Future Changes (Suggestions Welcome)


Six-man master
Before the season comes to an end and everyone goes into hibernation mode, awaiting next season, I wanted to give everyone a head's up on things that I'll be working on this off-season. I also wanted to give an opportunity for y'all (especially those of you who are coaches) to recommend changes that you'd like to see made to the site before next season to make it easier to use.

Here are some things on my list already, in no particular order.

  • Update the overall look/style of the site. The plan here is just to make the site look a little better overall. I think the colors could be different, a new logo needs to be in place and I'd like to get some action shots from some games in the background. I will, most likely, be using images that have been uploaded into our media gallery for this so if you'd like your images to be considered, feel free to upload them there.
  • Make it easier to report errors with schedules. I'd like to have a way for folks to click a "report" button right on the schedule or game to report errors.
  • Make it so that coaches and/or school representatives can edit their own schedules, even after they've been submitted.
  • Update the team pages to include more data such as division/district rank and standings.
  • Live score update changes. I'm still not completely sure what I'd like to do here, but I'm thinking something needs to be done differently for getting live updates. The text updates for the live scoreboard is nice, but there isn't much control there and it's fairly hard to find individual scores on that page. If I can't come up with something better we'll roll with texts again, but I'll definitely keep folks posted on this one.
  • Better playoff brackets. This year I just threw something together quickly because playoffs came up on me way too fast and I wasn't ready! Next year I'm hoping to have a better bracket that displays more info (date/time/locations), or at least has a button to click that will show a popup with that info. I'd also like to have it so that when a score is added the bracket is automatically populated so that scores don't have to be added in two separate locations.
  • Speaking of playoffs, how about a playoff pick'em? This is one that I wish I'd known about at least several weeks ago and I would have tried to get it added this season. Too late for that, though, so next season it is!
  • Re-organize the forums. It's an awfully long scroll down the main forums page. I think having individual forums for each district is too much, and quite a few haven't even had a post in over a year, so those will probably be condensed. There are several other forums that have very few topics that I think can be combined.
  • Add historical score/ranking data.

Red - Implemented (I'm all done here)
Orange - Partially implemented (more work to be done)
Green - In progress

Again, please don't hesitate to let me know about any changes you'd like to see made for next season. This site is for y'all, the coaches and fans of six-man football. As such, I want to make sure it's as easy to use and informative as possible. Feel free to private message, email, or text me if you don't want to post your suggestions here.
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Rankings pre and weekly next to team name under the scores tab. Or at least the current rankings, I wont be to picky!! Stinks to have to flip between pages when looking at matchups each week.

Example from week one:

Example if this game was week six:
Motley County 1 / 146Westbrook 3 / 630

Yellow = pre season
Green = same or gain
Red = drop in rank
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All of those adjustments sound fantastic. Just a suggestion, but I think it would be neat to have "The Toy's" rankings, but also add a "Coach's ONLY Ranking" as well.

This is a neat idea. I'm assuming you're meaning we would have each coach rank the teams in their own division each week, similar to the NCAA coaches poll?

Rankings pre and weekly next to team name under the scores tab. Or at least the current rankings, I wont be to picky!! Stinks to have to flip between pages when looking at matchups each week.

Example from week one:

Another good idea. I think this is something you'll definitely see incorporated for next season. Thanks!
Rankings pre and weekly next to team name under the scores tab. Or at least the current rankings, I wont be to picky!! Stinks to have to flip between pages when looking at matchups each week.

Example from week one:

Just as an FYI, I liked this idea enough to go ahead and implement it now. You'll now see each team's overall rank next to their name in both schedules and spreads. Thanks again for the suggestion!
Thanks for what you do.
I would like to be able to see in the little information box on the schedules , the teams division and division ranking. You already have the overall ranking there.
If it is already there and I just missed it, it won’t be the first time and you can just ignore this post. Thanks
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Thanks for what you do.
I would like to be able to see in the little information box on the schedules , the teams division and division ranking. You already have the overall ranking there.
If it is already there and I just missed it, it won’t be the first time and you can just ignore this post. Thanks

It's not there, but that is one of the things in my list so it will be there by next season.
Just another suggestion, while I’m thinking about it, can you restore the scores from previous years? I have been trying to locate the connection to find them on the new site and can’t find them. Thanks

And, while I am on my soapbox, does anyone know if the Sixman coaches assn website will ever be finished and updated? It’s been in a state of disrepair for a while now. Much of the great information that was previously on it is no longer there.
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Just another suggestion, while I’m thinking about it, can you restore the scores from previous years? I have been trying to locate the connection to find them on the new site and can’t find them. Thanks
Yeah, sure. I'll get some historical scoring data added too. I actually didn't realize that was something that existed before, and wondered why, but I've got it on the list either way.
Just another suggestion, while I’m thinking about it, can you restore the scores from previous years? I have been trying to locate the connection to find them on the new site and can’t find them. Thanks

And, while I am on my soapbox, does anyone know if the Sixman coaches assn website will ever be finished and updated? It’s been in a state of disrepair for a while now. Much of the great information that was previously on it is no longer there.
Good call!
I think a lot of coaches don’t want to “show all of their studs or up and comers stats to keep an “advantage” in a way. Truth is, film will show you the studs and who is the real deal or not. It would be great for the game imo if we coaches put the pride away and started documenting stats year in and year out from now on. Don’t know how many would be on board with that though.