When will we have Football?

So who is really going to make the final decision ?????

The UIL———- Nope

The Superintendent? ———-Nope

The School Board ————Nope

The Coaches ——- Nope


And if you are in a sixman school,

Double Yep, they have already started.

So all of this other Bull Stuff is just that,
Bull Stuff.
Some of you don’t have a clue. I think Tohper is right on track.

At the end of the day, especially for Sixman schools, PARENTS RULE !
How many players can you lose a still field a team?

Just saying.............
I am!?!? Holy moly, I don't think I've ever heard I was on the right track before!! lol

You are right that parents have an incredible amount of influence especially in rural settings. If the UIL says no to sports including football, can outlaw leagues run? I honestly don't know the logistics behind running outlaw football.
Texas Doctors have released a list that show the riskiest behaviors to contract COVID.

On a scale of 1-10, going to a sports stadium ranks a 9 .

Where do you think PLAYING FOOTBALL IN A SPORTS STADIUM would rank ?

Now everyone stand up and say: Duhh.............
FCSA football":w9mjdtuo said:
Not sure, but it is currently featured on FOX NEWS.
Uh-oh, lost half the crowd on that one. :(

lol thats okay I was switching between OAN and CNN ... they really, really, really don't like each other!! ;)
FCSA football":3uwjyhbe said:
And in other News: The State Fair of Texas has been cancelled for 2020.

Wait a minute! Wasn’t there supposed to be a FOOTBALL GAME then ???

Yes sir but I do believe the Red River Shootout will go on... providing the NCAA plays this fall.
On a side note, I was out walking the neighborhood this am and there was a kid riding his bike with his shoulder pads and helmet on, going round and round. There's a loop near where I live and I guess he is now unable to go to the school for workouts. Might as well change it up.
Mexican Englishman":o1ym6hq8 said:
your kid has a higher chance of dying of a head injury than the Chinese flu. MAGA 2020!

lol yes.... something like that ;) Abbott gonna have a hard time enforcing the mask issue... students will hopefully wear them at school but wtih sports its impossible as I said last night... Iowa HS baseball tried that.
Regarding school opening with all students wearing masks, can you just picture the kids in the resource room or the kindergarten with masks on? How would they ever be able to pick boogers?
If we can get another 30 days of the higher infection rates among the young and inhibit infections in the senior citizens, school should be able to resume in a normal manner.
Johnny South":31bhuhcw said:
Regarding school opening with all students wearing masks, can you just picture the kids in the resource room or the kindergarten with masks on? How would they ever be able to pick boogers?
If we can get another 30 days of the higher infection rates among the young and inhibit infections in the senior citizens, school should be able to resume in a normal manner.

Johnny, I can't image masks EVER working with young kids. I was at school at the end of June while the kids were allowed to come clean out their lockers and high school students were taking their masks off when they were hugging and saying good-bye to each other. Others were taking their masks off as soon as they went through the front door inspection. It was insane!!! However, the scariest part of it all was the sandwiches which were left on March 13th just before March Break that had three months to grow all sorts of interesting and stinky mould! ;)

With regards to football, I assume that once it starts up, all non-players will be required to wear masks or ??
topher800":17klft22 said:
CHANTftbl":17klft22 said:
topher800, they have you living in a bunker because Canada has had 8,700 deaths out of 37,748,538 people. You realize that means that 99.98% of the population has not died from this right.

If you are just worried about getting infected you realize in Canada that 105,935 have been infected but 69,570 or 66% have already recovered, leaving just 36,365 who still have it. So that is a percentage of 99.9% of Canadians who DON'T have it.

Also just like here in the states, most of the deaths are in Quebec, where here they are in New York/New Jersey.

Also please answer my question of when you would start football activities again?

I would restart as soon as the curve is flattened in Texas though as I just posted in response to Bluecat, I think the UIL will go as regularly scheduled. I don't believe they'd ever cancel football no matter what. :)

There has been some talk of moving it to the spring, but I think the fall will be the best option.
While it is interesting to read everyone’s speculations and eloquent arguments, it occurred to me the determining factor in this situation(whether fall sports will take place) will be determined by primarily one thing; liability.
Do you really think the UIL would risk lawsuits by sanctioning sports if there is the slightest chance of a participant’s death?
Statistics may be interpreted either in support or opposition of any argument.
smokeyjoe53":14rslp0i said:
While it is interesting to read everyone’s speculations and eloquent arguments, it occurred to me the determining factor in this situation(whether fall sports will take place) will be determined by primarily one thing; liability.
Do you really think the UIL would risk lawsuits by sanctioning sports if there is the slightest chance of a participant’s death?
Statistics may be interpreted either in support or opposition of any argument.

smokey: Is there a possiblity that the UIL gets all fall athletes to sign a waiver regarding covid??
topher800":38fquath said:
smokeyjoe53":38fquath said:
While it is interesting to read everyone’s speculations and eloquent arguments, it occurred to me the determining factor in this situation(whether fall sports will take place) will be determined by primarily one thing; liability.
Do you really think the UIL would risk lawsuits by sanctioning sports if there is the slightest chance of a participant’s death?
Statistics may be interpreted either in support or opposition of any argument.

smokey: Is there a possiblity that the UIL gets all fall athletes to sign a waiver regarding covid??
I doubt a waiver signed by a minor would be valid. Again, the insistence of a waiver by either participant or guardian could be interpreted that the governing body recognizes that a substantial risk is present.

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