
Old Bearkat":3221lgzd said:
A boat has a ladder that has six rungs, each rung is one foot apart.

The bottom rung is one foot from the water.

The tide rises at 12 inches every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in one hour.

When the tide is at it's highest, how many rungs are under water?
Duh, Ah tink it be nun a dem cuz dont a boat float.
ah dunno.
mae08":2zs8q4jv said:
Thanks mom.. Kinda scary to find out there more guys out there like ofb though lol. I thought he was one of a kind
I think men in general are one of a kind.....they are all little boys in grown up bodies.
6manfootballmom":7z7lmdsz said:
mae08":7z7lmdsz said:
Thanks mom.. Kinda scary to find out there more guys out there like ofb though lol. I thought he was one of a kind
I think men in general are one of a kind.....they are all little boys in grown up bodies.

The main difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.
I may grow older, but I absolutely refuse to grow up.
Old Bearkat":39hrr262 said:
6manfootballmom":39hrr262 said:
mae08":39hrr262 said:
Thanks mom.. Kinda scary to find out there more guys out there like ofb though lol. I thought he was one of a kind
I think men in general are one of a kind.....they are all little boys in grown up bodies.

The main difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.
I may grow older, but I absolutely refuse to grow up.
My thoughts exactly!
Sorry, I w@#ked a lot this weekend, I know, its no excuse.
I will try to do better.

With hard work and dedication by all, I believe we can not only keep this thread in the top 6 at all times, but surpass 50 pages by the end of the season.

I believe!!
hornkeeper12":915ooeb0 said:
Sorry, I w@#ked a lot this weekend, I know, its no excuse.
I will try to do better.

With hard work and dedication by all, I believe we can not only keep this thread in the top 6 at all times, but surpass 50 pages by the end of the season.

I believe!!
You all have some very big goals!