Taking the traffic off “When will we have football?”

oldergoat":224a47jx said:
To be more correct Mr. Stone did not "get off". President Trump only commuted his sentence. Mr. Stone is still a convicted felon. Not something many people would like to be labeled with. That is much different than a full pardon which Obama and Clinton did for their friends.
Judges do the same as President Trump with probation all the time and for much worse crimes. Granted probation still has some big hooks for law enforcement.
As to your statements about not having a choice (Trump or Biden), yes we do. The scary fact is that it is not really a choice of Trump or Biden, it is a choice of Trump or the person Biden (DNC) picks for VP. Have not heard anything about using the 25th amendment lately. But if, God forbid, Biden wins he will be president less than 6 months before the democrats use that amendment to have him removed from office and our next president will be a "woman of color". That is scary because they will have been selected only because of sex and race, with no regard for qualifications.

I am not disagreeing with you and if you read my post I did mention Clinton/Whitewater along with Nixon. You make a good point about commuting a sentence/full pardon difference but to 90% of the general population it's the same thing.

If Sleepy Joe gets in, he won't be running the show, you are again right. The vast majority of my stabs at Biden are tongue in cheek because everyone can see that the man is losing his mental facilities. If it continues to be at a point where the Dems (again *IF* elected) cannot hide it anymore then it will be back to back POTUS that have had impeachment motions against them though Biden's will prevail and the US will be left with whomever is the VP. Saying that, it is A LOT of "what ifs" packaged in our two messages :) God knows what will happen in November... crap Kanye might be POTUS lolololol ;)

Further to my question about Kim Jong Un and Obama... how do think the GOP and Republican supporters would have reacted if Barrack had been as brash, contentiious, and unapologetic as Trump is? What would have been the reaction from conservatives having a Democrat who spoke first and thought later? What if Obama had tweeted as much as Trump does? Honestly, I am interested in hearing what you as Texans would have thought about a Dem President who acted and talked like the current POTUS.

On a final note, I am not sure why on our planet do world leaders refuse to apologize for even the slightest error or transgression? In this instance, I am talking about people like the UK's Boris Johnson, Canada's Justin Trudeau, Germany's Angela Merkel, President Xi, France's "Mrs. Robinson" Macron .... I was raised a Christian and to offer and to seek forgiveness is a pillar of our beliefs, it doesn't show weakness, it shows strength and growth. Where in the hell did have we gone wrong in societies around the globe?!?!?!?
FCSA football":2zhfnmqz said:
You might want to go back and look at Obama’s pardons etc.
Uhhhh...... didn’t he pardon a CONVICTED TERRORIST ? Among others ?
And Uhhhhhh.....Slick Willie Clinton, didn’t he pardon his BROTHER ? Among others?

Awwwwww....... how soon we forget, or maybe ignore.
Just saying..........

I brought up Slick Willie and I may have screwed up and not gotten my point across. Clinton was about as straight as a maze. Crooked down to the ground. My apologies sir, I did mean that Bill was a crook at POTUS
TebowTime15":2ie152td said:
Roger Stone lied to FBI/Congress/someone in regards to an investigation that was a hoax! If you don't believe it's a hoax, then okay, but it's a process crime just like Hillary Clinton and Flynn.

You know, I've been thinking about Ole' Barrack a lot lately. Would he go for this crap? I know he's pretty far to the left, but I don't know if he believes in anarchy.

I truly believe this is a law and order versus anarchy issue rather than a left versus right issue. The only thing that happened during Obama's presidency like this was the Michael Brown thing. They protested around St. Louis for a few days, and it was over. The speed, intensity, frequency, and lack of concern about the rule of law during this wave really concerned me. Then again, I don't think the police made a mistake with Michael Brown but definitely did with George Floyd

I mean this in the most polite Canadian manner as possible and I am not being facetious whatsoever. Tebow, please do not think I am being disrespectful but can we stop with the hoax/fake news stuff? All of that rhetoric is for the sheeple who side 100% on their party lines and refuse to think for themselves that there might be a middle way. People who decry "fake news"/"hoaxes" are for the most part the Mass-hole in Boston who thinks Trump is Satan and the Hillbilly in Mississippi who thinks Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Tebow, you voiced concerns earlier about history in the 20th century and countries which fell to horrible dictatorships. One of the key things any dictator will do when trying to assert their power is to tell their citizens that they are right about everything and that everyone else is lying to them. This term "fake news" that has been espoused by the current administration is dangerous. I wish to God that stupid term would just go away because when people begin to believe only one ideaology and follow it blindly... well... that's when the real trouble starts.

I used Roger Stone as an example of how conservative media championed his commuted sentence while the libs raged about it. You asked me for a vice/versa example of how the libs loved the "protests" and the cons went bananas. I could care less about Roger Stone but it is a valid example of cons loving it and libs hating it. Both the liberal and conservative media are guilty of pandering to their audience and igniting the ever-burning embers of their opposition. To argue otherwise is blind, reckless and detrimental to any sort of olive branch to unite the country in its hour of need.

There is a distinct lack of respect for authority and the law. I have racked my brains for years trying to understand why America cannot get its act together. When Donald gets blamed for something like the "protests", cons don't like it and say "But but but but Obama...." and go on a rant. Likewise when Obama was in power and got blamed for something, libs didn't like it and said "But but but but George W." .... how can people not see that the endless blame game does absolutely nothing.
topher800":37qo0ate said:
TebowTime15":37qo0ate said:
Your ignorance does not warrant a response.


