Spread and ranking updates

CougarFan, we will see how much you have to say about Milford when they drag Aquilla this Friday. Will you be in attendance? Will you voice your displeasure with us Milford fans at the game or just continue to talk behind your keyboard?
pistol":10gw578r said:
Check the overall rankings for the numbers on the why test.. that's where the 12 comes in for Bryson

Both teams dropped points.. BC prob dropped a few more due to Calvert and Petersburg both dropping double digits
Now I'm really confused. If u go by overall rankings,week 3, #1 BC beats # 9 Bryson, and #2 Happy beats #28 Ropes!! Then Happy moves to #1!!! Just didn't want u to think I'm dumb, but I kinda feel like it. Again I know it don't mean a thing in the outcome of the season for either team. Just tryin to make sense of it
I know ur gonna say Bryson is ranked 12. But they were ranked 9th before the game was played!, and ropes was ranked 28th and they still are 28th! I, by no means claim to be a the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree but??? I must be the drunk monkey
Maybe Granger should post a warning label on the ranking page................. " Caution!!!!!! Rankings are for entertainment purposes only!!!! Attempting to understand may cause anger, discontent, self doubt and insomnia"...........
quentin70":ih79zqd8 said:
pistol":ih79zqd8 said:
Check the overall rankings for the numbers on the why test.. that's where the 12 comes in for Bryson

Both teams dropped points.. BC prob dropped a few more due to Calvert and Petersburg both dropping double digits
Now I'm really confused. If u go by overall rankings,week 3, #1 BC beats # 9 Bryson, and #2 Happy beats #28 Ropes!! Then Happy moves to #1!!! Just didn't want u to think I'm dumb, but I kinda feel like it. Again I know it don't mean a thing in the outcome of the season for either team. Just tryin to make sense of it

I do know it has to do with a lot of numbers! I can tell you that. BC and Happy both won.. both covered spread.. and both dropped ratings points (which I'm guessing has to do with previous opponents results/ratings changes) Happy only dropped a few points and BC dropped a few more (which I would guess would have to do with Petersburg/Calvert games). They are both now really close in the rating so I would say there is a chance they flip flop a couple of more times before their potential matchup WAY down the road.
Cougarfan I hope your boys are ready for Milford friday while you are doing all this talking LOL.. this will be a scrimmage game for those boys in blue...
Blue Bird":cqbgwuh4 said:
I have found a small mistake in the toy. Nazareth is listed at 5 and 0, which is impossible. So I went to the why test and found their win over New Home listed twice and was added into their average points for their opponants. What the average shows now is 253.27, what it should be is 251.1075. May not make any difference in any rankings, on the other hand, it might change everything ever so slightly all the way up and down the line.

not a mistake in the toy. A mistake in score reporting. Somehow week 4 included twice. You could see it on the scoreboard. I will fix and update.
Just a few notes, the entire system dropped points. It was a regression from last week. This happens because there are so many teams now playing and the results are starting to conflict. What I mean is that if you tried to create a perfect ranking, where any team that beat another was ranked ahead of them, that is impossible. With 461 games played, I can get that number down into the teens, but things get a bit out of control beyond that.

I would also like to note that Happy had won the week before and dropped to #2 (they had a bye).

def #58 Petersburg (1-3) 46-0
def #42 Austin Veritas (1-2) 60-0
def #15 Calvert (3-1) 62-0
def #12 Bryson (2-2) 62-16

def #7 Richland Springs (3-1) 96-74
def #8 Valley (2-1) 84-56
def #27 Ropes (2-2) 86-36

Last, this system almost 290 teams in it (JV's that play varsities and out of state teams), not just the 2, 3, or 6 teams you are looking at. It does not operate like a poll. Never has. It used to move a lot less, but that was when there were much fewer teams.
on a side note to the side notes, I predict the system will expand again this coming week... where I am guessing it stays closer to.
I performed the "Why Test" on Happy. The last line of the results caused some head-scratching:

"average opponent rating is 425.246666667"

Seems like something might be amiss.