Old Bearkat
Six-man expert
A friend of mine who was a county prosecutor back in the 1980's told me once that if a law enforcement official at any level, all the way from a precinct constable to a federal marshal, wanted to arrest/indict you, the complete federal/state/local law code was so complex and poorly written such as they could arrest over 70% of the American population for some kind of violation. The charges might not stick for the long haul, but legal costs will bankrupt the normal middle class citizen as a DA with a bad case will keep delaying trial as long as possible. In the meantime, they will either threaten to or actually file even more serious charges against you if you don't cop a plea bargain. The pressure to take a plea bargain is intense and unrelenting, and most defense lawyers play along with it.
The whole criminal code from top to bottom needs to be thrown out and re-written to get the trial lawyer's association influence out of it. The game is rigged to allow them to wring the maximum amount of money from it.
The whole criminal code from top to bottom needs to be thrown out and re-written to get the trial lawyer's association influence out of it. The game is rigged to allow them to wring the maximum amount of money from it.