Coaching Carousel

Texlonghorn75":2w161fo1 said:
drfootball88":2w161fo1 said:
Heard thru grapevine he is staying on as assistant in Richland With Jerry Burkhart as the A/D and head Coach!! So with the kids of the valley b-ball coach that they hired plus the rigdon boys and at some point The Burkhart kid, this team looks to be Deeeeep and Stacked with talent!!! Number 9 for the coyotes???[/q Stacked is right! Sounds like a fun year for the Coyotes. I'm surprised that Rigdon decided to stay but it will be good for those boys to grow some roots and not have to move again. When will Burkhart kid be eligible?
Sounds like Burkhart and Richland Springs are back to Happy Days again while Tipton got screwed and Rigdon got the shaft. All in the quest to win a few more games possibly State? The school board should be held accountable for this ridiculous circus, residents should vote in some responsible Adults next board election. Parents need to be aware that education oi their children is not the foremost objective of the Richland Springs ISD. Rochelle ISD should start seeing more transfers in.

Rochelle won’t see a influx of students I promise, where have you been last 6 months? Rochelle has always been a circus, a few months of making changes by RS does not even come close to Rochelle!! I don’t know for sure but seems I read the test scores somewhere for both schools and RS scored higher across the board! ( correct me with facts if I’m wrong)! Rigdon does seem to have gotten screwed, Tipton should have known taking over for JB would have high expectations (plus his wife made it hard to keep him from what I hear). So while I feel bad for Rigdon family they are obviously staying because they like something in that small town (even if it’s not the board and administration). They hopefully have found a home in RS!
My reference to students transferring to Rochelle concerned the pursuit of better educational opportunities. San Saba ISD would no doubt be a good choice when looking for educational opportunities for children but it is a much larger school. According to the Texas Tribune in 2017 Richland ISD students had a higher average ACT score of 19.5 versus Rochelle ISD students with an average ACT score of 18.7. Rochelle has or had an enrollment of 185 versus Richland Springs of approximately 130. The test scores for one year doesn't indicate If the students are trending up or down, meaning some students could be learning and improving on scores or those students who aren't learning or scoring well on the test . It can take several years to improve average test scores. However the movement of coaches, quitting or otherwise, doesn't normally effect test scores and the educational experience. I know some(few) coaches take their teaching responsibilities seriously but most are focused on sports. And unfortunately a lot of the school boards and adminstrations(who are sometimes former coaches) are lead around by the nose by the current coaches instead of focusing on the educational process itself. Richland Springs is the classic example.
Texlonghorn75":37zz68bb said:
My reference to students transferring to Rochelle concerned the pursuit of better educational opportunities. San Saba ISD would no doubt be a good choice when looking for educational opportunities for children but it is a much larger school. According to the Texas Tribune in 2017 Richland ISD students had a higher average ACT score of 19.5 versus Rochelle ISD students with an average ACT score of 18.7. Rochelle has or had an enrollment of 185 versus Richland Springs of approximately 130. The test scores for one year doesn't indicate If the students are trending up or down, meaning some students could be learning and improving on scores or those students who aren't learning or scoring well on the test . It can take several years to improve average test scores. However the movement of coaches, quitting or otherwise, doesn't normally effect test scores and the educational experience. I know some(few) coaches take their teaching responsibilities seriously but most are focused on sports. And unfortunately a lot of the school boards and adminstrations(who are sometimes former coaches) are lead around by the nose by the current coaches instead of focusing on the educational process itself. Richland Springs is the classic example.