You haven't even made me move my king. There is so much evidence of FBI corruption that I don't know what to tell you other than watch different news networks.
What are you talking about?!?! Even though I said I don't care about Roger Stone and it was only an example of cons gloating to the chagrin of libs like libs gloated over the "protests" to the chagrin of cons.

Hey, it's late, let's go with this! Now did the FBI just become corrupt with this administration or were they corrupt with Obama? With George W.? Slick Willie? George Sr.? Does the FBI just pick on the GOP because they want Donald out? Or is it a wider corruption of not liking any Republican President?
Name one political figure who is not corrupt and I'll show you one who just was elected ........
Power corrupts, that is human nature

On lighter note, if this is not a bumper sticker it should be:
I’m a Democrat but I identify as a Republican
How much do you suppose the DNC Commies are paying this Topher person to spew his nonsense on this site?
I mean, this amount of persistent ignorance doesn't just happen.
Johnny South":3a0jypna said:
How much do you suppose the DNC Commies are paying this Topher person to spew his nonsense on this site?
I mean, this amount of persistent ignorance doesn't just happen.

lol not bloody enough! It has been 11 years and I'm still waiting for my cheque!

smokeyjoe53":3a0jypna said:
Name one political figure who is not corrupt and I'll show you one who just was elected ........
Power corrupts, that is human nature

On lighter note, if this is not a bumper sticker it should be:
I’m a Democrat but I identify as a Republican

I love it smokey!!!
smokeyjoe53":rrqhdr5u said:
Name one political figure who is not corrupt and I'll show you one who just was elected ........
Power corrupts, that is human nature

On lighter note, if this is not a bumper sticker it should be:
I’m a Democrat but I identify as a Republican

Power absolutely corrupts, but your post made me realize maybe I was too hard on Topher. While I don't really want to talk about all the stuff the FBI has done recently because they are super powerful and unaccountable to the people, people need to know about it. I will leave you with a video of Republican Congressman, Devin Nunes, talking about his investigation of the FBI's handling of the Trump Russia Collusion Investigation and other things related to it. I hope you have eyes to see and ears to hear because there is a lot of proof.

https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video ... _ring.html

PS. I believe the stories about J. Edgar Hoover now.
Topher thank you for proving a very valid point. Your statement that "but to 90% of the general population it's the same thing." proves That MY research is correct that 78% of all stats are made up on the spot. Your 90% comment just proved once again that fact to be true. Thank you.
oldergoat":1o0zan9x said:
Topher thank you for proving a very valid point. Your statement that "but to 90% of the general population it's the same thing." proves That MY research is correct that 78% of all stats are made up on the spot. Your 90% comment just proved once again that fact to be true. Thank you.

lolol I'd love for that message to be satire but let's be honest....
Tebow: I have no doubt the FBI have been crooked since J. Edgar ran the show in his summer frocks and pumps. And that article provided insight into the shady crap going on. I didn't know who Devin Nunes was so I took at look at his education and past experience.... Associate degree in Arts from College of Sequoias, Bachelor in Ag. Business, and Masters in Agriculture. George W. had him promoted in Department of Ag as a young man so he is well versed in his field but I didn't see anything in his education that made him qualified for Chair of Intelligence. Before you jump down my throat, Obama was the one who placed him in that position in 2015.
topher800":885o47jk said:
Tebow: I have no doubt the FBI have been crooked since J. Edgar ran the show in his summer frocks and pumps. And that article provided insight into the shady crap going on. I didn't know who Devin Nunes was so I took at look at his education and past experience.... Associate degree in Arts from College of Sequoias, Bachelor in Ag. Business, and Masters in Agriculture. George W. had him promoted in Department of Ag as a young man so he is well versed in his field but I didn't see anything in his education that made him qualified for Chair of Intelligence. Before you jump down my throat, Obama was the one who placed him in that position in 2015.

I almost said to you "he doesn't sound like a dictator with his tractors behind him in every interview." I don't give a darn about his qualifications: I have more degrees than him, yet he makes more money than me. He has done a good job getting to the bottom of this crud without much help from the House leadership, Republican or Democrat. I think people should address his claims instead of calling him names, belittling him, and talking about his credientals. Honestly, I think an outsider is exactly what the intelligence community needs right now.
I guess Obama hired well then!! I didn't call him names nor did I belittle him. I think the question of educational qualifications is fair. Americans have always made light of the fact the Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer despite whether or not he did a good job as POTUS.

Saw this earlier reading about Alabama....

“People in Alabama voted against Jeff Sessions because Donald Trump told them to,” said Angi Stalnaker, a Republican strategist in Alabama. “If it had been Donald Trump saying, ‘Go write in Mickey Mouse,’ 50 percent of them would have gone to write in Mickey Mouse.”

Angi is going to have to explain that one to her bosses.
There you go again with the stats. I REPEET 78% OF ALL STATS ARE MADE UP ON THE SPOT. And just so you know Mr. Bush (the first one to be president) was not Mr. Bush Sr. I know you being from Canada it is hard to keep up but maybe you should try a little harder.
George H. W. Bush - was the dad of George W. Bush is the son.
Now that is something you should try to remember and maybe teach to your students.
I suppose you could use “Bush the elder” and “Bush the younger” ...... or “Bush the deceased” and “Bush the living” or..........