
6manfootballmom":34rq3ozd said:
hornkeeper12":34rq3ozd said:
6manfootballmom":34rq3ozd said:
I knew y'all could be nice!!! I just read some of the comments from Fajitapete's Top 30 D1 after 6 weeks of play and y'all tore that guy to shreds! I like our threads better, way more fun.
You'll find that anything "that guy" gets is well deserved. As soon as he figures out who you associate with, he'll be on you like white on rice.
Just let him try....I've got brothers on here that can take care of him.
I will enjoy every minute of it.
It took awhile to get through it all, but I'm pretty sure I lost a few IQ points throughout the reading of this thread!! Now do I need to ride the short bus too?
mae08":3826kn0h said:
It took awhile to get through it all, but I'm pretty sure I lost a few IQ points throughout the reading of this thread!! Now do I need to ride the short bus too?
Looks like you'll fit right in. I think the short bus may already be overcrowded. (But it's way more fun)
mae08":3ubewufl said:
It took awhile to get through it all, but I'm pretty sure I lost a few IQ points throughout the reading of this thread!! Now do I need to ride the short bus too?

You married me. Didn't you realize you've been on the short bus for a long time?
olderelk":1qq4pedd said:
mae08":1qq4pedd said:
It took awhile to get through it all, but I'm pretty sure I lost a few IQ points throughout the reading of this thread!! Now do I need to ride the short bus too?
Looks like you'll fit right in. I think the short bus may already be overcrowded. (But it's way more fun)
We don't ride the short bus because we have to. We do it because we want to!
Re: Newby
olderelk wrote:
mae08 wrote:
It took awhile to get through it all, but I'm pretty sure I lost a few IQ points throughout the reading of this thread!! Now do I need to ride the short bus too?

Looks like you'll fit right in. I think the short bus may already be overcrowded. (But it's way more fun)

We don't ride the short bus because we have to. We do it because we want to!
olderelk":3r3r663t said:
mae08":3r3r663t said:
It took awhile to get through it all, but I'm pretty sure I lost a few IQ points throughout the reading of this thread!! Now do I need to ride the short bus too?
Looks like you'll fit right in. I think the short bus may already be overcrowded. (But it's way more fun)
We don't ride the short bus because we have to. We do it because we want to!

I should fit right in..My girlfriends and I are always joking around like this, but we make more fun of our husbands than each other..
mae08 wrote:
I should fit right in..My girlfriends and I are always joking around like this, but we make more fun of our husbands than each other..

Why am I suddenly getting worried again? :)
Because you should be!! Be afraid by very afraid: MUAHHAHAHAHAHAH