Taking the traffic off “When will we have football?”

smokeyjoe53":67gxcjwv said:
I know what we can all do........ move to the utopia of health care that is Canada......... they can fix everyone up post-haste. It is well known that the world flocks to Canada to cure all their societal and health concerns..........
“Eat 2 plates of poutaine, drink a beer and call me in the morning”

LOLOLOL please I do not recommend coming here. Just in today's news, our Princess of a Prime Minister has gotten himself into more trouble for his own stupidity. Holy moly, I'd recommend Paraguay before Canada ;)
topher800":2usvc3oc said:
Reading both the lunatic left and reprehensible right media websites, there is a divide larger than the Grand Canyon right now in the greatest country in the world. Y'all can say that defunding the police in Oregon or Washington or Minnesota are the absolute priority right now but that is just outright trying to find a distraction to the real problem. Getting the pandemic under control. Almost 65,000 new cases yesterday in the US with no signs of stopping... over 500 people lost their lives in the last 7 days in Texas alone.

So as you said
Small protests in loonie left states - speck in your brother's eye
65,000+ covid-19 cases yesterday alone = plank in your eye

Are you kidding me?!?!? I guess all they have is fake news in Canada. People were protesting in Dallas, Houston, Ft. Worth, San Antonio, and El Paso. Let me get on my computer, and I'll show you proof of that. Did you see the videos of it? There were thousands of them.
90% of those articles are at least 2 weeks, if not a month, old. I didn't put up any argument condoning what happened during those so-called "protests" but since the start of July there has been only small sporadic "protests" here and there. Yah it needed to put down 100% and it has for the most part.... and I hope the governmnet continues to clamp down if it resurges.

My point was DAY after DAY thousands of Texans and tens of thousands of Americans are contracting a ** potentially ** fatal virus. Yesterday was over 5,000 cases with Texas already reporting over 2,220 cases for today. 47 deaths in Texas yesterday, 28 already today but yah... let's talk about something from last month instead of focusing on today's problems that is for the most part, preventable if the general public would just listen to health care officials and science. Or maybe let's just make up stuff to whatever suits one's leftist or rightist beliefs and refuse to budge whatsoever no matter how crappy the situation may be in the country.

For example, during the "protests" the libs loved it and their media went bananas with glee and they refused to acknowledge any sense of how democracy works and how pubilcally funded police forces are a necessity. The libs/Dems refused to budge. It is that sort of refusal to even consider a viewpoint differing from their own that has caused such a massive divide as wide as the Grand Canyon. On the flip side, the GOP and conservatives do exactly the same thing when an event occurs that supports their views.

The refusal (or lack of ability) to think critically, to listen and carefully consider differing viewpoints based on one's own emperical research and evidence is currently and will continue to cause the downward spiral of fear, lies, and hate between liberals and conservatives in America. The name of your country is, after all, the ** UNITED ** States of America. Or is that Fake News?
topher800":7zv4rqqs said:
90% of those articles are at least 2 weeks, if not a month, old. I didn't put up any argument condoning what happened during those so-called "protests" but since the start of July there has been only small sporadic "protests" here and there. Yah it needed to put down 100% and it has for the most part.... and I hope the governmnet continues to clamp down if it resurges.

When do you think the COVID cases started spreading? Remember, it takes two weeks for symptoms to show.

My point was DAY after DAY thousands of Texans and tens of thousands of Americans are contracting a ** potentially ** fatal virus. Yesterday was over 5,000 cases with Texas already reporting over 2,220 cases for today. 47 deaths in Texas yesterday, 28 already today but yah... let's talk about something from last month instead of focusing on today's problems that is for the most part, preventable if the general public would just listen to health care officials and science. Or maybe let's just make up stuff to whatever suits one's leftist or rightist beliefs and refuse to budge whatsoever no matter how crappy the situation may be in the country.

Who didn't listen to the science? We shut the country down for like a month, washed our hands, social distanced, and the only people I saw not following that were "the protesters."

For example, during the "protests" the libs loved it and their media went bananas with glee and they refused to acknowledge any sense of how democracy works and how pubilcally funded police forces are a necessity. The libs/Dems refused to budge. It is that sort of refusal to even consider a viewpoint differing from their own that has caused such a massive divide as wide as the Grand Canyon.


On the flip side, the GOP and conservatives do exactly the same thing when an event occurs that supports their views.

Example, please?

The refusal (or lack of ability) to think critically, to listen and carefully consider differing viewpoints based on one's own emperical research and evidence is currently and will continue to cause the downward spiral of fear, lies, and hate between liberals and conservatives in America. The name of your country is, after all, the ** UNITED ** States of America. Or is that Fake News?

