Coaching Carousel

Curious of how the Richland players reacted to Coach Tipton not coming back? Did the school board think to get a pulse of the team feelings on this matter?
Sorry to say but there is NOTHING in small town USA that doesn’t involve politics. As a matter of fact there’s nothing in the good old USA that doesn’t involve politics.
And that’s the truth.........
Potato Frank":6r3x5ujt said:
I've never heard of a school board asking children for their feelings on a hire or fire.
Happens all the time when the school board members have players on the team. You must not be from Small Town, Texas! The players have a voice and some times vote by finding rodeo or a job suits their best interest better than playing for some coach.
Longhorn85":z57iemka said:
Please let’s not start discussing politics on this thread or it will be removed .. keep to open positions and movements

Wow, starting to sound like Mark Zuckerberg. Hope Lg85 isn't behind the curtain.
Priceless":1i2ckws8 said:
Longhorn85":1i2ckws8 said:
James Rigdon named HC/AD at Richland Springs

I guess the coup d'état is completed.

It seems as if the organized display of hatred and vitriolic spew was all misdirected and without cause. I wonder if apologies are in order? I'm sure those first time posters will never be heard from again.
Johnny South":12dryin3 said:
Priceless":12dryin3 said:
Longhorn85":12dryin3 said:
James Rigdon named HC/AD at Richland Springs

I guess the coup d'état is completed.

It seems as if the organized display of hatred and vitriolic spew was all misdirected and without cause. I wonder if apologies are in order? I'm sure those first time posters will never be heard from again.

No none of the hatred was misdirected because Jerry Burkhart was in attempt for the AD position but some things just “didn’t quite work out.” According to some of his close friends and family. Whatever that is supposed to mean? And Jamie Rigdon was the ONE AND ONLY applicant that RS ISD received for the AD/HC position, so looks like they didn’t have a choice. So looks to some as if RS got themselves in a little pickle now doesn’t it? Other coaches in the six man world claimed “they wouldn’t touch the RS job with a ten foot pole after Tipton takes the team 11-2 and gets let go.” The RS Board has made that job unappealing. They had no choice but to appoint Jamie Rigdon as AD, which is sad after the behavior he portrayed during basketball this year. It shall be interesting to say the least. Can you say circus!?!? God bless those kids.
dmianca__44 , it must be gratifying for you to admit being a two-faced person who spews directed hatred and slander, and then have the gall to claim to have extracted information from close friends and family of your victim. Which, by the way, totally contradicts the published word of their administration.
Johnny South":2mj7n8gf said:
dmianca__44 , it must be gratifying for you to admit being a two-faced person who spews directed hatred and slander, and then have the gall to claim to have extracted information from close friends and family of your victim. Which, by the way, totally contradicts the published word of their administration.

Johnny South, are you drunk again? FYI it was indeed quoted from a FAMILY member that “things just didn’t work out.” Johnny South, you may just want to stay off that moonshine, it is starting to sound like you’re hitting it pretty hard...AGAIN!
I have it from very reliable sources that made me promise not to reveal their names, and they have had several conversations with an insider, that couldn’t go on the record because they were unauthorized to do so, and they said that the former Athletic Director of an unknown school district, has heard from a Superintendent from a school in another district that .........bla, bla, bla, bla.
And you can quote me on that !
And so it goes.............
Johnny South":3b65jh7y said:
dmlancast44":3b65jh7y said:
One _pac2018":3b65jh7y said:
So who is going to assist ?

Take three guesses.......I bet you can name it! I know I’m putting all my chips on one name in particular!

dmlanca__44, You would have a hard time guessing which way is up.

Oh man...don’t flatter me. Seems like mr. South has some issues with me? He sure does like to monitor what I say very closely.....hmmm.

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