Rankings, Schedules, Spreads, and Fan Polls

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The week 9 rankings are out! Also, the schedules and spreads for week 10 are ready to go. The fan polls are also ready to go for week 10. Finally, the games of the week have been updated.

Coaches, as always, please get those nominations for Player of The Week in by Monday night at midnight. As an FYI on this, we're still waiting on the graphic to be finished for last week's winner.

Rankings Re-Processed

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
Just because of a few late scores coming in I've re-processed the rankings for this week. There were no changes made to the top 10 teams in each division, or the games of the week.

I just wanted to give this heads-up in case someone did notice a little difference from yesterday, or even earlier today.

Rankings and Stuff!

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The week 8 rankings, week 9 schedules, and week 9 spreads are ready to go!

Also, the week 9 games of the week are updated.

The week 9 fan polls will be live tonight (Sunday) starting at midnight.

Coaches, as always, please don't forget the nominations for Player of The Week close tomorrow (Monday) night at midnight.

More Minor Updates

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
Earlier this week I made a few updates that I forgot to mention, so I'll mention those now.

First, there was an error on the team's overview pages where the current week's game would not show up as the "next game" or "previous game" in certain cases. I've got that fixed, and also made it so that if we have live score information for the game, the latest live score we have available will show up there too.

Also, I've brought back the "why test" that Granger used to have here. I'd actually worked on this late last season but never got around to making it live until this week. Anyways, if you're on any team's page (overview, schedule, standings, etc) there will be a link to "Why?" in the sidebar section labeled "Team rank/rating" (if you're on mobile devices this will be near the bottom of the page).

Also, in case y'all think I forgot, I simply still haven't come up with a solution for the pick 'em yet. Every week I think this is the week, but nothing going yet. At this point, I'm just hoping to have a solution by the playoffs. 🤦‍♂️

Week 8 Ready!

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
The rankings for week 7 are out! Also, the schedules and spreads for week 8 have been updated.

The week 8 games of the week have also been updated.

The week 8 fan polls will be ready to go at midnight tonight.

Coaches: the deadline to get nominations in for Player of the Week is Monday night at midnight.

A Few Updates

  • Announcement author Mike
  • Announcement date
Ok, y'all, the top six games of the week, for week 7, have been updated! As mentioned last week, there was a change here to remove some games that The Toy didn't consider to be close games.

The fan polls will be open tonight at midnight (Sunday night).

Coaches, please make sure you get your players nominated for our Player of the Week by midnight on Monday night! We don't want to miss anyone!