Six-man fan
Sands has hired Jacob Massey

I guess that big old key ring will depend on how long he waits to quit one! The last key ring was from quitting one and accepting another on first day of two-a-days.He knows what he’s doing. I don’t think this is his first time straddling the fence. Hope he doesn't have to mops the floors carry that big ole key ring this time.
Public Schools
Balmorhea - open HFB/AD
Walnut Springs - open (HFB?)
Wildorado - open HFB/AD
Savoy - open HFB
Blum - open HFB
Paint Rock - open HFB
Hart - open HFB/AD
Guthrie - open HFB/AD (?)
May - open HFB/AD
Irion County - open HFB
Petersburg - open HFB/possible AD
Leakey - open HFB
Follett - open HFB or HBB
Fannindel - open HFB
Roby - open HFB/AD (?)
Highland - open HFB/AD
Loraine - open HFB/AD
Chillicothe - filled (Coach Sean Berry)
Trent - filled (Coach Slater Isbell)
Abbott - filled (Coach
Kyle Crawford)
Coolidge - filled (Coach Naphtali Fletcher)
Nueces Canyon - filled (Coach Lawdermilk)
Saint Jo - filled (Coach CJ Hantz)
White Deer - filled (Coach Kade Kittley)
Threeway - filled (Coach Wesley Rigdon)
Runge - filled (Coach Brent Bode)
Knippa - filled (Coach David Navarro)
Rotan - filled (AD- Coach John Stanaland) (HFB- Coach Joe Thomasson)
Rule - filled (Coach Gage Bozeman)
Fort Davis - filled (Coach Jonathan Hughes)
Leveretts Chapel - filled (Coach Keith Hughes)
Valley - filled (HFB - Coach Crockett Gilmore) (AD - Greg Ramsey)
Walnut Springs - filled AD (Coach Richard Dye) Football (?)
Lazbuddie - filled (Coach Shawn Kerr)
Baird - filled (Coach Nathan Hayes)
Throckmorton - filled (Coach Curtis Lowery)
Bronte - filled (Coach Bryce Meador)
Borden County - filled (Coach Craig Steele)
Blanket - filled (Coach Jalen Helms)
Hedley - filled (Coach Allen Grant)
Miami - filled (Coach Paul Hale)
Lefors - filled (Coach Brendan Fisk)
Aspermont - filled (Coach Pat Potts)
Rising Star - filled (Coach Brent Williamson)
Crowell - filled (Coach Aaron Maxwell)
Bluffdale - filled (Coach Jeff Fitch)
Sands - filled (Coach Jacob Massey)
Balmorhea has been filled for a month . Abel Garcia
Private Schools:
Beaumont Legacy Christian - open HFB
Weatherford Grace Christian Academy - filled (Coach Rick Smith)
Bluff Dale **Bluffdale - filled (Coach Jeff Fitch)
Super excited about this season.James Ball is leaving SLE to be the new HFB coach at May
Wuttt??? Where's he going and whose his replacement? That's a great program!Covenant Classical will have a new head coach this season. Coach Ron Abrams is not returning.