Okay so it boils down to this Richland Springs is based around their football scores not their test scores. According to the TAPR which is found on the TEA website, all of the 2017 students took the SAT and only 12.5% of those students were at or above criterion. The test scores do not always show the full picture but it gives a glance into the perspective. Only 62% of students were at approaches on the STAAR scores or above in English and only 71% at or above approaches in math. The students scores are not near as impressive as the football scores, but no one is talking about that because of the championships Richland Springs holds. The saddest thing is that things don't change if you continue to keep doing them the same way. The school board keeps letting Burkhart come back and yet again same old same old. So until Richland Springs makes some changes they are a joke to the rest of the world. The students at this school are only looked at for their athletic talent. People can disagree, but it is true everyone is wondering are the Rigdon boys going or staying. If it wasn't about the talent they had then the question wouldn't come up. The talent that Richland Springs has keeps coming up. Stacked team keeps being said. Nobody is saying man those kids are awesome young men who work hard and are going places after they graduate. Oh man look at that kid he is a hard worker and he won all those stockshows. Oh man watch that kid over there he is one talented actor. No all of that gets swept to the side because it is about their talent. At the end of the day kids can be talented in so many areas, and even when the shine in something like one act play it is not given the credit it is due because that talent in the Richland Springs community is not near as impressive as the athletic talent these students hold. That is sad for students who are not as athletic, but love school and work hard in other aspects of the school.
todaysnottheday":1spbioxx said:
Texlonghorn75":1spbioxx said:
My reference to students transferring to Rochelle concerned the pursuit of better educational opportunities. San Saba ISD would no doubt be a good choice when looking for educational opportunities for children but it is a much larger school. According to the Texas Tribune in 2017 Richland ISD students had a higher average ACT score of 19.5 versus Rochelle ISD students with an average ACT score of 18.7. Rochelle has or had an enrollment of 185 versus Richland Springs of approximately 130. The test scores for one year doesn't indicate If the students are trending up or down, meaning some students could be learning and improving on scores or those students who aren't learning or scoring well on the test . It can take several years to improve average test scores. However the movement of coaches, quitting or otherwise, doesn't normally effect test scores and the educational experience. I know some(few) coaches take their teaching responsibilities seriously but most are focused on sports. And unfortunately a lot of the school boards and adminstrations(who are sometimes former coaches) are lead around by the nose by the current coaches instead of focusing on the educational process itself. Richland Springs is the classic example.

Okay so it boils down to this Richland Springs is based around their football scores not their test scores. According to the TAPR which is found on the TEA website, all of the 2017 students took the SAT and only 12.5% of those students were at or above criterion. The test scores do not always show the full picture but it gives a glance into the perspective. Only 62% of students were at approaches on the STAAR scores or above in English and only 71% at or above approaches in math. The students scores are not near as impressive as the football scores, but no one is talking about that because of the championships Richland Springs holds. The saddest thing is that things don't change if you continue to keep doing them the same way. The school board keeps letting Burkhart come back and yet again same old same old. So until Richland Springs makes some changes they are a joke to the rest of the world. The students at this school are only looked at for their athletic talent. People can disagree, but it is true everyone is wondering are the Rigdon boys going or staying. If it wasn't about the talent they had then the question wouldn't come up. The talent that Richland Springs has keeps coming up. Stacked team keeps being said. Nobody is saying man those kids are awesome young men who work hard and are going places after they graduate. Oh man look at that kid he is a hard worker and he won all those stockshows. Oh man watch that kid over there he is one talented actor. No all of that gets swept to the side because it is about their talent. At the end of the day kids can be talented in so many areas, and even when the shine in something like one act play it is not given the credit it is due because that talent in the Richland Springs community is not near as impressive as the athletic talent these students hold. That is sad for students who are not as athletic, but love school and work hard in other aspects of the school.

The rigdon boys are very good kids that work harder than most kids I’ve ever been around, they will do well in life!! I agree with football is king in RS I disagree that it’s a bad thing, the kids at that school have grown up expecting to win at whatever they do because they have been fought to work hard do the little things right and believe in yourself and that mentality helps every single person every single day in RS!!!! The confidence and pride the football program has brought to the kids in that school is way more valuable that what’s on scoreboard!! These kids will walk into a interview expecting to get the job and prepared to knock it out of the park once they do!!!
All the wusses who want to talk about one-act-play need to go to, and those who want to talk about test scores should go to test This is the site to talk sixman football. And longhorn, I seriously doubt that you would even know the difference in a classic example and a paradigm.
Johnny South":vnl8dxc3 said:
All the wusses who want to talk about one-act-play need to go to, and those who want to talk about test scores should go to test This is the site to talk sixman football. And longhorn, I seriously doubt that you would even know the difference in a classic example and a paradigm.

