
CowboyP":7jhf32d2 said:
Dogface":7jhf32d2 said:
those may get re-gifted.
up to Silverton
or something.
Come on doggy. Hornkeeper said he thinks you'll be cute in pink.
I look good in any color.

We must remember our Billy Gibbons:
"...cuz every girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man."
6manfootballmom":1tuqn6pq said:
CowboyP":1tuqn6pq said:
Dogface":1tuqn6pq said:
those may get re-gifted.
up to Silverton
or something.
Come on doggy. Hornkeeper said he thinks you'll be cute in pink.
Hey Doggy, I got some really cute hairbows and a fancy necklace you can wear with that pink camo.
I knew you were a bow and bling girl!
6manfootballmom":aoc1tbqo said:
Dogface":aoc1tbqo said:
I knew you were a bow and bling girl!
I won't deny being a bling girl, gotta love them diamonds and sapphires and rubies and emeralds and..........
Oh Lordy, What have we created? What happened to that sweet little innocent who posed a simple question 18 pages ago?
Next thing you know she and Goob will be buddies.
I am gonna have to be away a few hours. Having a little trouble with my eyes. Doc dilated them again and it is uncomfortable keeping them open. (at least that is what I am telling my DSW)
I seem to recall Doggy wanting to be “verbally slapped around by a football chick” and Cowboy “intending to corrupt as many newbies as possible”. I should have taken OFB’s advice and put a lock on my computer and phone. I warned you that the “nice” me wouldn’t be back until November 1st. If you guys can’t handle what you’ve created, might I suggest you hide under the porch. Bahahahaha !!!!! (evil laugh)
smokeyjoe53 said:
I am gonna have to be away a few hours. Having a little trouble with my eyes. Doc dilated them again and it is uncomfortable keeping them open. (at least that is what I am telling my DSW)
Smokey, I know how it feels to have your eyes dilated. I had surgery on both of my eyes and now have to have them dilated a couple of times a year. Hope your eye problems go away soon.
Oh no....nice me came out for a second....there, had to send her away again.
6manfootballmom":1ai8ftcz said:
I seem to recall Doggy wanting to be “verbally slapped around by a football chick” and Cowboy “intending to corrupt as many newbies as possible”. I should have taken OFB’s advice and put a lock on my computer and phone. I warned you that the “nice” me wouldn’t be back until November 1st. If you guys can’t handle what you’ve created, might I suggest you hide under the porch. Bahahahaha !!!!! (evil laugh)
Actually mom, I'm impressed & proud. You've earned your wY into our family. You've proven you're just like us!
6manfootballmom":1x4k671c said:
CowboyP":1x4k671c said:
Dogface":1x4k671c said:
At first glance,
I thought Smoky said
"What did you use?
A bat?"
That could be why she won't tell.
Ok, don't laugh....2 friends and I liked him, so we write him a note asking him which one he liked and it turned out to be me and we have been together ever since. No bat needed, haha.
Didn't catch this first time round
ain't that like a GeorgeStrait
check yes er no
kinda thang?
Don't know if I can stand so much sweetness?
6manfootballmom to coin a Jeff Foxworthy joke, if your front porch falls down and more than 10 sixmanfootball "instigators" hiding under it gets whacked, they iz a hidin'!