When will we have Football?

oldergoat":2ww2xh4q said:
If one Texas High School Football player dies from Head Injury, Heart Problems (that were unknown), The heat during practice or early season games, is it worth playing? What about all the travel on Thursday and Friday nights. In the past 4 years there have been several bus crashes because some drunk was on the wrong side of the road. Do we stop all travel to games? Just last season my son, who is a high school coach, was on a bus coming home from a game. A parent called and let them know there was a vehicle in the wrong lane! They were lucky they saw the results of the accident. A pickup hit a Semi head on.
Yes the Covid is an issue but we can not put our life on hold. Know I do not have any kids in school, but do have one that coaches. I have grandkids in school and I do not have a fear of them returning to school. I can see the stress they are both dealing with having to be at home 24/7.

That is insane to equate a pandemic to head injuries/heart problems. There is no chance to know at any time if someone is going to have a severe head injury but you do know that covid-19 is rampant in Texas and by sitting out one year or moving football to a later date, it will help flatten the curve. It boggles the mind how some people rationalize a game played by teenagers aged 14 to 17 at any cost.
CHANTftbl":un6dhfnk said:
You all never provided any of that science you keep speaking of. So to continue to illustrate the point that we have to get back to living Here’s some more science to back up my point that we have to get back to living. And thanks oldergoat, for your last post, You took the words right out of my mouth.
So FCSA and topher800 please read through this report with open eyes.

https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2020/07/0 ... and-share/

So if one kid commits suicide, or one kid gets abused at home and can’t report it because school is closed, are you willing to sacrifice those kids?

Are you for opening the schools AND having sports or just opening the schools? Because there is a massive difference between the two. I am confused though older members on this forum will tell ya its not hard to confuse me lol ;)
That is insane to equate a pandemic to head injuries/heart problems. Sir I am not trying to equate a pandemic to other problems. The fact is that those things happen and you can not predict when or who it might be. You also cannot "know" for a fact that any of the kids will die from the Covid19. We face risk each and every day of our life. We make decisions about what risk are worth the reward. Do younger people take more risk? Probably. Should the government tell us what risk we are allowed to take. Maybe in Canada that is OK. But for me I think I should be the person making that decision. Parents can help their kids with decisions and if they choose to not allow their child to participate in sports it is their choice. I for one do not wish to give up any more freedoms than we already have.
With obesity numbers well over 30% in most Texas counties and diabetes well above national averages in Texas, its not so much the kids that should be worried about... most of us here will agree that the chance of a student-athlete dying from covid-19 is slim. It's the transmission back to older family members who may have underlying health issues or are advanced in age.

You aren't giving up any freedoms by stopping high school sports until it is a safer to play. Has high school sports truly become more important than Matthew 7:12? If so... what kind of society have we become when Friday night touchdowns are more important than looking after our fellow man? And that isn't good ol' fashioned Canadian commie talk (as CowboyP use to tease me) either lol .... anyone seen Cowboy btw? ;)
TO TOPHER800 - To start with Type 1 diabetes is totally unrelated to obesity. Do your research and you will see that I am correct. My granddaughter developed Type 1 diabetes during the wonderful lock down. Many researchers believe that stress is a contributing factor to Type 1. I tend to agree with them. The stress for a Junior High girl is high enough without the Covid19 lock downs.
I am 70+ with underlying health conditions (which are none of your business) so I am at a higher risk. We see the grandkids on a regular basis because they live near us. I am not going to stop being a part of their live because someone like you thinks we should all stay in our house until there are no risk to anyone. If I choose to go places, if I choose to not wear a mask, those are my decisions. The government has no right to tell me I cannot go places or that I have to wear a mask.
My son is a High School Football/Baseball coach. We will be going to 2 to 4 games (football) this season. Could he get infected from a player, other coach, or student in his classroom. Yes he might and I might get infected from him. That is a risk I am willing to take. Mr. Topher800 you nor anyone else has the right to tell me I can not do these things. You probably would say that I am being insane(you have already made that assumption) to even think about doing these things. I don’t think so. God put me on this earth, in this place, for a reason. I am not tempting God but He knows when I have served my purpose and when I have he will call me home.
And I do not think you are a Commie Canadian, just not sure you truly understand what our freedoms in the US really mean
God bless and have a nice day.
More kids will die from cars, alcohol, drugs, flu, and pnuemonia than the COVID virus. More specifically, players have a greater chance to die from a heat stroke or heart condition during football. Do we lock them in the closet to protect them?? The folks dying are almost all elderly with underlying conditions that make it hard to fight off any virus. Don’t buy into the doom and gloom...
FCSA football":1fvj21nw said:
My point exactly. Thanks
Someone said “its like playing Russian Roulette”.
I can’t disagree with that statement at all.
All deaths are tragedies to families and loved ones,
But it’s especially tragic when it could have been
Just saying..........

