Taking the traffic off “When will we have football?”

smokeyjoe53":qpkoba5q said:
I suppose you could use “Bush the elder” and “Bush the younger” ...... or “Bush the deceased” and “Bush the living” or..........

Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger has a lovely ring to it... like Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger from antiquity. Excellent suggestion kind sir!
topher800":1fp7m9w9 said:

Republican Governor Hogan ain't gonna be a Republican too much longer...

Hindsight is a beautiful thing isn't is?
topher800":245qm0tz said:

Republican Governor Hogan ain't gonna be a Republican too much longer...
Yes it is interesting how some of the Weak Kneed politicians like to dog pile Trump. Just too convenient to impress their cronies or is it the pay offs from the Liberals that get them to publish this stuff. A person's word is certainly worth nothing in this day and age.
Texlonghorn75":2h31n73t said:
Yes it is interesting how some of the Weak Kneed politicians like to dog pile Trump. Just too convenient to impress their cronies or is it the pay offs from the Liberals that get them to publish this stuff. A person's word is certainly worth nothing in this day and age.

He gonna be out of a job and real soon... he jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon and gonna get b*t*hed slapped for it.
smokeyjoe53":re3u9m1y said:
Well regardless of the conservative nature of this publication, they do quote the Austin Pravda.........


I have no doubt there have been thousands that have been wrongly counted and the numbers will continue to hopefully decrease! The sad part of this is that normally lowering the cases of any disease by 3,500 would be great news towards eradication but with daily numbers hovering around 10,000 in the state alone.... :(


The severity of the jump in the last month (since June 17th) is truly frightening and I pray for recovery of those affected and that the curve flattens sooner rather than later.
Does kind of make you wonder about the accuracy, not to mention the veracity of some of the reporting........ let’s face it, tragedy sells and I am not demeaning those who are infected( I learned today my great-niece and her mother have been hospitalized with the virus ). I am appalled however at some who attempt to place blame instead of working together to, at the very least, work toward finding effective treatment.
I am sorry to hear that smokey. I will keep your great-niece and her Mom in my prayers.

corona.help is the best site I have found... I've been comparing their numbers with the local numbers put out by our region and they are generally spot-on or within a patient or two on a daily basis. The odd time there will be some disparity but a day or two later the numbers work out. I can't say they are accurate for anywhere else because I have only been comparing my local numbers but corona.help seems to be doing an admiral job in a horrible time.
There are also people being counted twice. I know of people who go to a different county and get tested as positive. They got reported in the county that tested them and then as well in the county they have an address in. Back in March we had 3 medical workers who were sent to West Texas to help assist out there. They rented an apartment and never came back home for over 3 months. After being out in West Texas on their second month there they got infected and tested positive. Not even being a risk to us back home, they still tagged our county since that is where their main address is but their infection was and stayed over 300 miles away from us.
JasonTX":3kqjpnq5 said:
There are also people being counted twice. I know of people who go to a different county and get tested as positive. They got reported in the county that tested them and then as well in the county they have an address in. Back in March we had 3 medical workers who were sent to West Texas to help assist out there. They rented an apartment and never came back home for over 3 months. After being out in West Texas on their second month there they got infected and tested positive. Not even being a risk to us back home, they still tagged our county since that is where their main address is but their infection was and stayed over 300 miles away from us.

That is a fair point and the numbers are skewed. There is no denying that however that is just a small fraction of the count. People need to remember that.... July 17th 2020, Texas had 17,421 cases reported with 198 deaths. I think people need to focus on getting the curve flattened and stop distracting themselves with the odd number being counted twice. Texans are dying and the state needs to do something immediately before more lives are lost needlessly! I worry about everyone on this forum and all my other friends I have made in Texas every single day and I am praying that the curve flattens for Texas and for America. This is absolutely heartbreaking to see the record numbers every day. I am praying every day for this pandemic to come to a close and our lives to go back to the way they were.... I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Stay strong Texas!
JasonTX":20ccdaqt said:
There are also people being counted twice. I know of people who go to a different county and get tested as positive. They got reported in the county that tested them and then as well in the county they have an address in. Back in March we had 3 medical workers who were sent to West Texas to help assist out there. They rented an apartment and never came back home for over 3 months. After being out in West Texas on their second month there they got infected and tested positive. Not even being a risk to us back home, they still tagged our county since that is where their main address is but their infection was and stayed over 300 miles away from us.

Wow, that's really sloppy or dishonest reporting.
topher800":12knsiii said:
JasonTX":12knsiii said:
There are also people being counted twice. I know of people who go to a different county and get tested as positive. They got reported in the county that tested them and then as well in the county they have an address in. Back in March we had 3 medical workers who were sent to West Texas to help assist out there. They rented an apartment and never came back home for over 3 months. After being out in West Texas on their second month there they got infected and tested positive. Not even being a risk to us back home, they still tagged our county since that is where their main address is but their infection was and stayed over 300 miles away from us.

