Water Valley vs. Ira

WV Backer

Six-man pro
Well, this one ought to be pretty good. Two of the top three teams in the state going toe to toe. Let's hear your thoughts on the matter but try to keep the inane banter to a minimum.
Got to see Ira vs. Sands. Ira started slow and seemed to me like didn't play their best game. Missed several extra points and I believe they had a turnover or two. If Ira played solid the whole game they were an easy 30+ pts better than Sands. That's football though. Water Valley better hope they can contain #12. Nobody ever came close to catching him in the open field. If Ira brings their A game they win a close one.
Water Valley missed a few extra points tonight as well. Not sure why he was missing but we all know how important those can be. Especially when you are playing a tough opponent in a close game. You really think Ira is that much better than Sands?

I was looking at the map and I think Forsan would be a perfect place to contest this game. 53.4 miles from Water Valley and 53.7 miles from Ira. Of course, there are many other variables involved besides just mileage.
Ira is quick, fast, and tackled well. I was impressed with how well they blocked a much bigger Sands team. If both teams bring their best game Ira wins close. It will be interesting to see if WV has the speed to deal with #12 in the open field. I have a hard time seeing many kids catching him once he gets moving.
Ira has beaten some pretty tough teams this year including playoff teams from Follett, Knox City, and Rankin (not to mention Sands). They've been ranked high all year long and, I don't know about anyone else, but I've been eyeing this showdown for quite a while now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the districts and figure it out. One of those things you just kind of know is going to happen. It sucks that they have to meet this early in the draw but that's the way it is out here in the wild west. There's a good team around every corner. Heck, the winner of this one gets Rankin or Borden County - not exactly a freebie there. I say good luck to the Bulldogs and we'll see if the Wildcats can't go about slowing down that #12 come Friday night.
I have not seem Ira play in person so Im at a bit of a disadvantage. I have however spoke in person with folks that have watched Ira play. From what they tell me, I like the Wildcats chances. This should be a great and exciting game! Anyone that has watched the Wildcats play knows they dont take no for an answer. GET READY CATS!!!
I will not be as bold this week but wv wins in a close one by 30. Will be closest anyone will be in playoffs though. Hold your head high bulldogs because there isnt any shame in getting beat by the eventual state champs. Go wildcats!
lol by 30 good luck on that one... the west is loaded this is why we have been talking about it all year. now teams can not make many mistakes because anyone can win. i think ira in a close one by only 8
Total have you ever actually seen Ira play? I hope the rest of the wildcat nation is not as naive as you seem to be. If wv wins by 30 Ira's gonna have to have lots of kids sick or hurt or something. #12 is very fast but they ALL looked impressive to me. If wv overlooks Ira it may go 30 the other way.
Since I was pretty close to the mark on the Ft Davis game, I predict that the Mighty Wildcats will win surprisingly easy over the Ira Bulldogs. I got several emails on how bad the Bulldogs looked...prehaps a little fearful of their next game?

Wildcats will win, not by 45, but not close.
NOT CONFIRMED YET... but i've heard possibly Blackwell stadium (nice turf field by the way) on Friday night. If someone knows for sure.. please advise.
paulbunyan":2f5npy63 said:
Ira is quick, fast, and tackled well. I was impressed with how well they blocked a much bigger Sands team. If both teams bring their best game Ira wins close. It will be interesting to see if WV has the speed to deal with #12 in the open field. I have a hard time seeing many kids catching him once he gets moving.

So... the key might be make the field really narrow with good containment. Keep in him heavy traffic and the CATS can stop him. My 2 cents.
Ira did start off slow in the first half, they had a total of 3 plays the whole first half of the ball game. 2 plays were scores, and one play was a turnover. Im not taking anything away from Sands because they played a great first half controling the ball and not letting the Bulldogs have the ball becuse they could not stop Ira's offense. Ira did a amazing job on defense controling Sands and their #25, and he was getting really knocked around by the bulldogs, so kuddos to that young man for hanging in there and finishing the game he took some mean hits and had to go out a few times. But this upcoming game against WV will be a different story, doesnt WV run the spread? WV better not just concentrate on #12, Ira has another RB that can sure run the ball as well. But yes #12 is the fastest RB in the state no doubt. I hope for a good clean fight of two great, well coached teams and no matter what the outcome both teams injury free. Goodluck to both Ira and WV, I will be at the game no matter where we play
Ira was definitely the better team. I was thinking last night that the best team doesn't always win but sands couldn't captilize on a couple of easy convertible plays that would have put a lot of pressure on Ira. Unfortunately for the mustangs the best team one.