Playoff Excitement..Let's pick em

Looks like the worst of the weather will hit San Saba right about game time. Coach Phillips will have an interesting night on his hands, but Rochelle's D against the tight sets will still be too much for zephyr to score enough to keep up with the few times Marty breaks a run or finds Tinney or Cox open in the flats. This is assuming lightning doesnt postpone the game. Lots of little blotches of yellow and red on the weather map.
The weather at the RS-Jones' game felt like the panhandle again, just wetter. It was miserable. On top of that was the lackluster game. I felt sorry for the players. It appeared the RS boys handled the elements better than their counterparts did. Good job RS. Good season Jonesboro.
I was the only one to pick Zephyr on this thread. Congrats on a historic season Rochelle. What happened to Jonesboro? Richland is looking like a lock for the title.
I think you have to give credit was credit is due. We watched Calvert vs Jonesboro last week and we assumed that Jonesboro would roll. I have to give credit to one fan from Jonesboro who stated that Richland Coaches would have a game plan, nothing like the Coaches from Calvert.

Big loss for Milford, but the future looks bright. Good luck Abbott, and congrats to Milford on a wonderful season.
BE":2mm33rrq said:
The weather at the RS-Jones' game felt like the panhandle again, just wetter. It was miserable. On top of that was the lackluster game. I felt sorry for the players. It appeared the RS boys handled the elements better than their counterparts did. Good job RS. Good season Jonesboro.

Far from lackluster from where I sat, that is if you like to see good defense in action. The weather was terrible. Cold, Windy, Wet, a night that separated the real fans from the wannabes. One of the best defensive demonstrations that I have witnessed this year. Jonesboro is a powerhouse running team. The Coyote defense shut them down to almost nothing. Congratulations Jonesboro on a fine season. Congratulations Coyotes on a Great Game! Keep up the good work. And by the way, the Coyote running game was awesome.
WACK JOB(s) of the week's a 5 way tie!
WV Backer
Texas Forever7

All of you wack job(s) picked the RS Coyotes to get beat up by "the Joneses"!
Just goes to show how narrow minded and the lack of knowledge you have about the 6 man game.
If you losers are going to continue to try to pick winners, start using your brain, instead of your heart!
Start rolling them lame a** excuses on out! We're all waiting, let's go boys!
Guess I should never pick against RS ever again. When's the last time RS lost to a team with a power run game? They seem to excel at shutting down tight offenses.
Bill O'Rielly":3m8n4wb9 said:
WACK JOB(s) of the week's a 5 way tie!
WV Backer
Texas Forever7

All of you wack job(s) picked the RS Coyotes to get beat up by "the Joneses"!
Just goes to show how narrow minded and the lack of knowledge you have about the 6 man game.
If you losers are going to continue to try to pick winners, start using your brain, instead of your heart!
Start rolling them lame a** excuses on out! We're all waiting, let's go boys!
Kinda taking it a little personal aren't you Bill O'Rielly? I mean, we (at least I did) picked Jonesboro based upon their performance against Calvert not because of some narrow minded hatred of RS (although I admit that I can't stand some of you). Don't be so insecure Bill, RS has been a consistent winner since the turn of the century. Just because someone picks against the Coyotes it isn't the end of the world and it doesn't mean we don't know anything about the game.
Bill, I didn't realize picking the wrong team to win makes someone a wack job. I'm sure that makes every true fan of football a wack job. However Richland Spring's coaching year in and year out seems to be head and shoulders against others... at least when it comes to winning.
Lackluster as in lacking excitement for those of us who are unattached emotionally. And there were a lot of us there. Yes, the defense was spot on...always is to a high degree. If you have been around six-man football and still don't realize the effectiveness of the man defense against the run, you are either clueless or arrogant. Not the case with RS at all, but average players who understand the man can use it to shut down 95% of all playoff offenses that rely primarily on the traditional run game.

Opposite of gangbuster is my point. Both offenses struggled with the weather. Neither had their normally strong passing attack. The leather ball was too slippery. It takes big hands to throw wet footballs. Or it takes very dry hands to throw a wet ball, and obviously their hands were not dry.

So the game was dominated by defense. But it was not blockbuster. it was ballbuster.

Everyone there saw the difference in the teams' body language. The RS boys appeared un-phased by the rain and cold. Their shoulders were not hunched down and locked to hold in the heat. The other kids shoulder's were. And they walked stiff and measured. The RS boys did not demonstrate that...other than the ones on their sideline.

Right now I am wondering how both teams prepared for the night. I got there after one minute had elapsed. Did both teams come out an hour early, warm-up then return to the locker room? Or did they come out late ?? As I mentioned before, these games are more interesting than any I have seen in recent memory because of the amazing dynamics going on in places like Rochelle, Calvert, Crowell, Sterling City and Zephyr, compared to some of the other teams.
WV Backer":2qeln6o7 said:
Bill O'Rielly":2qeln6o7 said:
WACK JOB(s) of the week's a 5 way tie!
WV Backer
Texas Forever7

All of you wack job(s) picked the RS Coyotes to get beat up by "the Joneses"!
Just goes to show how narrow minded and the lack of knowledge you have about the 6 man game.
If you losers are going to continue to try to pick winners, start using your brain, instead of your heart!
Start rolling them lame a** excuses on out! We're all waiting, let's go boys!
Kinda taking it a little personal aren't you Bill O'Rielly? I mean, we (at least I did) picked Jonesboro based upon their performance against Calvert not because of some narrow minded hatred of RS (although I admit that I can't stand some of you). Don't be so insecure Bill, RS has been a consistent winner since the turn of the century. Just because someone picks against the Coyotes it isn't the end of the world and it doesn't mean we don't know anything about the game.

Not taking it personal, trust me! I think it is funny as hell that a few of y'all make picks out of hatred and it just turns y'all stomach that RS continues its winning tradition. Oh and by the way, the well is FAR from going dry!
You must have thought that Calvert was a great team and RS was just an average team! Still waiting on those excuses? (Crickets, Crickets, Crickets, Crickets, Crickets, Crickets)
Calling someone a "wack job" is indicative of taking it personally. I could swear I just told you I picked Jonesboro based on their performance against Calvert. You are right about one thing though, I did think Calvert was a good (not great) team based upon their performance versus Crowell and Abbott earlier this year. So you should be able to extrapolate from there that I thought Jonesboro was good enough to win based on performance. Cheer up dude, your team proved once again that they are the class of the east and probably one of the top three teams in the state. I don't feel the need to come up with excuses, Richland Springs is a top-notch program and they proved it once again Friday night. Besides, I've got no dog in the fight; they were just picks man.
tx6man4life":1la1uzr2 said:
I feel Jonesboro wins too....I just have a tough time going against the coyotes this time of year this late in the playoffs....picking that game for me is like picking BC vs Happy..


so I don't see that as coyote hating..just maybe seen 2 tough teams coming into a game at what I thought could possibly have a different outcome.....I love the RS they there coached...all of unfair assessment sir...
BE said:
Lackluster as in lacking excitement for those of us who are unattached emotionally.

Opposite of gangbuster is my point. Both offenses struggled with the weather. Neither had their normally strong passing attack. The leather ball was too slippery.

So the game was dominated by defense. But it was not blockbuster. it was ballbuster.


BE, the things that made this game exciting to see was how the teams handled the adverse conditions, the adjusting, the play selection by the offensive coordinator, the execution, all of the changes from normalcy to fit what was at hand. I have witnessed too many times teams with equal or superior talent with the 'set in stone' game plan who get blown out by the flexible coordinator. Along with the defensive preparation that was so obvious, this game was a classic in my eyes.

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