Apologies to Gordon

A thread is ridiculous. I feel for the Burkhart family and at the same time understand the bitterness the citizens of Gordon are feeling. But come on people.

The first post in this thread was Coach Burkhart apologizing for his actions. The bible preaches forgiveness. Show some class and respect for the man and his family and most importantly move on. It's in the past now, decisions have been made.
Just out of curiosity, did Richland Springs hire another coach when coach Burkhart left. Whether they did or not, will Jerry have to reaply in order to get his old job back. I guess if he does, that will probably be an automatic. If he does wind up back there I guess they will be happy campers again.
Don't know about you guys,
but I've been sleeping much better
jus knowin'
Romo will have more say in the offense.

Too bad he still doesn't have an O-line.
The beast that wouldn't die............ Where is the Mohawked Wonder when you need him? Oh yeah he's stuffing his face at an awards banquet. I feel sorry for his DSW, she has to sit next to him. Hope she wore her raincoat.........
Cowboy we had chicken at our banquet tonight ....good ol lil old lady southern fried chicken and it was GOOD !!!!!! And we also had another thing to be happy about .....Coach Burkhart was our speaker ....not only did this man pour his heart out to everyone but he also talked of the importance of GOD and family and heart . This man earned my respect as he opened the eyes of young and old alike. If people can't respect him for thinking of his family at least respect him for his heart because if you don't breathe and bleed your teams colors you are holding everyone back. It took more courage to leave than it would to half a** it until something better happened . As for Gordon you guys have great kids and it will happen for them.....believe me my boys here in Crowell in the last 4 yes have had 7 coaches but we are Wildcats and have survived. My son graduates in just a few more days and then we will both be old Wildcats because you can never be an ex. Cowboy we are looking forward to seeing you at the Brazos Bowl and let's hope our boys have one last good 4 qtrs. Remember our boys no matter where you live are only as good as the example we set so let's grow up and let them all play ball !
He signed a contract to do a job.. He should have stood by his word period. People wonder why there is no trust nor honesty in the world hmmm lets get back to keeping our word. oh and by the way it matters not if it is coaching or fixing your roof or mowing your yard how do we put forth to our children that is right to be honorable but then we accept less?
Oh by the way don't hold any of your politicians accountable if you cant do it in your own house.
For me Gorgon dodged a bullet they should not be hurt at all. God was looking out for the ethics of the children.

coachsatcher":3hizkpim said:
I've tried to remain quiet, but that's just not my style.
1. Yes. Family should always come first. Coaches are often chastised for putting their careers ahead of their families. Heaven forbid someone do so.
2. Yes. It would have been nice if this "family-first" mentality would have been considered before accepting a job.
3. Yes. Coach Burkhart has every right to change his mind and do what he feels best for himself and his family.
4. Yes. Gordon has every right to be disappointed in this decision. You don't make this kind of decision without expecting some form of negative feedback. The same way we respect the Coach for making his decision; we must respect others for not agreeing with it.

In no way, shape or form does this decision change Gordon's outlook on the future. It also won't effect Burkhart's status in sixman football. In a few years this will be a footnote and a side-bar. Whether I agree with it or disagree is not the point. I feel bad for those who applied for the job, and were passed over, and have accepted other jobs. This would mean Gordon lost there first, second and possibly third coaching options. I truly wish Gordon the very best in their search for a new coach. I also with Burkhart and his family the best of luck in the future. I'm not choosing sides in this ones, because I truly believe in Kharma and fate will decide the intentions and actions of all involved.