Coach Burkhart
11-man fan
I feel like I need to do this. I want to apologize to the administration, community, and most of all the kids at Gordon. This has been very hard on me. I had to choose family over career. My wife and children mean the world to me. I want to make it known that the Gordon people were very nice. Mr. Hough and Mrs. Campbell are class acts along with many other people. Gordon did nothing wrong. I just had to go back home (Richland Springs). My kids know nothing but being Coyotes. Gordon already has a head coach there. Jason Sizemore is one of the most outstanding coaches I have ever met. He is from Gordon, he loves Gordon and he is the best thing for Gordon. I hope the Board and Administration can see what they have in him. Jason is going to be one of the best coaches in six-man football. The talent at Gordon is unreal. The kids really work hard and are respectful. This was a very hard decision. All I know is that I don't know what is in store for my future but I do know who holds my future. I have hurt several people in my decisions in the last month and i am very sorry. Everyone has every right to throw me under the bus. I chose my family over career. Richland Springs has showed my family so much love and support. God has really put me in my place. I have learned that you need to take a good look around and see what He has blessed you with before you make crazy decisions based on how things are going on in your life. None of that matters when you see you are hurting your wife and children. You don't know what you have until it is gone. I have a lot of fences to mend on both sides. There are many wonderful people in Richland Springs and most of all wonderful kids. I want to wish Gordon good luck and and go win that state championship. You guys have the coach and kids to do it. Now everyone knows the truth and i pray that the town of Gordon and Richland Springs forgives me.
Jerry Burkhart
Jerry Burkhart