
Besides my meds,
am I missing something?
Do I have the wrong team?
I thought it was Detroit???

so some team somewhere used to
have their home plate area/grass/dirt
cut out like the shape of a homeplate.
And I used to think it was pretty cool.
Now, I dunno.

(Y'all check out the how's bloomburg thread for a guy that really needs our help).
smokeyjoe53":3myrll7c said:
No, this guy makes rainjack look cool........
I gotta agree with you smokey. Rainjack is a jerk, but this guy is - well, I better not say what I think he is.

Hey mom, did a kid get kicked off the team? If so, that's probably who we're dealing with.
CowboyP":3bvwl07u said:
smokeyjoe53":3bvwl07u said:
No, this guy makes rainjack look cool........
I gotta agree with you smokey. Rainjack is a jerk, but this guy is - well, I better not say what I think he is.

Hey mom, did a kid get kicked off the team? If so, that's probably who we're dealing with.
No, we didn't have anyone kicked off the team. We have one out for the season with a lisfranc injury, and one with a broken collar bone, we are down to 6 players. But they are 6 players with a lot of heart!!!
6manfootballmom":i164p9lv said:
No, we didn't have anyone kicked off the team. We have one out for the season with a lisfranc injury, and one with a broken collar bone, we are down to 6 players. But they are 6 players with a lot of heart!!!

Back when dirt was new, my senior year in HS, we started the season with 7 players. Went through preseason workouts with 25. We didn't win many games, but After all the complainers and trouble makers quit, it was the most fun season I had in HS.
Yay!!!! I'm so glad to be home. I left my house this morning at 7:30 am and finally got home at 9:15 pm. Our game was over an hour late because we were stuck in traffic, it took us a little over an hour to go 3 miles (interstate was closed due to construction). I really do not like Dallas traffic.
Thank the Lord for a no injury game today.
I think any ONE of us
would qualify.

If helping a 6man sister
reach 6man fan status
was our initial goal,
and I believe it was,
then we've achieved our goal
and then some!!

It would be cool to
hit the next level
of drivel soaked and bloated post count status.

Oh, and football.