Well since u wanna talk football..... if JB holds it all together this year he should have the most talent on the field at one time every single week and is my pic to grab them rings ready
Johnny South":1qqid4sl said:
All the wusses who want to talk about one-act-play need to go to, and those who want to talk about test scores should go to test This is the site to talk sixman football. And longhorn, I seriously doubt that you would even know the difference in a classic example and a paradigm.
So I'm to assume you finished high school somewhere in San Saba county and have some answers? Or did you just get a GED and been winging it since. Sixman football only exists as a by product of the various school districts, nothing sacred about that or this website. Some schools seek to educate, go into one sometime and be amazed. Might be painful.
Johnny South":15a1ay0q said:
All the wusses who want to talk about one-act-play need to go to, and those who want to talk about test scores should go to test This is the site to talk sixman football. And longhorn, I seriously doubt that you would even know the difference in a classic example and a paradigm.

Johnny we are all aware of what this sight is and that just goes to show you are only a football supporter not a student supporter. You only want to win football games to get some glory of whatever you were never able to accomplish in your own life. The kids at Richland Springs do not have a choice because they are told you will play football. The choice is taken away from them because if they don't play the game of football they are treated with disrespect and the coaches go out of their way to get them into trouble. So hopefully you can stand on the side lines and live out your glory years through these student's lives. Sounds pathetic if you ask me, but you didn't ask me and I dang sure don't give a crap about your opinion.
Dear yezterdaydoneseemssofaraway,

I ain’t gettin’ into thiz here back and forth. I jest done want to make a point of clarifercation. I iz the pathetic sideline jock sniffin’ glory relivin’ (not reely a whole lot of glory to done relive, believe yew me) feller. It ain’t Johnny Del Sur.

Btw, I done think these things is “sites” not “sights” but I done cud be wrong.
Johnny South":1qy8721k said:
All the wusses who want to talk about one-act-play need to go to, and those who want to talk about test scores should go to test This is the site to talk sixman football. And longhorn, I seriously doubt that you would even know the difference in a classic example and a paradigm.

Remember that time you tried to use a 50 cent word to show you’re smarter than someone but your sentence doesn’t make sense? Good times.

FYI, difference in is used to show something has changed. Difference between is used to compare.
Other than commie-pinko basketball only schools like Priddy, name a school that doesn’t focus on football........
By the way, RS has a great history of success in one act play and if it wasn’t for the participation of RS students the county livestock show would cease to exist.
Seems like some people, all they want to do is rag on Richland Springs. Here's an idea. Why don't you pick somebody, anybody and say something positive about them. We've got plenty of negativity already.
Murdoch":fb0j9cvg said:
Seems like some people, all they want to do is rag on Richland Springs. Here's an idea. Why don't you pick somebody, anybody and say something positive about them. We've got plenty of negativity already.

I’m excited about the staffing shake-ups. Feels like they’re getting the band back together. After all the controversy hopefully the boys will have a good season.

Best of luck.
smokeyjoe53":317nfaw9 said:
Other than commie-pinko basketball only schools like Priddy, name a school that doesn’t focus on football........
By the way, RS has a great history of success in one act play and if it wasn’t for the participation of RS students the county livestock show would cease to exist.
Lipan, Poolville, Slidell, Bellevue, Bloomburg and Graford to name a few don't focus on football. Priddy only has about 100 students in all twelve grades. From a competitive standpoint and a comparison of win loss records over the last 20 years about 80 UIL sixman football schools don't focus on football much either. RS's revolving one act play reminds many admiring fans of the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray and guess who plays Bill Murray?
Not trying to start a pi##ing match here, but here are the facts that 6manfamily wanted from TEA website.
State Accountability rating
Richland Springs 2018 TEA School Report Card Rochelle
Overall 73 84
Student Achievement 70 85
School Progress 76 86
Closing the Gaps 66 80

I do not understand the Rochelle is a circus comment we hired a new AD in Shawn Rodgers and he gave us his word that Rochelle was where he wanted to be then signed a contract with us. He then within weeks signed a contract with Richland Springs but just forgot to inform us. In fact he finally informed us he was leaving weeks after but we did not find out he had another job until Coach Cherry asked to be allowed to make the transition to Rochelle and we were told sure as long as you will let Rodgers go ahead and come over here. Not trying to bad mouth anyone because Rochelle is thrilled with how this all worked out. We love having Coach Cherry and his family and are extremely blessed to have him mentoring our kids. I assume RS is happy as well. Just stating some facts because I do not agree with the circus comment. Dave Lewis has done amazing things with Rochelle and our future is bright.
so RS is participating in legalized recruiting all for the sake of winning football games. It stinks it is BS. so glad we don't play this team. I wonder what will happen should they win big over their opponents. no one is going to like it.

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