6 man History

CT6MFL":q0vqllfp said:
From Don's senior year annual

Someone should ask Mr Granger to add that picture to the website banner;)

Ditto. Look at all that HAIR! Thanks for posting this Cowboy.

Maybe it could be blown up and a copy put on display at the Don Hardin Texas Bowl also.
1988 Three Way. Drifter, I now know why I do not remember that iron pipe fence around the field. The old field I had played a couple of games on was destroyed by a tornado in 1977. It probably took out the grass burrs and goat heads too since no one else seems to remember those.

1988 Three Way.jpg
1988 Three Way 1.jpg
1988 Three Way 2.jpg
Man, I love those uni's.
Aren't throwbacks
just another way to honor
those who went before us?
I would like to someday do those
posed pic's for yearbook too.

A guy can dream can't he?
1974 Bryson, their first year ever to play 6 man. In 1959 they had gone to 8 man from 11 man, and then left 8 man after the 1973 season. In 1982 they went back to 11 man and stayed there until the 2000 season.
1974 Bryson.jpg
1974 Bryson 1.jpg
1974 Bryson 2.jpg