
hornkeeper12":3rb67twz said:
Sorry, I w@#ked a lot this weekend, I know, its no excuse.
I will try to do better.

With hard work and dedication by all, I believe we can not only keep this thread in the top 6 at all times, but surpass 50 pages by the end of the season.

I believe!!
Let's watch that kind of talk, people may start to think that we are not the scurrilous slackers and ne'er-do-wells that have made us what we are today.
Goal setting is fine for lesser mortals, but we need to stick to the somewhat low principles we have established.
Man it's a long way to/from Ft. Davis. I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet.
I found this quote and somehow it reminded me of us. If this is not our motto, it should be:

"There is not enough time to do all the nothing we want to do."
Bill Watterson

Either that or: "We strive for mediocrity"
Smokeyjoe53, circa 1997
I was watching the news earlier and saw a clip of a cyclist in Africa riding a trail and out of nowhere an antelope plows over him. That was hilarious, did anyone else see it?
You know Mae, I realize you have had to overcome a lot of obstacles what with being married to OFB and all, but pulling for the Tigers. Come'on Man!!
I can understand it though. My wife had a really sweet great aunt that was a huge Tigers fan. She lived just outside Detroit. I always had kind of a soft spot for the Tigers because of her.
How bout that walk off the other night, Man!

Not that I'm rooting for them or anything,
but I always liked their home plate area
in the shape of a home plate.

That's so cool!