I disagree. This was the problem two months ago to......since Eisenhower was president? Essentially, this what I've been trying to tell you; Selectively enforcing the law, simple laws that have been on the book since forever, is going to break us up. You simply cannot allow one group of people to commit crimes while targeting another if they do any little thing wrong.
What I'm having issues with is that there are inconsistencies with testing numbers. If 2 +2 = 4. We check our math by going 4-2=2. For whatever reason we can't do that with testing coronavirus. If you haven't tested someone they should not be included in the total cases. According to the Texas DHS, they claim presumed positives aren't included. The problem is the numbers aren't adding up. There is no way you can have positives + negatives and not equal the total number of tests administered.
JasonTX":27p4mhi1 said:
What I'm having issues with is that there are inconsistencies with testing numbers. If 2 +2 = 4. We check our math by going 4-2=2. For whatever reason we can't do that with testing coronavirus. If you haven't tested someone they should not be included in the total cases. According to the Texas DHS, they claim presumed positives aren't included. The problem is the numbers aren't adding up. There is no way you can have positives + negatives and not equal the total number of tests administered.

Tebowtime15 LOVES this post!
Incubation at the moment is from the beginning of July and those lovely 4th celebrations. I mentioned just after Independence Day on here that I saw on the live webcams that Myrtle Beach was beyond packed with people. Along with the protests from the middle to late June. celebrating the birth of the nation carelessly has exaserbated this current wave... that and people not wearing masks, social distancing, etc.

America didn't listen to science, America opened too quickly. States are now having to shut down again because of it. "Like a month" is not long enough obviously... look at the other G10 members in the past 36 hours. They are all economically strong democracies with advanced medical capabilities just like the United States so the argument of "they aren't testing enough/as much as we are" is a downright silly claim. The other G10 must have done something a little differently because look at that disparity.

Belgium - 74
Canada - 250
France - 1,625
Germany - 486
Italy - 169
Japan - 333
Netherlands - 54
Sweden - 175
United Kingdom - 1,246
United States of America - 64,814

A Republican example? Roger Stone. The conservative media loves that Trump has freed him and the libs are going insane. It's vice/versa of the "protests" when the libs loved it and the cons went ballistic. Perfect example of the flip side of the coin no matter what one's personal beliefs about Roger Stone may be.

Your final point, if that is the case, America needs to put both Hilary and Donald in jail because they are both criminals who deserve to spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

Selectively enforcing the law to lock Hillary up for, say, the email server and not locking up Trump for Russian interference unequivocally proves my point about American division and the lack of critical thinking.

Selectively enforcing the law to lock Trump up for Russian interference and not locking up Hillary for the email server unequivocally proves my point about American division and the lack of critical thinking.

According to your last point, a great way to start the healing process is to lock'em both up and throw away the key which I wholeheartedly agree with! The United States of America would be a better place with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gone forever.
JasonTX":2mrrebp3 said:
What I'm having issues with is that there are inconsistencies with testing numbers. If 2 +2 = 4. We check our math by going 4-2=2. For whatever reason we can't do that with testing coronavirus. If you haven't tested someone they should not be included in the total cases. According to the Texas DHS, they claim presumed positives aren't included. The problem is the numbers aren't adding up. There is no way you can have positives + negatives and not equal the total number of tests administered.

Of course there are inconsistencies and I don't think the true numbers will ever be known but take a look at the above post regarding G10 member covid-19 cases in the last 36 hours.... something is a little more wrong than just a miscount
topher800":gv5rwz32 said:
Incubation at the moment is from the beginning of July and those lovely 4th celebrations. I mentioned just after Independence Day on here that I saw on the live webcams that Myrtle Beach was beyond packed with people. Along with the protests from the middle to late June. celebrating the birth of the nation carelessly has exaserbated this current wave... that and people not wearing masks, social distancing, etc.

What state is Myrtle Beach in? Answer: South Carolina. The states with problems right (Texas, Florida, and California) are three of the biggest states in the union with several large metropolitan areas.

America didn't listen to science,

This American did listen to the science, and every American I interacted with at HEB, Walmart, and out in public did the same thing.

America opened too quickly.

Texas followed reopening guidelines issued by the government to the T. The only states that didn't follow them that I know of for sure were Georgia and Oklahoma.

