Richland Springs Vs Milford

Wind is forecast 9MPH@7pm, 8mph@8pm and 6mph @ 9pm. Would not think that would be that much of a factor, 51 degrees might make a difference but should be ideal football weather.
Jpup, I think RS handled the milford speed and crowd very well. I don't think milford was ready for Richlands fans or how physical they were. #1 had speed, 13 just had a mouth. He's a great actor too! He liked to fall a lot. I think coyotes handled business even with the refs letting the game get out of hand! Great day to be a coyote
I just saw an amazing game! Milford pushed Richland to the absolute limit as the score was 30-40 in the 3rd. But in the end Richland blocking was the difference. They had plenty pancakes blocks and lots of big cracks. So proud of my boys regardless, despite cramping issues they faught till the very end.Great job to both teams. I wish Richland nothing but the best.
Isnt it sad when the loosing team has more class and humility than tbe winning team. Typical RS mentality calling out a kid for mouthing.. Yet they come on here and do the same thing and fail to mention there own faults. Pity the fool
Boy, what a game! Tonight was the first time I saw both teams play and it lived up to the hype despite the score. While it ultimately turned out how it historically does when Richland Springs plays in a game, I am not sure I have ever seen a spreadback as good as #1 from Milford with the exception of Ethridge. He could run like Reggie Bush, throw like Peyton Manning, catch like Jerry Rice, and made some great plays on defense. I honestly feel like Milford could have played with Richland if they fixed the timing within their spread, but the efficiency of a Jerry Burkhart coached team makes it virtually impossible to beat the Coyotes. Good game to both teams and best of luck to Richland Springs in the next round.
First off its Jdawg.... I have never said anything disrespectful about RS and I never will... They are very great team.... We didn't capitalize on the opportunities we had... And RS did.... Good luck to you guys on adding to the collection... #13 plays his own type of game.... And I am proud of him for keeping his cool throughout the game.... See ya next year same round
Yew knowd, I wuz impressed with them Milfords. They done wore out, but didn't give up. I even liked ole 13. He wuz downrite entertainin'.
Regardless, he left it all on the field. Recieving,Rushing, and Passing he did everything he was asked of. He played with fun and excitement, he wasn't scared of the moment at all. Since the small scuffle happened on the RS sideline who saw what happened when the RS kid got ejected, we couldn't see from where we were sitting at.

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