Six-man fan
Where are we on crack back blocks this year? Are they still allowed? If not, can someone show me where to find the rule on that.
It actually does apply to somebody coming from outside to block inside. A player on the receiving end of a blind side block (i.e. a linebacker getting cracked) is considered defenseless. If the player you're blocking can't see the block coming, you can't hit him in the head or neck and you can't hit them below the waist.The head or shoulders deal is to protect a defenseless player, and that is a whole different deal.
.... leaving you feet to deliver a blow is 15 plus a trip to the bench.
would be a personal foul, every time, all the time. However the enforcement could not always be the previous spot. When this hit occurred and whether by the offense of defense would determine where the penalty would be enforced from. However these should be flagged. As mentioned earlier the lack of experience often plays a role. That plus the the wide openness of the game makes often difficult to pick up. Calling six man requires the official to have his head on a swivel much more than eleven guys who are out of the play all together just to smear him into the turf