Our sport and the dominance of one school.

This is my courtroom I can say what I want. When you become a Judge, we will talk.
Now....sit there and listen cakey. I've done all my research gentleman and I have come up with a few things that are worth hearing. Turn your volume up Dumbo because I'm not going to repeat myself more than I want to.
Cowboy P-- Really? Really? Sir don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. Your comments were totally uncalled for and everyone knows where you were going with that. I don't care how the Word of God applies here. This is a courtroom, not a church, so don't preach to me.
Ridiculous --- NEXT!
Hornkeeper12--On your BEST day you're not as smart as I am on my worst day. Your posts prove that. You're still swole up like a toad frog over a coach giving you the shaft. (bye-bye)
As far as wanting someone else to win state this year--you wouldn't care if it was a girls dance team, just as long as it wasn't those kids from RS. Forget all the " it's bad for the game, it's not improving our fan base, people are bored with RS"....blah, blah, blah. Or should I say, "MOO, MOO, MOO?" Get over yourself! You ever heard of that game called Angry Birds? Go play it...

I'm the boss, applesauce! If you people are tired of being 2nd rate citizens.....step onto the winning train. You can't buy a ticket though- it comes from hard work, time, preparation, studying, sweat, blood and tears. And if you can't find that in your local supermarket, you can get an idea on Hwy 190 West- on a field that sits there. "7"
I have an idea.....
Lets ban Richland from playing football.... We could sit here all day and talk about what a dynasty can do for /against the game, but the bottom line is, that a lot of boys have been working hard for a while now. The best teams will eventually play each-other. We will find out who is the best in a few short months. I don't think it should be a knock on rs that they have won so much over the last few years, but I also don't think that it should play a factor to the teams who want to win the title. How bout we just let the boys play the game and see what happens!
Maybe RS isn't the problem. Maybe they have a really good coach , and maybe he is blessed with kids that take time out of their busy life to workout a lot to keep themselves in physically fit condition. Maybe the teams they play have kids not physically conditioned to take the abuse. Remember the kids playing most likely don't workout at all until just before football practice starts. Then it comes all back to coach. The coach's ability to get the kids to execute plays . But if the best coach in the world doesn't have a halfway decent physically fit team to work with chances of success are not good. Here is a good example. Borden Co. lost almost everybody now , down to one senior one junior returning from what i'm told. Even though I think the coach is pretty darn good, literally his chances are not good, and he will lose games they have not lost in many years. That's the way things work out in high school. They have what they have. Start recruiting from other close districts for good players if you want a better team. That's how BC survived past years, kids from other districts. That's just one small example.
Is what I think he was trying to be considerate and leave a glimmer of hope that instead of it being a fact that you were knowingly writing fiction sorta like the words that run out of most politicians mouth it is usually the same that runs out the south end of a north bound Bull. Did that help or did I cloud up your water.
JAFO":nd35nzp8 said:
But if the best coach in the world doesn't have a halfway decent physically fit team to work with....

JAFO, That just doesn't happen.

JAFO":nd35nzp8 said:
Here is a good example. Borden Co. lost almost everybody now , down to one senior one junior returning from what i'm told. Even though I think the coach is pretty darn good, literally his chances are not good, and he will lose games they have not lost in many years.

Another point of interest JAFO. Trey Ritchey can take Freshmen and Sophomores and thrash most all senior teams. Believe me, literally his chances are good.
Two items I think need to be addressed;

1. Should topher be forced to only post about his super hot, hot pepper plants? It seems like he gets into lots of trouble when he posts about any thing else.

2. Who gets the pleasure of cutting off JAFO's fingers so we don't have to read what he types anymore?

Please submit your vote on each subject here.