States are now having to shut down again because of it. "Like a month" is not long enough obviously... look at the other G10 members in the past 36 hours. They are all economically strong democracies with advanced medical capabilities just like the United States so the argument of "they aren't testing enough/as much as we are" is a downright silly claim. The other G10 must have done something a little differently because look at that disparity.

Belgium - 74
Canada - 250
France - 1,625
Germany - 486
Italy - 169
Japan - 333
Netherlands - 54
Sweden - 175
United Kingdom - 1,246
United States of America - 64,814

Sweeden originally did not shut down!: https://newsroom.uvahealth.com/2020/07/ ... in-sweden/

England: June 28, 2020 "LONDON -- Britain’s government is considering a lockdown for the central English city of Leicester amid a spike of COVID-19 cases — the first time that a single U.K. area would face such an extreme measure during the pandemic." - https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory ... c-71500376

Try again.

A Republican example? Roger Stone. The conservative media loves that Trump has freed him and the libs are going insane. It's vice/versa of the "protests" when the libs loved it and the cons went ballistic. Perfect example of the flip side of the coin no matter what one's personal beliefs about Roger Stone may be.

The whole Trump/Russian collusion thing has proven to be 1000% false. The intelligence agencies leaked stories to get FISA warrants so they could spy on Trump's associates. Stone's "crime" has nothing to do with an actual crime. Instead, they claim he perjured himself, I think it's to Congress not the FBI by the way, but either way the whole thing was tainted with political bias. For whatever reason, the FBI will not release what he actually "lied about" to the public.

PS. I shouldn't have ever argued with you about this because presidential pardon is in the Constitution:

The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. Article 2, Section 2

Elections have consequences!

Your final point, if that is the case, America needs to put both Hilary and Donald in jail because they are both criminals who deserve to spend the rest of their lives behind bars.

Selectively enforcing the law to lock Hillary up for, say, the email server and not locking up Trump for Russian interference unequivocally proves my point about American division and the lack of critical thinking.

Selectively enforcing the law to lock Trump up for Russian interference and not locking up Hillary for the email server unequivocally proves my point about American division and the lack of critical thinking.

This will be my last post to you because Trump did nothing wrong, period, end of statement. Your head must be so far up Adam Schiff's behind if you believe otherwise.

I will say, however, that Hillary definitely messed up, but I don't know if she should go to jail. The point is Hillary committed a process crime, but if she gets off for it then why shouldn't Flynn, Stone, and Manafort? Apply the law fairly, and I would be fine with either.

This isn't the type of non-enforcement I was talking about, by the way, I'm talking about clear violent crimes. Hillary, Flynn, Stone, and Manafort are not going to go kill anyone or tear down buildings.

According to your last point, a great way to start the healing process is to lock'em both up and throw away the key which I wholeheartedly agree with! The United States of America would be a better place with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump gone forever.

Again, this will be my last post to you. Let me ask you this, though: after two years of investigating by big stud, Bob Mueller, tons of hours spent on House of Representatives Oversight, and the media pouring their heart and soul into this issue, why do I still not know what Trump did wrong in regards to Russia? Could you explain that to me? I'd be curious to know.

Keep in mind that Ukraine has not been apart of Russia since 1991. You chose to bring up Russia. I preface it this way because I do at least know the allegation against Trump in regards to Ukraine: "he interfered in an Ukraine investigation into the eventual Democratic nominee." There a lot of problems with that, including, but not limited to, Biden clearly interfered in an investigation in regards to his son on tape whereas the listener has to assign intent to Trump, the actual "crime" would have something to do with campaign finance reform, and it assumes Trump knew Biden would win the nomination years before he actually did so.

I'm out. I hope you listen to my words because you aren't hopeless, my friend. If you want my advice, which you probably don't, keep your eye on the ball. You can nitpick anything and make it bad.
The fact of the matter is if Trump locks everything down the Dems scream he’s tearing apart our economy. If Trump opens things up The Dems scream he is being irresponsible.
Face it, nothing Trump does will be viewed as “good” by the liberal media.
To attribute the increase in COVID numbers to Trump’s leadership or lack there of is asinine. I attribute it to the nature of Americans. You may try to tell us what’s best for us but ultimately we will choose to act as individuals who are afforded certain rights by our Constitution. I’m not saying we are correct in our thinking or actions but we do maintain our right to be as ignorant as we wish.
Tebow I wouldn’t be so sure to say Hillary hasn’t left any bodies in her wake......... I for one would hesitate to run into her in a dark alley............ unless I was exercising my constitutional right to bear arms and even then I’d want mine to be bigger than hers........
smokeyjoe53":3ppc8cki said:
Tebow I wouldn’t be so sure to say Hillary hasn’t left any bodies in her wake......... I for one would hesitate to run into her in a dark alley............ unless I was exercising my constitutional right to bear arms and even then I’d want mine to be bigger than hers........

