
smokeyjoe53":2dhh78le said:
CowboyP":2dhh78le said:
smokeyjoe53":2dhh78le said:
No, $2.50 for Richland Springs games.........................only fair your just get half a game so half price is fair.
You can suggest that in the next board meeting.
Is that board meeting or bored meeting?........................
If this group gets together in person, I doubt it would be boring.
I think our actually getting together would set off alarms and red flags with several entities including Homeland Security and the UIofL....................................
@ Doggy. You going to Graham tonight? I'll be there. I'll be the tall fat guy decked out in all black and Gordon gold. And I will be sitting on the purple side.

@ Cowboy. Ummmmm NO!!!! I love girls roundball. That's why you don't see me on here much, I'm the coach for the 6th grade team.
Hey Doc, I've got a few other things I'd like to ban as well. You know those white rifles some of the drill teams use? oh yeah and the flag thing too. Not a big fan of flaming batons either..........
Come on DTW jump in....................... it's kinda like getting in a cold swimming pool, it's better if you just go ahead and jump in and get it over'll get numb after a little bit....
smokeyjoe53":2ims14ay said:
Come on DTW jump in....................... it's kinda like getting in a cold swimming pool, it's better if you just go ahead and jump in and get it over'll get numb after a little bit....
I will do my very best, but I tend to not have my phone in hand as much as Doc.
Don't worry I've been warned about you.
smokeyjoe53":o4ndbviu said:
I think our actually getting together would set off alarms and red flags with several entities including Homeland Security and the UIofL....................................
I aint never been to no federal prison before, heck its never too late!!!!can we fit that in the next group outing????
pojocrusader":bmg25kqg said:
smokeyjoe53":bmg25kqg said:
I think our actually getting together would set off alarms and red flags with several entities including Homeland Security and the UIofL....................................
I aint never been to no federal prison before, heck its never too late!!!!can we fit that in the next group outing????

Uh, that one ain't on my list of things to do in my life. Matter of fact, staying out of the pen is pretty high on my to do list.
Welcome DTW!! I'm glad to see another wife on here to keep these guys in check!!! Lol! What they don't realize is us wives are even bigger football fans than they are! Or at least I am..
mae08":2itpmm7d said:
Welcome DTW!! I'm glad to see another wife on here to keep these guys in check!!! Lol! What they don't realize is us wives are even bigger football fans than they are! Or at least I am..
You have no clue. I can't stay too close to DTW. She's so loud she draws more attention than The Orange Mohawk!
Btw, smokey is responsible for making the pic of me small enough to be used as an avatar.
I've been reading the boards today and have a great new idea for entertainment. Let's find two teams that are both out of the playoffs and get them to talking smack on each other. That would liven the board up.