Jonesboro vs. Oglesby

The only thing I can think of that us and Jonesboro have in common is Ray Martin. He was from Jonesboro but coached in Oglesby for a long time.
HP Drifter":322h6qyg said:
OBK: What an obscure reference. Probably only two people on this board understand that. Ha


Maybe three.....
OBK that's awesome! I love history and have looked up William Oglesby a lot but never heard of Babb. That Cranfill guy is he the founder of Cranfills Gap? This rivalry does diserve a name!
Cardinal Dad wrote Bit of trivia for you,

Once upon a time, back in the day, I dunked the ball in Oglesby and bent the rim down a couple of inches in the front. What team did I play for?[/quote]

LA, you are Kareem Abdul Jabbar
The more physical team wins and I believe that is Jonesboro. Is this the district Champion ship or will Walnut Springs or Iredell have a say when its all said and done. This is a very tough district we may see 3 way ties when its all said and done. Wonder what the tie breaking system is ? Second place of this district get The Real RS so am pretty sure everyone is trying to be the district winner.
texas man":2xa3y40d said:
The more physical team wins and I believe that is Jonesboro. Is this the district Champion ship or will Walnut Springs or Iredell have a say when its all said and done. This is a very tough district we may see 3 way ties when its all said and done. Wonder what the tie breaking system is ? Second place of this district get The Real RS so am pretty sure everyone is trying to be the district winner.
This district had a 3 way tie back in the 80's. It was decided by a coin flip. Iredell was district champs aand Jonesboro was the runner up. Cranfills Gap stayed home due to losing the flips. I am not sure what the current system is.
CT6MFL":4e3d09q6 said:
Can you imagine, if the 3 ghost schools were still going.
I think one of the ghost schools would win just because ghosts are so hard to catch. They would probably be competitive against each other though. WHo ya gonna call?
Swayback is around Purmela. Babbsville is the old Pancake, TX. The only BABBS I know is of an ol' man that was a health inspector for many, many years. I once asked him about it and he remembered when they still called it that. I think he lives around Gustine or Comanche now though.
Mozelle is a tad to far west for that district I think....

and I'd say if those schools were all still up and going Turnersville would be the favorite...isn't that where a lot of the Jonesboro talent has came from thanks to consolidation (legit question I'm asking there)