LOL, I hear you! I honestly have a soft spot in my heart for Hillary, even though I deplore her policies, because I cast my first vote for her in the 2008 Democrat Primary after hearing Obama's pastor. We should have listened to Jeremiah Wright; he tried to tell everyone what was coming way back then.
Tebow, okay. Fair enough. I am not here, and quite frankly never have been, with the goal of changing someone's mind about their beliefs. If you think Americans have done all that is possible to combat the pandemic and maintain their economy, I wouldn't say anything to disparage you. My covid-19 arguments were based on the numbers and my own opinions that I have formed through reading and contemplative thought and consideration.

Same with Donald and Hillary. Everyone on here can say what they like and what they believe but in the end, history will decide how this administration just as all the others before will be remembered. It would be very interesting to get a glimpse 100 years from now and what the history books, or whatever crazy tech has replaced actual books lol ;), say about the pandemic of 2020. Just as a hundred year ago, people would have been interested in how we today learn about the Spanish influenza.

I personally have enjoyed reading your comments Tebow. Despite the fact that we disagree on several points, I have learned a great deal and I thank you for that. Just as I over the past few weeks have learned a lot about the current thinking and mindset of Texans during this difficult time. Quite often in my classroom, I talk about the many differing ideas between Canada and the United States as well as North America and Europe/Asia/Oceania. It's exceedingly difficult to engage students these days and especially now because my school board in its infinite wisdom allows smartphones in the class and last Septemeber removed all blocks on the wifi. That's right, students can watch Netflix in my class and the only thing I am allowed to do as a teacher is ask them to put their phone away. Of course it comes right back out a few minutes later however I digress because thats a whole can of worms that doesn't need to be opened at the moment. Getting back to my teaching, the students seem to enjoy hearing how people outside of Toronto/Ontario/Canada look at what is going on in the world and quite often ask questions about what my friends in Texas or my cousins in Ireland or New Zealand think of a certain event either in the present or in history. Being able to give them an answer outside of something anyone can read in a newspaper hopefully can help broaden their thinking and not limit them to just a narrow Canadian view of the world.


Smokey, god help ya if you ever run into that woman in a dark alley! I hope you have an arsenal on your hip! But if one believes the rumors, Hillary packs quite a punch below the equator if ya get what I mean lolololol ;) Your argument about the nature of Americans is quite interesting. Last year I watching some 20/20 type documentary on Roberts County and one of guys living in Miami shared that if so long as the government didn't interfere with him and his immediate family then he didn't care what happened. I remember thinking that there was considerate lack of concern for the common good. Now of course thats only one person but what you said just reminded me of that. In the end, there is no correct way of thinking, it's a matter of where we were raised (and I don't mean country to country whatsoever) and our experiences that form whether or not people are more individualistic or group orientated. Thank you sir once again for the post!
topher800":2nej2jj5 said:
Tebow, okay. Fair enough. I am not here, and quite frankly never have been, with the goal of changing someone's mind about their beliefs. If you think Americans have done all that is possible to combat the pandemic and maintain their economy, I wouldn't say anything to disparage you. My covid-19 arguments were based on the numbers and my own opinions that I have formed through reading and contemplative thought and consideration.

Same with Donald and Hillary. Everyone on here can say what they like and what they believe but in the end, history will decide how this administration just as all the others before will be remembered. It would be very interesting to get a glimpse 100 years from now and what the history books, or whatever crazy tech has replaced actual books lol ;), say about the pandemic of 2020. Just as a hundred year ago, people would have been interested in how we today learn about the Spanish influenza.

I personally have enjoyed reading your comments Tebow. Despite the fact that we disagree on several points, I have learned a great deal and I thank you for that. Just as I over the past few weeks have learned a lot about the current thinking and mindset of Texans during this difficult time. Quite often in my classroom, I talk about the many differing ideas between Canada and the United States as well as North America and Europe/Asia/Oceania. It's exceedingly difficult to engage students these days and especially now because my school board in its infinite wisdom allows smartphones in the class and last Septemeber removed all blocks on the wifi. That's right, students can watch Netflix in my class and the only thing I am allowed to do as a teacher is ask them to put their phone away. Of course it comes right back out a few minutes later however I digress because thats a whole can of worms that doesn't need to be opened at the moment. Getting back to my teaching, the students seem to enjoy hearing how people outside of Toronto/Ontario/Canada look at what is going on in the world and quite often ask questions about what my friends in Texas or my cousins in Ireland or New Zealand think of a certain event either in the present or in history. Being able to give them an answer outside of something anyone can read in a newspaper hopefully can help broaden their thinking and not limit them to just a narrow Canadian view of the world.


