Coach Grimes thread

I will stand behind coach grimes til the end. Just remember helping thou brother only looks good in ones eyes. God Bless Coach and his family for having to go thru this.

He is out but still has a long road a head of him. Those that support him Thank You.
JAFO":1hgycprk said:
Hang em high. You people need to realize he has been accused of a crime with drugs. If you want to support him , help pay his legal bill and living expenses. I have no sympathy for a person who does this.
I hereby ACCUSE you of_______________.
Should we have no sympathy/understanding
in your case?

Be quiet.
You're embarrassing.
This is organized crime people. Nothing less. 14 people involved and his family members , since early 2011. Only a fool would stand by his side and support a person charged with this. If you are that dedicated, send him your money to help fight these charges. Standing by his side shows you support his actions that got him arrested. If he gets convicted will you send him money in prison. I doubt that. People like him have no desire except two things, drugs and money. So stand by and support your American idol , tell him how much you will be there till the end. Which if convicted will be about 7 years. But, maybe he and his brother are completely innocent and would never have done something as terrible as this. I do truly hope as a coach he had no involvement with drugs seeing he was around kids all these years. How does that make you feel him allegedly drug involvement and being around kids? If it makes you mad why would anybody support him?
I support him for the positive influence he's had on a few hundred young men over the last dozen + years. Teaching them what teamwork, dedication, responsibility and success are about. If he should be proven guilty do I support the negative impact it will have on the whole situation, past and present? No. He, the school/district and community will have to deal with that. Had a HS friend that got off into coke a few years afterward. Almost lost everything he had. Been clean for 25+ years, great husband and father.
Saw Coach Grimes up close once. After a playoff game they lost. He came into a resutant to pick up food for his team - to eat on the bus on the way home. Opposing fans (including me), coaches and players gave him a rousing round of applause for the way they had played an conducted themselves. He just kind of grinned, nodded, tipped his hat and a brief wave.
Seemed quite humble.
Let whoever walks on water cast the first stone.
JAFO":lh79qlpo said:
This is organized crime people. Nothing less. 14 people involved and his family members , since early 2011. Only a fool would stand by his side and support a person charged with this. If you are that dedicated, send him your money to help fight these charges. Standing by his side shows you support his actions that got him arrested. If he gets convicted will you send him money in prison. I doubt that. People like him have no desire except two things, drugs and money. So stand by and support your American idol , tell him how much you will be there till the end. Which if convicted will be about 7 years. But, maybe he and his brother are completely innocent and would never have done something as terrible as this. I do truly hope as a coach he had no involvement with drugs seeing he was around kids all these years. How does that make you feel him allegedly drug involvement and being around kids? If it makes you mad why would anybody support him?

I don't think it is a matter of being upset with condemning drugs and drug dealers. It is a matter of a trial and sentencing by message board. I don't believe anyone on this board is in support of a drug dealer or distributor but members of the board who are close to or know Coach Grimes have a right and they feel an obligation to stand by their friend or collegue. Others have a view of wait and see and then make judgements.

We are back to speculation. Charges have been filed and Coach Grimes will have his day in Court and he will be judged there. It is not our place to do that or not our place to stand by and cheer lead for him to be hung high. That is childish and is born of ignorance.
It's a good thing this thread is at least started with a link to an actual news article. I've seen some folks start threads accusing people of drug crimes based on "I heard from a friend."
oldfat&bald":2g2oqxxk said:
It's a good thing this thread is at least started with a link to an actual news article. I've seen some folks start threads accusing people of drug crimes based on "I heard from a friend."
I believe that person has been involved in this discussion...
can't believe that went through.
Please don't ACCUSE me of any sex crimes...
your team still sucks!!!!!!


jus sayin'
justobserving":3nf023ks said:
JAFO":3nf023ks said:
This is organized crime people. Nothing less. 14 people involved and his family members , since early 2011. Only a fool would stand by his side and support a person charged with this. If you are that dedicated, send him your money to help fight these charges. Standing by his side shows you support his actions that got him arrested. If he gets convicted will you send him money in prison. I doubt that. People like him have no desire except two things, drugs and money. So stand by and support your American idol , tell him how much you will be there till the end. Which if convicted will be about 7 years. But, maybe he and his brother are completely innocent and would never have done something as terrible as this. I do truly hope as a coach he had no involvement with drugs seeing he was around kids all these years. How does that make you feel him allegedly drug involvement and being around kids? If it makes you mad why would anybody support him?

I don't think it is a matter of being upset with condemning drugs and drug dealers. It is a matter of a trial and sentencing by message board. I don't believe anyone on this board is in support of a drug dealer or distributor but members of the board who are close to or know Coach Grimes have a right and they feel an obligation to stand by their friend or collegue. Others have a view of wait and see and then make judgements.

We are back to speculation. Charges have been filed and Coach Grimes will have his day in Court and he will be judged there. It is not our place to do that or not our place to stand by and cheer lead for him to be hung high. That is childish and is born of ignorance.

well said thank you.
JAFO":1pv013sn said:
IF , and i say if, he is guilty, just shows how much he had you close associates fooled.

Now THAT is an insightful statement and observation. GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !! I would think if one was doing something illegal, one would certainly try and fool everyone into thinking he/she wasn't.

Let it go man ….

I am sure JAFO if you were doing something illegal you would be shouting it from the rooftops. Holy Moly…. Find another crusade.
JAFO":2fa0q8ys said:
IF , and i say if, he is guilty, just shows how much he had you close associates fooled.

And if he is not found guilty will you be first in line to publicly apologize for your comments and insinuations?
I for one would not. Theres still the wrong place wrong time lesson and a number of other lessons to be learned. However, I would be happy for him knowing he has a second chance. Remember, its what you do after facing adversity that defines you as a man/woman.

spell check me, cause i fat fingered this from my phone.