
Take 2 aspirin and call them in the morning. Sorry you're sick Mom. I think Doc Tinkle is gonna be a little under the weather also after tonights game.............
Mom, there isn't a non-alcoholic flu remedy. I would normally recommend whiskey & peppermints, but you've already rejected that...
Smokey, I won't be under the weather. My boys played hard & never stopped trying. That's enough for me.
pojocrusader":3h27f69n said:
Vics humidifiers helps releive chest congestion, it said so on the commercial. hope that helps
They work well if you dissolve the peppermints in the whiskey before you put the mixture into the humidifier.
Caution - don't let kids into the room with the humidifier.
Cold-eze will help with the cold like symptoms. Sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. But for the heavy flu stuff, fever and feeling like death in a can, hopefully you have antibiotics for that.
Unfortunately a viral illness
has to be beat into submission.
It never really goes away
it just goes dormant for a while.
I take multiple doses of that EMERGEN-C
when I start feeling bad.
It's a mega dose of vitamin C
in a delicious(?) drink mix.
The idea is to build up your immune system
so your body can fight off the virus itself.
(I don't think antibiotics work on the flu
cuz it's not an infection per se).

Drink lot's of green tea.
If you grow any herbs yourself,
and you prolly should,
put them in the tea mix also.
Rosemary, Lemon balm, He Show Wu, any kind of Mint
all grow easily in Texas
and they have more digestible vitamins than any pill.

Stay in bed
not on the couch!
Your men can fend for themselves
while your body is healing.
Doctors orders.
Double shot of Nyquil then to bed with an electric blanket or heating pad, got to raise the internal temps to burn the wee beasties to death. Repeat for day 2 if needed.
We are, Gentlemen, forgetting Mom's caveat. She said NO ALCOHOL as her prescribed medications prohibit the use of ETOH based remedies.
My first suggestion would be to ditch the prescriptions. The second would be to get a different Doctor.