
CowboyP":1ad81zgr said:
OBK goes first on the rope swing!
I'll tie the knot..................
6manfootballmom":9k73lwhe said:
I am new to this....... can someone tell me how I can change the 11-man fan to 6-man fan?

Thank you

Isn't it amazing what one simple little question led to? 91 pages later.............................
We did a good job of getting her to sixman fan.
Btw, smokey, I refuse to take a turn on the rope swing if you tie the knot. ofb isn't allowed to tie it either. It hurt when the rope came loose last time...
smokeyjoe53":36ng2b6e said:
By the way, remember to take the matches away from Pojo and Doc Tinkle........ remember this from last year?
What was even funnier is watchin cowboy run around and the flames get bigger!!!!!!! b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l
pojocrusader":1259ixz5 said:
CowboyP":1259ixz5 said:
smokeyjoe53":1259ixz5 said:
Did you hear that OFB broke his leg playing golf?...........
He fell off the ball washer.........
I don't think Mae knew the truth about that. Ofb is in trouble now!
Wait till she recovers the One piece leopard swimsuit he was wearing
Why did you have to mention that? It's been less than a month since the nightmares stopped. If they start again you're in big trouble.
CowboyP":10fw3lzd said:
pojocrusader":10fw3lzd said:
CowboyP":10fw3lzd said:
smokeyjoe53":10fw3lzd said:
Did you hear that OFB broke his leg playing golf?...........
He fell off the ball washer.........
I don't think Mae knew the truth about that. Ofb is in trouble now!
Wait till she recovers the One piece leopard swimsuit he was wearing
Why did you have to mention that? It's been less than a month since the nightmares stopped. If they start again you're in big trouble.
I'm glad I missed that trip....ewww!
CowboyP":1wf3eund said:
You didn't miss it mom. You were there. You just drank - a lot. I don't really blame you though. Ofb in that swimsuit was scary.
Are you sure I was there? I remember I couldn't be there for one of the trips, I'm really hoping (praying, more like it) it was that one.
6manfootballmom":384c4t1l said:
CowboyP":384c4t1l said:
You didn't miss it mom. You were there. You just drank - a lot. I don't really blame you though. Ofb in that swimsuit was scary.
Are you sure I was there? I remember I couldn't be there for one of the trips, I'm really hoping (praying, more like it) it was that one.
Oh yeah! I don't drink !!!!