Baylor Bears

markf, you're right. I was 12 when my cousin started to Baylor and I fell in love with the Bears, I grew up 60 miles west of Waco. I joined the Boy Scouts just so I could go see one game a year on Scout day. They hauled us to Waco in a school bus. I used to lay on the floor in our living room listening to the Bears on the radio.
I lived in Waco for six years from 1987 to 1992 and the Bears had 5 winning seasons and played in two bowls. They just could not consistantly beat enough of the big dogs to be considered legit.
51eleven":1cploeih said:
westexasflats":1cploeih said:
If you play in Waco.....Hico would be a nice trip
If you play in the westexasflatlands Waco would be a nice trip.
Sarcasm answered by truth! Waco was the "big city" to me. I loved going there, which didn't happen very often. Going to a bigger town was a trip to Hamilton, Gatesville, Goldthwaite or Lampasas. Waco was where it was at.
On another note. 2nd team Walter Camp, what a joke. Look me in the face and tell me Luck even comes close to Griffin.
Sarcasm answered by truth! Waco was the "big city" to me. I loved going there, which didn't happen very often. Going to a bigger town was a trip to Hamilton, Gatesville, Goldthwaite or Lampasas. Waco was where it was at..[/quote]
Heck, I used to think a trip to Lometa was big time. We got run out of Lometa one time after a trip to the "picture show" in that fair city. It seems their constable took umbrage at our idea of fun. All we were doing was throwing firecrackers out the window........
Oh yeah, Bill Glass.............
Some people just don't want anyone having any fun. We had to leave town to go to a picture show too. Evant's closed down when most of the folks around there finally got television sets and quit going to the movies. I even went to Hamilton to get my hair cut because our barbers couldn't cut a flat top.
Ronnie Bull.
I had about halfway forgotten about Hayden Fry being a QB at Baylor. He never coached there did he?
I remember a routine Jerry Clower had about playing football against Baylor when he was at Mississippi State. I think he mentioned Bill Glass in the routine.............
Don't believe Fry ever coached at Baylor.
In the DCTF 30th anniversary addition there is a story about the '64 Cotton Bowl entitled "Texas vs. Navy: A Classic Case of Espionage"
It claims an unnamed coach didn't care for Wayne Hardin, Navy's coach and told Texas what every signal from the Navy sideline meant.
It said "The Longhorns knew everything about Staubach, including birthmarks. More important, they had every defensive signal the Middies owned."
Guess that's why you see all the elaborate "stuff" from the sidelines now.
Also while we are throwing out the names of some well known ex-Baylor players we can throw Earl Campbell's name in as an "honorary" Bear.
Grant Teaff said of him about his play in the '74 Texas vs. A&M game, {Earl Campbell ran again and again. "I tried to recruit Earl," Teaff said on one occasion. "It was between us and Texas. I told him he could put us in the Cotton Bowl. And sure enough he is."}
Baylor needed Texas to win because if A&M had won they would have tied Baylor for the SWC title and the Aggies had whipped the Bears earlier that year so they would have gone to the Cotton Bowl. Like markf mentioned earlier Royal wanted Baylor to win it if his Horns didn't.
Nice! Thanks for the link.
I heard it on the radio too. A friend visited me in the office bright and early that next Monday with a ticket stub in his hand and a smile on his face. He said he stayed until the end.
A companion bumper sticker to the "I Believe" one, read "I Believed, but Now I Know"
I've been on the baylorfans website all week just watching the excitement build toward tonight. At first I thought it would be great just to get a NYC invite. Now if he doesn't win I'm going to have a broken heart.