That is a fair point and the numbers are skewed. There is no denying that however that is just a small fraction of the count. People need to remember that.... July 17th 2020, Texas had 17,421 cases reported with 198 deaths. I think people need to focus on getting the curve flattened and stop distracting themselves with the odd number being counted twice. Texans are dying and the state needs to do something immediately before more lives are lost needlessly! I worry about everyone on this forum and all my other friends I have made in Texas every single day and I am praying that the curve flattens for Texas and for America. This is absolutely heartbreaking to see the record numbers every day. I am praying every day for this pandemic to come to a close and our lives to go back to the way they were.... I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Stay strong Texas!

If San Antonio had to clear 3500 cases because they were never tested I would not be surprised if this was going on all over the country. By some reports I seen they expect the numbers to be padded by 25% and higher. That certainly changes the game because it lowers the severity of it. A friend of mine, his wife was one of the first cases in the county over from us, and she was placed on a ventilator. She is a high risk, cancer (survivor) patient. She pulled through and is fine now. He never got tested and never had any symptoms. Regardless, they assigned him a case number and monitored him daily by phone. They presumed he was positive but never tested him. It would be a shame if they were doing this to every close contact of those who tested positive. I'm thinking they just need to wipe the slate clean and start the count back at zero and only count those who are tested. Shutting things down based upon presumptions just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
JasonTX":3uk9grtd said:
If San Antonio had to clear 3500 cases because they were never tested I would not be surprised if this was going on all over the country. By some reports I seen they expect the numbers to be padded by 25% and higher. That certainly changes the game because it lowers the severity of it. A friend of mine, his wife was one of the first cases in the county over from us, and she was placed on a ventilator. She is a high risk, cancer (survivor) patient. She pulled through and is fine now. He never got tested and never had any symptoms. Regardless, they assigned him a case number and monitored him daily by phone. They presumed he was positive but never tested him. It would be a shame if they were doing this to every close contact of those who tested positive. I'm thinking they just need to wipe the slate clean and start the count back at zero and only count those who are tested. Shutting things down based upon presumptions just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Thank goodness your friend's wife recovered! I imagine it was a very scary time for the family with her being a high risk case. I definitely think wiping the slate clean would at least provide more accurate numbers from here onwards.
Hey Topher, per Canada’s Offical Record, as of 2019, Canada had approximately 20,000,000 Firearms not 12,000,000. Your population was reported as 37,600,000 I believe.
Never the less you guys are woefully short on personal protection equipment. Someone up there needs to start up a “Go Fund Me” page to restore some balance. According to my calculations you guys are about 91,000,000 personal protection units short. :)
My goodness.. I apologize... holy crap 20 million... I think you are right, we are in dire need of PPE!!! :)

Okay so I guess this is where we are going to discuss Tex's claim that the 'rona is hoax....
It’s certainly not a hoax to those who have died or are going to die from it. I must admit that I am guilty of down playing the numbers at first when the U S total was in the 30,000 range. The seasonal flu claims usually claims twice that many. However I am skeptical of any totals being reported now as too many people are stating that the actual numbers are being inflated for political and financial benefits.
An example in our small county is that the death toll was reported as 17, then a week later it was corrected to 13, a decrease of 35%. Doesn’t sound like a big deal until you start extending that percentage. For example if a 100,000 people reported dead from the disease with that same error, it would be off 35,000 people! 1,000,000 reported would be 350,000 people!
Additionally, too many health care workers and professionals are reporting intentionally inflated numbers by reporting ANY non accidental death as a “COVID” death. Also, when people that tested positive go back for follow up and receive another positive test then that is reported as a NEW CASE.
With these types of discrepancies it is impossible to determine what the ACTUAL numbers are. However where there is smoke there is usually a fire. In this case I believe a significant fire is burning and unfortunately we are forced to alter our lifestyle and activities to PROTECT OTHERS, our families, our friends and fellow citizens. It’s simply the right thing to do.
At some point this will pass, the question is when.
The Hoax is that this virus is not treatable and it is easily treated. If anyone cares to google the information I posted yesterday will find that the drug information for treating Corona Virus has been around for about seventy years. It is cheap and can be used both prophylactically and for acute cases. A multitude of physicians have come out and said as much but the Media refuses to broadcast that information. Why?? Because it furthers the Democrats agenda to keep the economy shut down and possibly weakens Trump's campaign to get re-elected. It also gives the manufacturer(Gilead Sciences)of the new drug Remdisivir a virtual monopoly on treating this Pandemic and will make them billions of dollars. The same thing goes for the new vaccine they are currently touting. That means if people take hydroxychloroquine Before being exposed 99% will not even get sick. Yes we have thousands testing positive but let us be honest about the Media. The Media is blowing the Pandemic way of proportion to what is actually happening.
You can agree with me that the Media blitz is constant and unrelenting. How this group and that group have tested positive and the world is ending. They are playing on the minds of those people who trust the Media as being objective and true and are being lead down the path to a bad ending. Amazing how Topher is always the devil's advocate. Does he write political script for Biden too? Lol. Most responsible people would have figured out that there is something fishy going on.