Baylor Bears


Six-man fan
Baylor 9-3 Great QB...Beat O-WHO
Gets awarded a trip to San Antonio...Bet the kids are
excited about going to San Antonio...Bad,Bad,Bad!!!!
Deserved a trip!!...
And the Horns get a great trip to San Diego...
After the Bears tanned their hid...No Likey
Money really does drive college football. All bowl cities want as many fans and alumni to show up at their fair city for a solid week before the game and spend money. So the more alumni a school can boast of the better bowl will be offered to them. If the NCAA, in their infinate wisdom, had not insisted on a minimam number of wins (6) before a school became bowl elgible, Notre Dame would be bowl bound every year no matter how few wins they had achieved. They have the largest following. Baylor, despite having a really good team, does not have as large a following as most state supported schools. Fact of life.
John and Lone Granger,,,i didn't mean nothing bad about San Antonio,,nice place
however if you play in Waco,seems you would like to be rewarded
a trip.
The last month especially, as a longtime Baylor fan has been special. As a pre teen & young teen in my dads truck with an am radio or at the hunting lease I used to listen to games on the old Southwest Conference network. Baylor, that's where Dr. Adams went to school, a dentist who treated me without hurting me, so I rooted for them. They sucked for years. Then in 1974 they won the SWC for the 1st time in 50 years. Only Bowl game I've ever been to, lost to Paterno & Penn State. Still have a "God Bless Grant Teaff" bumper sticker in a scrap book. Up & down years since, mostly down the last 20.
Then they beat TCU in the last minute to start the year. Payback for last years whippin. Sweet. Up & down, high's & low's, then OU, # 3 then, never beat em in 20 tries but did in the last minute again. Had not beat TT in 15 years. Had not beat UT back to back in about 20 years (mostly lost to them period).
Now really rarefied air. RG3 makes Heisman final 5 invite to NYC. Now, right last 9 years says he will win.
Scripps-Howard, right 20/24 years says same. Won AP Big 12 POY today.
Thank you Art Briles. Thank you RG3, been a blast watching you. Thank you 2011 Baylor Bears Football Team.
Just like you,as a kid we would listen to the Southwest conference
radio network,,,Humble Oil radio network,,,
Oh what i would give to hear some play by play by
the late great Connie Alexander..
Like Darrell Royal used to say,if it wasn't Texas..Go Baylor Bears!!
I think RG3 is going to win the Heisman..His stats are incredible
Baylor sports have it going on..Womens Basketball,Mens Basketball
Tennis[cough,cough],,baseball,softball,,,and in my opinion
the Heisman Trophy winner Robert Griffin
"Tennis[cough,cough" Sacrelidge! Have you no respect for our great benefactor on this site? I might have expected such an insult from OBK but......
Griffin has made so many unbelievable play's this year passing and with his feet it's amazing, many of them in crunch time. Kind of remind's me of Vince Young's biggest year but RG's a better passer in a lower esteem program. Read a couple of articles last week about how he wouldn't win the H just because he's from Baylor.
Gotta give Wright & Ganaway kudo's too, he does, and the rest of the team, along with the Lord. Seem's pretty down to earth.
Didn't know their was so much love for my bears on this site. My wife was there with her big brother for the 75 cotton bowl. I was there with my mom & dad for the 80 cotton bowl with mike singletary. From what I understand we were 1 hour away from being there again but with my daughter this time. She is a current student. We already have our Alamo bowl tickets. Ksu was fixing to print their sugar bowl tickets when the sugar bowl called and said just kidding, forcing the bears back to sa. Just hope all these heisman polls r correct.
Baylor fan since '52. Kern Tipps was one of my favorite announcers. The Bears won the '80 SWC crown, but it was the '81 Cotton Bowl they played in.
Trivia question:
What year and what was the subject matter of the only special edition of Dave Campbell's Texas Football ever published?
1974 Baylor Championship Souvenir Yearbook
(I'm the proud owner of a copy)
The Best of Dave Campbell's Texas Football 1960-1989 30th Anniversary Edition (Hardback)
page 206... Campbell's prologue to "Baylor Finds The Promised Land"
8th paragraph
"Never before had they been to the Cotton Bowl. When they finally made it, Texas Football rushed into print a special edition for the special occasion."
page 208...Campbell's epilogue to "Baylor Finds The Promised Land"
6th paragraph
"Incidentally, that 1974 Baylor Special Edition turned out to be Texas Football's first and last."
I knew that about 80 and 81 just screwed up. I am the proud owner of 75 and 81 commerative cotton bowl Dr. Pepper bottles. I was sure hoping to add one to the collection.
I knew you knew.
I just checked and it was '51 when I became a Baylor fan.
Larry Isbell QB and Stan Williams SE were all-americans on that team.
They were fun to watch this year.
Dang,i thought i was old...ha ha

Don Trull was a legend,,,when we were kids,,,playing football
in the yard,,I was all time QB,.,.i was Don Trull..
markf":15pivsf3 said:
Dang,i thought i was old...ha ha

Don Trull was a legend,,,when we were kids,,,playing football
in the yard,,I was all time QB,.,.i was Don Trull..
lol...I'm old, all right.
I remember the '63 season well. Trull and Elkins.
Texas broke my heart. Duke Carlisle picked a sure TD pass almost out of Elkins' arms and Baylor lost 0-7.
Got to see them beat LSU in the Bluebonnet Bowl. Almost froze.
Duke Carlisle ,Wow!!

My Dad took me to the Cotton Bowl...Navy vs Texas..63-64??

I maybe wrong,but i'm thinking Duke Carlise and the Longhorns beat
Roger Staubach and Navy for the national championship..
You're exactally right. '64 Cotton Bowl after the '63 season.
Carlisle was the QB and didn't normally play defense, but they put him in for that play against Baylor. Good choice.
The Longhorns put it on a really good Navy team.
olderelk,Way back in the 60's my church took a bus from Dallas to Waco
to see a Bear Game,,.i remember seeing those Green and Gold
uniforms,thinking ,wow those are great!

My first color tv i ever saw 65? maybe? my Dads brother bought a
zenith,,we went to watch the Orange Bowl on New Years Day..Alabama
vs Texas...Joe Namath QB for Bama,,,we watched with excitement the color,,,i remember watching the halftime show in color,,Boy,,what a different world we now live in
This is the way Tommy West described the play in that '74 DCTF special edition.
"There were only seconds to go,and the magicians were on the stage, and Trull threw for Elkins and for everything. And it seemed that Elkins had the ball in his arms in the end zone. But then the ball hovered, and froze, as if a still picture had mistakenly been inserted into
a movie. Then, abruptly, the action continued. And the ball fell into the outstretched arms. Only they belonged to a diving Texas man, Duke Carlisle. The movie was over. And so was another dream. Down on the sidelines, the green grass os Memorial Stadium was chilled and soggy to the knees. Somewhere the Texas touchdown cannon roared. It only carries blank charges. But for many a Baylor fan, it might have carried steel shot aimed at the soul..."
Kind of dramatic, don't you think. lol, but it was true. So sad....