Who can beat Abilene Christian?

FootballFinatic11":1afxq918 said:
The problem is they didn't answer the question and asses who could beat achs, Instead they just hate on them and look for ways to down them.

Could you please translate this gibberish please .... Thanks
I give up. You have convinced me Abilene Christian is the greatest team in the known universe, no one can beat them, you have the fastest, hardest hitting players, the best coaches, the best trainers, the nicest bus and no other team deserves to be on the same field with them. What team would have the audacity to schedule them?
smokeyjoe53":2nnd81sw said:
I give up. You have convinced me Abilene Christian is the greatest team in the known universe, no one can beat them, you have the fastest, hardest hitting players, the best coaches, the best trainers, the nicest bus and no other team deserves to be on the same field with them. What team would have the audacity to schedule them?

Smokey I am disappointed .. I thought you could hold out at least one more week before being convinced or at least one more salvo of posts by the faithful.
Yall are probably some of the most ignorant, lethargic people I've ever talked to. Who said they were unbeatable? And why would you bring up the rankings who cares that has not one thing to do with what were talking about. If your going to argue at least have valid points and don't use things that are so unreasonable. Haha people like y'all crack me up!
What's a "finatic"?
Lethargy is my new middle name. It used to be Sloth but I like Lethargy so much better. Jury is still out on ignorant though.
FootballFinatic11":41wk7nvv said:
Yall are probably some of the most ignorant, lethargic people I've ever talked to. Who said they were unbeatable? And why would you bring up the rankings who cares that has not one thing to do with what were talking about. If your going to argue at least have valid points and don't use things that are so unreasonable. Haha people like y'all crack me up!

Please don't lower this to name calling and if you won't keep this on a intellectual level, which seems to be a great effort for you all, you need to just stop.

Just a side note - please don't put yourself in a position to have to compare intellectual levels - I assure you that you are on the short end.....

You have taken a position - you have been challenged on that position - you have been asked for specifics and you give none.

A question was asked who do you think can beat ACHS ... I presented you with a "list"( this is the "list"of teams I know can be a challenger to ACHS - is that simple enough for you to understand ? ) and ask you to defend your position with facts, data and explanation. The ball is in your court.

Name calling does not excuse you from your challenge ... please respond with your assessment as asked ...

Smokey - Please explain to me how the word Lethargic applies here

Definition of Lethargic:
affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic

Definition of ignorant:
lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated

I thinks he was just trying to use a big word and just stuck it in. I don't see how any of us are lethargic. Pissed off at ignorance but not lethargic.... Must have been his word of the week....

Oh on the ignorant thing ... jury is not out. Five college degrees and 25 years playing and coaching experience. Care to give us your qualifications ?
Main Entry: Dumb
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: slow, stupid
Synonyms: blockheaded, boorish, doltish, dull, fatheaded, ignorant, imbecilic, impassive, lethargic , numskulled, oafish, obtuse, phlegmatic, simple, slow-witted, sluggish, stolid, thick, torpid
Antonyms: brainy, clever, intelligent, smart

Nice try, but there is more than 1 definition bud :)
My definition addressed this specific instance. Not a nice try on your part. Another swing and miss.

Maybe you should look up pathetic ...

My heavens it's the subjective stats don't matter response again.

One more time I ask for specifics and factual rebuttal. Are you capable of this Sir ??
So you are admitting to not having any actual intellectual ammunition and you withdraw from the debate. Was the inevitable conclusion.

If making sense means rambling on with conjecture, speculation, and distortion of the focus of the discussion ... your right I can't make sense.

And for you that would be Mr. Observing .. Thank You ...
FootballFinatic11":3shvc48f said:
Just observing, that was definitely the dumbest thing I've heard all day. How are you going to tell people what they have seen? 6 man eagle is right, 3 achs kids played on a 5a state championship team with at least 3 D1 prospects on it and your going to say they've never seen a good player? come on now that's just straight ignorant. It sounds like to me you have a personal problem with aches and your just getting on them for no reason and your just a tad bit upset. Come see these kids play then you can really see how dumb what you just said was.

Dear FantasticFinatic1+1=3, ;-) just for you Goob

I have a question, a serious bidness question, ;-) and for you Mr. Smokey

Why on earth would 3 players that played on the 2009-2010 5a State Championship football team with all that exposure to Div 1 schools leave that team the very next year? I think played may be the key word here. If this truly did happen, you guys are helping silence the recruitment talk that has and is being called out amongst the private ranks.
I am still a non-believer. I have yet to see any actual proof of their greatness. I am in agreement with JO. Give us proof. I would like to see team and player stat comparisons. These stats should include average score allowed, average points scored, average yards per carry/receiving. These are just some examples to give you an idea of what it will take to make me a believer. I am not "hating on" or "putting down" your team. I am simply telling you to PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
CowboyP - I think your implied questions and request may be a little over 1+words=greatness' ability to comprehend. I have been trying for 8 pages now....

Let's see now "second star to the right, and straight on till morning ... then continue on to Mount Olympus" ... is the the correct address for ACHS ?