Don’t let kids drive then, that would take out auto accident deaths...
topher800":2nrnx3bq said:
oldergoat":2nrnx3bq said:
If one Texas High School Football player dies from Head Injury, Heart Problems (that were unknown), The heat during practice or early season games, is it worth playing? What about all the travel on Thursday and Friday nights. In the past 4 years there have been several bus crashes because some drunk was on the wrong side of the road. Do we stop all travel to games? Just last season my son, who is a high school coach, was on a bus coming home from a game. A parent called and let them know there was a vehicle in the wrong lane! They were lucky they saw the results of the accident. A pickup hit a Semi head on.
Yes the Covid is an issue but we can not put our life on hold. Know I do not have any kids in school, but do have one that coaches. I have grandkids in school and I do not have a fear of them returning to school. I can see the stress they are both dealing with having to be at home 24/7.

That is insane to equate a pandemic to head injuries/heart problems. There is no chance to know at any time if someone is going to have a severe head injury but you do know that covid-19 is rampant in Texas and by sitting out one year or moving football to a later date, it will help flatten the curve. It boggles the mind how some people rationalize a game played by teenagers aged 14 to 17 at any cost.

They are at very little, if any risk. Look at the numbers from your doomsday bunker...
Obesity *and* diabetes, not necessarily together, can experience complications with covid-19. You do as you wish with your family, no one is stopping you. I have taught and coached in your wonderful country so I do have a slight idea of American freedom but by your logical, the government telling you to wear a seatbelt is also stripping your freedoms. ;)

If teenagers playing football means that much to you then by all means attend, I pray you will be safe and stay healthy throughout this pandemic. I truly mean that sir.

The commie thing is an old joke on here, I do enjoy the mockery that use to get dished out about me being Canadian :) The great thing about this forum is the willingness to discuss topics and the respect (for the most part) that is shown.... also there is a good bit of fun banter on here.
Bluecat98":1n734a02 said:
They are at very little, if any risk. Look at the numbers from your doomsday bunker...

How am I in a doomsday bunker because I am playing devil's advocate and suggesting that cancelling fall sports/moving them to a later date which will be safer? God forbid football gets taken away!! We need our football no matter what! We played through the Spanish flu and WW2, we'll play through Covid-19!! ;)
Comparing this to WW2 or the Spanish Flu would be a massive stretch. So much money is tied to deaths from Covid that hospitals are incentivized to code them as COVID, even if they haven’t been tested. Most cases are asymptomatic anyways, so let people live their lives and assume the risks. It will clear up after November anyways, they’ll come up with something else to live in fear of...
topher800":1e334sce said:
Bluecat98":1e334sce said:
They are at very little, if any risk. Look at the numbers from your doomsday bunker...

How am I in a doomsday bunker because I am playing devil's advocate and suggesting that cancelling fall sports/moving them to a later date which will be safer? God forbid football gets taken away!! We need our football no matter what! We played through the Spanish flu and WW2, we'll play through Covid-19!! ;)

Is Canada playing hockey or are they chaining everyone to their chesterfield?? Lol
topher800, they have you living in a bunker because Canada has had 8,700 deaths out of 37,748,538 people. You realize that means that 99.98% of the population has not died from this right.

If you are just worried about getting infected you realize in Canada that 105,935 have been infected but 69,570 or 66% have already recovered, leaving just 36,365 who still have it. So that is a percentage of 99.9% of Canadians who DON'T have it.

Also just like here in the states, most of the deaths are in Quebec, where here they are in New York/New Jersey.

Also please answer my question of when you would start football activities again?
Bluecat98":1oksu8zt said:
Is Canada playing hockey or are they chaining everyone to their chesterfield?? Lol

lol the NHL is starting up but most Canadians, especially in Toronto and Edmonton which are the hub cities, do not want the season to resume/finish. It's so stupid and only about the $$$. We are a strange people in that after May, Canadians want to watch the Blue Jays sucking and do not want to watch the Leafs sucking until November ;)

My point was that Texas played ball through the Spanish flu and WW2 so corona ain't gonna stop it :) I have little doubt that football will return this fall, I don't think the UIL would ever cancel it.
CHANTftbl":3fkd8har said:
topher800, they have you living in a bunker because Canada has had 8,700 deaths out of 37,748,538 people. You realize that means that 99.98% of the population has not died from this right.

If you are just worried about getting infected you realize in Canada that 105,935 have been infected but 69,570 or 66% have already recovered, leaving just 36,365 who still have it. So that is a percentage of 99.9% of Canadians who DON'T have it.

Also just like here in the states, most of the deaths are in Quebec, where here they are in New York/New Jersey.

Also please answer my question of when you would start football activities again?

I would restart as soon as the curve is flattened in Texas though as I just posted in response to Bluecat, I think the UIL will go as regularly scheduled. I don't believe they'd ever cancel football no matter what. :)
Hey topher, as long as your quoting from Matthew how about this one; Matthew 6:27 ?...........
Sorry couldn’t resist ..............