Smokey, god help ya if you ever run into that woman in a dark alley! I hope you have an arsenal on your hip! But if one believes the rumors, Hillary packs quite a punch below the equator if ya get what I mean lolololol ;) Your argument about the nature of Americans is quite interesting. Last year I watching some 20/20 type documentary on Roberts County and one of guys living in Miami shared that if so long as the government didn't interfere with him and his immediate family then he didn't care what happened. I remember thinking that there was considerate lack of concern for the common good. Now of course thats only one person but what you said just reminded me of that. In the end, there is no correct way of thinking, it's a matter of where we were raised (and I don't mean country to country whatsoever) and our experiences that form whether or not people are more individualistic or group orientated. Thank you sir once again for the post!

I'm not mad at you at all, but you are drifting into factual disagreement. I'm pretty sure you would agree that Trump should pardon Stone if this whole "Russia Collusion" was a hoc created by the Left. If it's not a hoc, I would be more likely to agree with you that him pardoning Stone might not be the best course of action. You believe one set of facts and I believe the other, it's that simple.

The only reason I started the whole political talk recently was to get people to wake up about the stuff going on in American big cities. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this type of behavior feels very Dark Ages, pre-Civil War, 1900 to 1917 in Russia before the Bolsheviks came to power, 1918 to 1934 in Germany before the Nazis came to power, pre-Cultural Revolution in China, or whatever horrible historical event you want to insert. While most of us cannot vote out the real source of the problem, the big city liberal mayors, we can show the Democrats they will not win elections by condoning this crap.
He was proven guilty but no one gives a crap about that. Trump got Stone off because they are old friends. This one stinks as much as Slick Willie pardoning Suzanne McDougal with the Whitewater scandal.... nevermind Gerry Ford and Nixon.

With regards to the big cities, the so-called "protests" need to be dealt with swiftly. There is no denying that. Fortunately, I give more credit to the American people as a whole being able to maintain their constitution and not giving in to anarchy. Even if Sleepy Joe wins, the US will simply revert back to what life was like under Obama... well sorta, at least Obama could string a sentence together without stumbling ;)

You know I've always wondered what the GOP and Republican supporters would have said if Obama had met with the Kim family instead of Donald Trump. Would they have been supportive of Barrack crossing into North Korea arm in arm with Kim Jong Un? Or would they have reacted as the liberal media did with fiery outrage?
Roger Stone lied to FBI/Congress/someone in regards to an investigation that was a hoax! If you don't believe it's a hoax, then okay, but it's a process crime just like Hillary Clinton and Flynn.

You know, I've been thinking about Ole' Barrack a lot lately. Would he go for this crap? I know he's pretty far to the left, but I don't know if he believes in anarchy.

I truly believe this is a law and order versus anarchy issue rather than a left versus right issue. The only thing that happened during Obama's presidency like this was the Michael Brown thing. They protested around St. Louis for a few days, and it was over. The speed, intensity, frequency, and lack of concern about the rule of law during this wave really concerned me. Then again, I don't think the police made a mistake with Michael Brown but definitely did with George Floyd
To be more correct Mr. Stone did not "get off". President Trump only commuted his sentence. Mr. Stone is still a convicted felon. Not something many people would like to be labeled with. That is much different than a full pardon which Obama and Clinton did for their friends.
Judges do the same as President Trump with probation all the time and for much worse crimes. Granted probation still has some big hooks for law enforcement.
As to your statements about not having a choice (Trump or Biden), yes we do. The scary fact is that it is not really a choice of Trump or Biden, it is a choice of Trump or the person Biden (DNC) picks for VP. Have not heard anything about using the 25th amendment lately. But if, God forbid, Biden wins he will be president less than 6 months before the democrats use that amendment to have him removed from office and our next president will be a "woman of color". That is scary because they will have been selected only because of sex and race, with no regard for qualifications.
You might want to go back and look at Obama’s pardons etc.
Uhhhh...... didn’t he pardon a CONVICTED TERRORIST ? Among others ?
And Uhhhhhh.....Slick Willie Clinton, didn’t he pardon his BROTHER ? Among others?

Awwwwww....... how soon we forget, or maybe ignore.
Just saying..........