Mules).
There is the appropriately named Hereford Whitefaces and then there are some that make you go Hmmmmm...... Why would Graham want to be known as a castrated male bovine? Why would San Saba want to known as the fearsome Armadillos?