triva ••••

My high school was the Cardinals... and not as in the bird rather the Catholic clergy. Then my college was the Golden Gaels... nothing like a yellow wind to scare the opposition.

Okay, so a Gael is a Celtic warrior but we always preferred to make yellow wind jokes.... lol I will leave that to your imaginations.
So goes another thread, wafting along on the winds of change. It really doesn't take much to get us chasing rabbit trails. Had a dog like that once.....(that's for old Canine Countenance)
CowboyP":2qgmjg7t said:
51eleven":2qgmjg7t said:
There was a thread on mascots about 1-2 years ago. Don't forget the Winters Blizzards. If you go out of state you get the Mars PA. Fighting Planets. In College you have the UC Santa Cruz Bananna Slugs. Back to Texas HS, somebody on the board was a fan of the San Antonio Mules (not the Muleshoe Mules).
That thread was last season. OBK had an amusing video of a cat chasing a bear.

back by popular demand......

With an additional new one ......
Where else?
Mesquite Skeeters!!

No Rain no Skeeters this year..
Mascot is a kid dressed in a mesquito suit,wings,buzz around.
The opponent's crowd pass's around fly-"skeeter" swatters
at games,,,
At Hanby stadium,,Skeeter campus,,there is a train track across the street
that goes thru Dallas,thru Mesquite,,to Tyler,Amtrac.
When there was rain,every time a train passed the ditches
were full and the Skeeters would come out a biting..
Alot of country left in Mesquite,,Coyotes everywhere,with a few deer
getting lost from Kaufman county..
Colors,Maroon,,,- (
By the way did you know that while Naval Academy attendees are called midshipmen or "middies", the official mascot of the Naval Academy is a goat? Specifically an Angora goat known as Bill.

And continuing Texas High School Mascots, lets not forget the Kerrville Tivy Fighting Antlers or the Van Vandals.
In Nevada you have these:
Tonopah - Fighting Muckers
Virginia City - Muckers
In Washington D.C. you have the Fierce Cardoza "Clerks"

"A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know."
Laurence J. Peter
Poca High School, West Virginia- Dots

Wisconsin has 2 Papermakers, Washington (state) has 1
In Virginia, Fluvanna County has the Flying Flucos and somehow the Montpelier, Vermont "Solons" Do not instill fear in me.
Lifegate since you are around the San Antonio area, maybe you could tell us how Sidney Lanier came up with the Voks.

"A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know."
Laurence J. Peter
I'll jump that one - it used to be a vocational high school. Their mascot is actually a big blue gear with arms and legs. Got to coach against the VOKS and the great Rudy Bernal when I was at JFK and Alamo Heights in San Antonio.